Nimki Mukhiya 21st April 2018 Written Update

Nimki Mukhiya 21st April 2018 Written Update by Atiba

Nimki Mukhiya 21st April 2018 Written Episode

Scene 1
Ram says to villagers that Babbu married Nimki infront of all and she is living with him with respect and honor. Nimki says yes they have given me equal rights, we sit together, eat together.. grandma and me.. Babbu you tell them too. Babbu says yes she is right, stop this fight please, Tettar doesnt want all this, if you want then he will not take part in elections. Ritu says but think if Nahar gets power then what we will happen? Kundan is just his pawn. Nimki says your future and decision is in your hands. Nahar and Kundan leaves. Nimki cheers for Tettar. Ritu calls Tettar and puts on speaker, Tettar hears Nimki cheering for Tettar and making people cheer for him too. Tettar is happy to hear it.

Mai says to Sweety that if Tettar doesnt get ticket then what will happen? Rekha

says I dont understand that we have to run on Nimki’s debts and Ritu is impressed with her, he goes in her room too. Sweety says what are you trying to say? Rekha says I am not putting any blame but he is always praising Nimki. Mai asks Rekha to go and work. Rekha says I just have to work and younger daughter in law roams in village. Mai shouts that she is not our daughter in law. Sweety says dont be angry. Mai says if Tettar doesnt get ticket then what? Sweety says he will not be able to bear it. Rekha says he will go crazy, we will have to tie him. Tettar comes there with phone on speaker, they all hear Nimki making people cheer for Tettar. All smile. Mai is happy too. Tettar says villagers are cheering for me.
In Ram’s house, Ram says my Nimki gave such nice speech. Babbu and Ritu are there too. Ram says now Nahar wont try to stand against our inlaws. He asks Babbu to keep villagers in check. Mauha says I will vote too. Ram asks Mauha to make tea for Babbu. Nimki says no he drinks green tea. Babbu says what? he murmurs to Ritu that we should leave otherwise we will have to drink tea. Ritu says we should leave, Tettar must be waiting. Tunee says you want to leave or you dont want to drink tea of this house? all look on. Nimki says dont say rubbish, we have to go for a work with Tettar. Ritu says yes, we have to go to party office, we will come by later. Babbu and Ritu leaves with family. Nimki pulls Tunee back and beats him. Tunee says what? Nimki says why you are doing all this? why you said that they dont want to drink tea here? why you want to hurt father? why you keep saying that palace people dont value me? he did so much for my happiness, if he knows all this then how will he bear all this? Tunee says I know everything, I know why you got married in palace, tell me the truth, why didnt you go to Patna? didnt they leave you behind? you are showing fake happiness to Ram. Nimki says what makes your heart happy is not fake, we hear fake stories in childhood to get happy, when I wanted shower, he made a fake one for me in his budget to make me happy, this is life, sometimes fake is real. Tunee says where did you learn these big words? Nimki says I watch shows on Tv, promise me to not talk about my life in palace infront of Ram, dont make him cry.
Outside house, Mono says to Ritu that I will become lawyer like you. Ritu says law is very nice field. Babbu says where is Nimki? call her. Ram asks Mono to bring her. Mono says she wont come on my saying. Mauha asks Babbu to bring her, she will come when he calls her. Dumri says they can go to cinema, Ram says I will check on her. Mauha says no let Babbu go. Dumri says she is your wife, call her. Babbu is awkward. Ritu asks him to go and call her. Mauha says she is your wife so call her.
In house, Nimki says to Tunee that I will make everything alright. Tunee says what right will you do? your inlaws didnt accept you, this Babbu doesnt love you and wont ever, what right will you do? Nimki is in tears, she wears glasses and looks away, she says tell me how beautiful I am. Tunee says you are very beautiful. Nimki says Babbu cant stay away from me, he will come to me, my inlaws will accept me and Babbu and my romance will start soon, you talk about value but see they brought me here to campaign for Tettar, they need me and that means power is in my hands, she holds Tunee’s hands and says what you think that anyone can fool Nimki? Tunee says no you can fool anyone. Babbu comes in house and sees Tunee and Nimki holding hands. Tunee says to Nimki that I miss your style. Babbu hears it and glares at them. Nimki sees him standing near door. Babbu says dont you want to go? will you keep holding his hand or come with me? Nimki says are you jealous that your wife is holding someone’s hand. Babbu says I know he is your childhood friend. Nimki says he is not just a friend but my ex. Tunee is shocked. Babbu gets angry hearing it. Nimki holds Tunee’s hand again and says Tunee keep calling me, she winks at him and says dont miss me too much, now leave my hand. Tunee is awkward and leaves her hand. Babbu glares at Tunee. He leaves in anger. Tunee smiles.

Secretary shows Mahtu speech of Nimki, Mahtu says did they send it to Kishan too? they were all cheering for Tettar. Kishan calls Mahtu. Mahtu says I understand what you want to say, I was thinking same too, I will call and final it today, he ends call and asks secretary to call Kundan.

Mahtu calls Tettar. Mahtu says whole village is cheering for you, come to party office. Tettar says why? Mahtu says just come or we can come to give you MLA ticket. Tettar says really? I am coming, thank you. Mahtu ends call. Tettar is happy.
Mai says to Sweety that I was so happy to hear people cheering for Tettar after so many days. Rekha says he was getting insulted for days, that Nimki became heroine, she will remain in front and Mai-Tettar will follow her. Nimki comes there and says to Mai that welcome me, I made Tettar’s name more respectful in village today. Mai says you didnt do anything, Babbu did everything.

PRECAP- Babbu and Sweety are in his room. Nimki stands near window and says to Babbu that you can change clothes infront of me, I can see your body, I have seen Abhi’s body too. Babbu gets angry and breaks a pot. Nimki says I didnt know you would get so jealous, just forget it, that was my past, you are my present. Babbu fumes in anger and points gun at her. Nimki looks on.

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