Naagin 6 6th November 2022 Written Update

Naagin 6 6th November 2022 Written Update by H Hasan

Naagin 6 6th November 2022 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Rishabh finding Prarthana on the road. Prarthana tells him that her father was everything to her, and asks why did you kill him. Rishabh says I didn’t kill your father. Prarthana says no, I will not leave you and will give you the same death as my father. She holds Rishabh in her tail and is about to bite him. Pratha is running on the road and comes there. She finds Rishabh injured and Prarthana going from there. Pratha calls Rishabh. Rishabh says I love you so much and will love you even after death. Pratha says I will not let anything happen to you, she holds him with her tail and goes.

Zang and the Raichand smile. Zang’s man tells that truck has come. Zang tells that the precious diamond is in his hand which is equivalent to country’s wealth. Zang’s man tells that Shesh Naagin has killed Rishabh. Zang and the Raichand gets happy. Doctor checks Rishabh and tells that he went in coma. Chanda asks if we can let him stay with us. Pratha says Anmol can’t see him in this condition and asks where is she? Chanda says she has gone to meet a guy, I have sent her.

Anmol waits for the guy in the restaurant. Her friends call him. The guy comes there as the waiter and asks her to try the dish. She refuses and says she is waiting for the owner of this restaurant. Just then someone comes there and calls him Sir. Anmol says sorry. He says its ok and invites her for the Halloween party in the evening. Anmol smiles as he discuss about it. Anmol comes home happily and tells Chanda that she found her special guy and tells that Rithvik is good. She rushes to tell Rishabh and sees him in comatose state. She cries to see his state. Anmol tells Pratha that she will get engaged to Rithvik in front of Dad, so that he gets fine soon. Prarthana calls Rudra and asks him to come to the terrace. Rudra is sitting with Rishabh and tells that he will not spare the guilty. Rudra comes to Prarthana. Prarthana says I love you Rudra. Rudra says you knows just to bite being a snake. Prarthana is shocked and calls her Maa. Pratha takes her form as she changes to self from Rudra’s avatar. Pratha confronts Prarthana for attacking Rishabh. Prarthana says she didn’t do anything, but wants to take revenge from Rishabh ji and Rudra. They attack each other. Prarthana feels pain in her navel. Pratha tells that Naagraj takshak is calling you. Naagraj Takshak asks Prarthana to save the country and tells that if Shesh naag would have been here, then he would have saved the country’s treasure. Pratha tells that she cant help to save the nation as tomorrow is her daughter’s engagement. Takshak says if they don’t save the treasure then Zang will elope from the country. They leave.

Rudra tries to stitch button to his shirt. Prarthana stitches his shirt. Kesariya song plays…Rudra is leaving in a hurry. His father comes to him and says I need to make an important call. Rudra says I can’t give you mobile as there is important info in it. His father says you can trust me. Rudra gives his phone. His father checks in the mobile and thinks there is no information in it. Rudra takes out another phone from his pocket. Prarthana keeps eye on Rudra. Ranjeet Raichand gets the call from Zang, and he tells that they will all the treasure and he will leave with all the money. He tells that the clients will come to the Halloween party. Prarthana tells Pratha about Zang selling the treasure in the Halloween party.

Prathana comes to the party in Shesh naagin avatar, while Pratha comes there as Kiara. Anmol’s friend asks what is her avatar? Prarthana says Shesh Naagin. She takes out her naagin tongue surprising them. She then says it is special effects. She sees Prarthana and asks about her avatar. Pratha says she came as Kiara. Prarthana asks who is Kiara if she is celebrity? Pratha says she is Kiara who had made many lose their senses. Rudra and Naman come there. Rudra talks to Naman. He sees Prarthana and asks what she became? Prarthana says Naagin, Shesh Naagin. He laughs and says he didn’t get scare. Prarthana thinks he will get scared when she kills him. Pratha comes there. Rudra asks who has called them. Anmol comes there with Rithvik and tells that he has called them. She says she is going to get engaged to him. Rudra says ok and goes. Prarthana tells Rithvik that it is too early to get engaged. Rithvik says he has love at first sight. Pratha decides to get them engaged. Pratha comes to Urvashi and scares them in Kiara’s avatar. Patali feels pity on Pratha and asks what she will do with Prarthana. Pratha says I will decide, but will definitely not leave them. Zang comes there and welcomes all to the party. Prarthana is about to catch Zang with her tail, but Pratha stops her and asks her not to do anything in her real avatar, and says whatever they have to do, they will do together.

Naman comes to Anmol and tells that he heard about her engagement with Rithvik, but she will not forget Rudra. He says she did a good try that day. He gives her medicine bottle and says you can’t do it again. Anmol spikes the drink. She comes to Rudra and gives him drink. He refuses. Anmol says if you don’t drink then I will think that you haven’t forgiven me. Rudra takes drink from her and drinks. Anmol smiles. Prarthana looks at Anmol and Rudra dancing. Rudra’s parents look at him. Zang goes. Rudra tries to go behind him, but Anmol takes him with her. She tries to kiss him. Naman looks at them and calls Zang, saying work is done. Zang says today he will leave and asks Raichands and others to distribute the remaining treasure among themselves. Someone says plane is ready for him. Rudra pushes Anmol and asks her not to do that.

Zang goes to the terrace of the hotel. Prarthana finds diamonds on the floor and thinks he went that day. Rudra comes to Zang and aims gun at his head, asking him to give the diamond and all the treasure. He recalls not drinking the drink offered by Anmol. Rudra’s parents come there and hit something on his head. Rudra faints. His mother tells that he shouldnt have come here, first Rishabh and then you. Zang says Shesh Naagin has killed Rishabh thinking him to be her father’s murderer, but actually our men have killed professor. Prarthana hears everything.

Precap: Prarthana decides to give away all her powers. Pratha tells Prarthana that they have to save the country. Someone stabs Rishabh.

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