Porus 8th May 2018 Written Update

Porus 8th May 2018 Written Update by MA

Porus 8th May 2018 Written Episode

Puru and Laachi walk to boy and entertain him to cheer him up. Puru keeps a coin under bowls and asks to point out which bowl has coin. Boy keenly notices him. Hasti and Ambhi Kumar join them. Laaachi, Hasti, and Ambhi Kumar point at different bowls. Boy walks to them and points bowl with coin. Puru praises and asks to teach him. Vishuddi fumes in anger. Boy befriends Puru and his team. Puru then feeds boy and asks what is his name. He says his name is Moloy. Puru says it is vast montain’s name and tells mountain’s story. He then gives moral gyaan to boy that even he lost his father and he leaarnt from his father to fight for life, even Moloy should. Moloy asks what he can call him. Puru says brother, friend, whatever he wants to. Boy hugs him. Vishuddi gets more jealous seeing all this and

thinks Puru’s time finishes now and looking at her sharp poison filled nails walks towards him.
Alexander with his army heads towards Farsi army and says he knows Cletus and Ephastian’s thinking, they must be thinking after breaking Gordian lock what next. Ephastian says yes, our army is smaller than Darius’ army and our soldiers area afraid, so they should return back. Alexander burns bridge canceling their chance of returning back.

Vishuddhi walks towards Puru to engrave her poisoned nails into Puru Moloy reminisces Vishuddhi killing his father and coughs. Puru gets alert and turns. Vishuddi thanks Puru for cheering her brother, now she wants to take her brother down to apply medicine on his wounds. Puru asks Moloy to remember what he said and sends him with Vishuddhi.

Alexander addresses his soldiers that there is only 1 way to return, winning Isus. They will win or die, Darius cut our soldiers’ hand, so he sent Darius’ soldiers’ dead bodies to him. He is not a common human, he is Zeus’ son and untangled Gordian clock, he can win whole Asia. Ephastian chants king Alexander zinda bad.

Vishuddi ties Moloy to a chair and showing him poison asks to consume it, says she will not kill him, it is for her as she is vish kanya and it gives her strength to kill people. She says if she does not get poison on time, she gets rest less, Moloy has to befriend Puru so that she can kill Puru. Moloy asks why she wants to kill Puru who is so good. Vishuddhi angrily looks at him. Puru informs Laachi yesterday night’s whole event and says he does not know who did it, but his 6th sense says Vishuddhi is involved. meet shouts all men in the world are selfish, her father gave her to vish kanya’s to save himself, so only a person’s own life is important, soon Puru will die. Puru tells Laachi that his mind says Vishuddhi’s story is fake and reminds her all the incidents. Laachi says whatever it, they just followed their duty and tomorrow morning they will drop Vishuddhi and her brother to their village and finish this story. Puru says this story will not end so easily. Vishuddhi makes hole in boat and thinks boat will drown and will force Puru to reach shore, then she will kill Puru.

Laachi asks Puru what is he thinking. Puru says about Moloy, eh suffered so much in childhood. Moloy sees water level increasing and tries to free himself, but gets afraid seeing Vishuddhi. Hasti sees water in boat and says boat got hole. He calls Puru Puru rushes to him. Vishuddhi continues consuming poison and freeing Moloy says let us see if Puru will help him. Moloy says Puru will definitely come. Puru ask Hasti how did boat got hole. Hasti says he dos not know. They close one hole, but another emerges. Puru says this boat will drown, let us go towards shore.

Precap: Alexander faces Darius. Darius says he is Alexander. Alexander says he is sikandar and will defeat Darius today. Vishuddi says Moloy let us see if Puru will come to save him. Moloy sees Puru and calls him.

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