Ishq Subhan Allah 10th May 2019 Written Update

Ishq Subhan Allah 10th May 2019 Written Update by Atiba

Ishq Subhan Allah 10th May 2019 Written Episode

Scene 1
Tara is praying. Kabir recalls how Tara was crying. She goes out with his bag. Shahbaz says you packed on good time. Kabir says to Kashan wont you give me blessings? He hugs him. Zeenat says Kabir you are getting late for the flight. Kabir says to Ayesha I know you are mad at me I am going away from you. Have a look at me once. He leaves. Kabir stops.
Zara is crying in prayer. Kabir looks at Ayesha and leaves. Ayesha says he did so wrong. He left. Kashan hugs him. Kabir hugs Aleena.

Zara is crying. Azra comes to Zara and says Kabir has left. Zara says my prayers wont go in vain. My God isn’t so cruel. She says Aleena called. He has left for Dubai.
Zeenat says to Kashan I am so glad. Kabir and Zara both are gone. Shahbaz says I dropped him off to airport. Kabir

comes in. Kashan says Kabir you.. Kabir hugs Ayesha and says how could I do this to you.
Kabir calls Zara. He says I want to give this relationship another chance. Will you meet me? She says yes. Zara says Kabir is coming to meet me. Zara hugs Azra.
Zeenat says do somethign. Shahbazz says KAbir i know you can decide between right and wrong. I will go with you.
Qazi says to Ameena i wonder why Shahbaz is allowing all this. He wasn’t ready for it.

Azra says Kabir must be praying for you. Kabir says God please show me the right way. I ask for your forgiveness. Ayesha says to Aleena I am so happy. Zara will come back to this house. Go prepare for her welcome.
shahabz says these days you are loudly going against your husband? She says I hope every girl is like Zara. He says we decided you wont interfere in outside matters and I wont in house matters. She says Zara is still my DIL and Kabir is my son. So this is a family problem. Zeenat says this Zara wont leave ever.

Ayesha comes to Ameena’s house. she says we want to take Zara home with all the rituals. We will take her home. Zeenat says so you are successful in fooling him again? Zara says love doesn’t fool anyone. Qazi says I want to meet Kabir before all this. Kabir comes outside Zara’s house. He collides with Zara. Kabir looks worried.

Precap-Zara says you were away from me for a year. Why? What consequence was my dad talking about? Why were you running to Dubai? I want answers to my questions.

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