Kullfi Kumarr Bajewala 20th August 2018 Written Update

Kullfi Kumarr Bajewala 20th August 2018 Written Update by Tanaya

Kullfi Kumarr Bajewala 20th August 2018 Written Episode

Sikander explaining Amyra and Kulfi the importance of Independence day, he shows them pictures of heros who fought for freedom, and how they protested,Amyra feeling sleepy and falls asleep but Kulfi very excited, Sikander says go to sleep now tomorrow we will hear remaining story,Kulfi says Sikander sir loves Amyra so much,and tomorrow when we will go Chiroli and meet mama,i will know who my father is.

Kulfi says tomorrow i will see my village and mama,and falls asleep, Kulfi dreams of Setu handcuffed to tree and rushes to him,Nihalo dressed as Britisher stands in between,Bholi takes stand for Kulfi,Niahlo scolds,Kulfi sings sing representing freedom.
Kulfi wakes up scared and says god mami must be so angry since i left the place thank god i have Sikander sir with me.


takes bebes blessings and says pray for us,Kulfi says its unbelievable you will be coming with me,it will be fun,Lalwani walks in and says you leaving who will do rehearsals,do your personal work later, Sikander says i have to go, Lovely says Sikander your work is your workship how can you be so negligible,all convince him including Kulfi,Kulfi says Chiroli isnt going anywhere so we will go after concert,Lalwani leaves.
Lovely follows lalwani, Sikander thinks kulfi is doing so much for Amyra and i couldn’t complete one promise. lalwani says Sikanders success is because of you good you called me,now he will stay and focus on concert.

Amyra says guys i can’t sing in school function, Rohan says cmon Amyra we will win first price we helped you too,Amyra says that brought them more close and i lost all my gadgets so no more mistakes and this show is very important for me,and my biggest dream is to sing with dad,Kulfi runs in, Amyra says dont you have manners and knock and get in,Rohan makes fun of her and calls her cheat and liar.

Tevar says to registrar that he needs help and its urgent,he says i will call you when i get documents you need.Amyra and her friends teasing Kulfi,she shouts inqalab zindabad and runs to Sikander, Sikander asks what’s wrong, Kulfi says nothing let’s rehearse, Sikander says Kulfi fighting your fear is also freedom and you have to fight on your own so go, Kulfi says but Amyra and her friends are right but the way they did was so bad,i know im illiterate but i want to learn, Sikander says i will teach you,i will admit you in reputed school and help you with English, Kulfi says my mama said my baba will send me school why will you, Sikander says you will forget me when you will have your baba,Kulfi says never, Sikander says you will go away from me,Kulfi says ma said my baba stays in Mumbai so we will keep seeing eachother,both on tears,Kulfi says dont cry i dont like it, i will never forget you and hugs him, Sikander says me too.

Pre cap : Sikander scolds Amyra for not focusing and forgetting lyrics. Tevar catches Lovely burning the proofs.

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