Kundali Bhagya 1st May 2023 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 1st May 2023 Written Update by Sona

Kundali Bhagya 1st May 2023 Written Episode

Ketan suggests Palki should have thought about what might happen if she gets caught, Rajveer tells Ketan it is enough explaining that he is about to marry her so should have at least some confidence that she cannot steal, when they are about to be a couple, ketan asks if he put the necklace in her bag.

Ketan’s mother is constantly trying to call Daljeet but wonders why is she not answering her call. Shaurya asks Sanju to see her face as she seems really tensed even when she was acting really brave while complaining against him to the traffic police. Palki once again requests Ketan’s mother to not call Daljeet when she says that she should tell her what has happened today, as it is due to her up bringing.

Daljeet is helping Mahi with her makeup, Mahi asks how good is she looking, Daljeet says she is looking like a moon and no girl is beautiful like her, Daljeet prays that Mahi should get a chance so she can become a super star, the peon informs Daljeet that her phone is ringing, she informs him it is nothing to be worried about.

The owner requests Daljeet to come aside as they have to click the photo, the photographer asks Mahi to turn to the right and keeps requesting her to turn right, Mahi and Daljeet get worried when Mahi keeps turning her face, so finally she asks how would her face be seen if she keeps looking back, the owner informs that they just need the photo of the Lehnga and of the back, hearing this Mahi is shocked so Daljeet starts arguing explaining they all would take the photo of the front, but the owner informs that they just need to take the photo of the ear rings and for that they need the side profile. Daljeet exclaims that if she is going to leave then will take her daughter with her, the owner informs that she cannot take Mahi with her since they have signed the contract of the photoshoot.

The peon asks Daljeet to answer the call since the same number is calling her so many times, Daljeet answers the call when Ketan’s mother keeps requesting her to listen about what might happen to her daughter, Daljeet exclaims that she can do whatever she feels like with palki. Mahi exclaims that she does not want to get the photoshoot, the photographer exclaims that her ears are really beautiful but Mahi leaves with Daljeet.

Ketan’s mother exclaims that her mother does not care even a little bit for her otherwise she would have listened to her, ketan and her mother turn to leave when Shaurya informs the manager how he could not let her leave, Shaurya mentions can he not see that she was trying to leave, Rajveer questions how can she not leave because she has not stolen anything and even if she had anything from this store, it has been removed from her bag. Shaurya informs that he showed faith in Palki but she ruined it and if he can go to jail while even being the son of Karan Luthra then she should also go to jail. Shaurya questions Rajveer what is he doing in the store when he came to purchase a necklace for his mother. Shaurya gets a call from the organizer of the event who request him to come since now even his parents have arrived, Shaurya explains he was feeling good while talking with Rajveer but now has to leave for the award function since he is actually really liked. Shaurya standing beside Palki exclaims he would have stayed here but has to go and attend the award function however will surely come to visit her.

Rajveer comes to palki asking what was he saying, she says that he said that he desires to see her locked up in jail. Palki assures she has not done anything and has no idea how did this necklace got in her bag, Rajveer exclaims he knows she is innocent.

Nidhi notices Karan is really furious when she instructs the waiter to bring some cold water for Karan, he asks if she thinks his anger would end when she will offer him the cold water explaining his mother does this when she wants to calm down anyone in an argument. Karan informs Nidhi there is no need to calm down because she said that Shaurya is on the way however he has still not reached the event, Nidhi explains they can talk about this back in the house, Nidhi explains there is no reason to be so furious as he just got a little late, karan instructs her to look around as everyone is waiting for him but he is not present, Karan suggests she should at least point whenever he makes any mistake informing it is not right to always allow him to make such mistakes, revealing this is why he does not listen to either of them because she allows him to do whatever he likes. The waiter brings the water for Karan when Nidhi keeps wondering where is Shaurya.

Shaurya is walking with Sanju who with a smile asks what has he done, Shaurya exclaims that he is one of those people who can take the revenge of his humiliation in just a single attack, Shaurya exclaims that he has really liked it so asks if Sanju can stay behind and record this moment for him when Sanju exclaims he would like to see him take the award. Sanju asks how did Shaurya manage to put the necklace when he exclaims it was all magic, he with a smile asks if should bang the bike but they leave.

Rajveer is requesting the manager to not suspect Palki can stela the necklace as it is not possible however the manager asks how is Rajveer so sure when he says because he knows Palki really well, the manager questions why is he having so much problem when her fiance and his mother are not bothered by it, Rajveer exclaims that he knows her really well, the manager explains he does not know what people would do when it comes to money, Rajveer replies he knows someone who can live a wealthy life if he likes but just desires to live a normal life.

Shaurya and Sanju reach the venue when Sanju offers to come after parking the car but Shaurya exclaims he will himself park the car, the receptionist refuses to let Sanju enter the venue demanding the pass, they ask him to step aside when he sees Shaurya so going to him explains they are not letting him enter, Shaurya asks Sanju to come with him but reaching at the entrance explains he doensot know him, so the guards threaten to call the police. Shaurya informs he has just remembered that Sanju is indeed his friend, Sanju gets furious with Shaurya who with a smile explains it was just a joke, Sanju replies Shaurya is still his brother.

The police come into the store asking about Palki, the manager informs she came to purchase a ring but was trying to steal a necklace, the inspector instructs the constable to arrest her. Rajveer explains palki is innocent and even tries to stop them, the inspector says that he would also be arrested so Rajveer says they can indeed arrest him. Rajveer questions Ketan why is he so quiet as he should know Palki cannot steal anything, ketan asks what is his problem. Palki informs Rajveer she is innocent when he replies he knows she cannot stela anything, Rajveer notices the camera’s so explains they can check the footage which will reveal the truth, the manager says they have seen the necklace in her bag. Rajveer says it is possible that the necklace might have gotten in her bag by mistake, Rajveer explains it is their right to know the truth and how can the police arrest Palki without any proof, Rajveer is really tensed while palki is crying.

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