Katha Ankhahee 4th May 2023 Written Update

Katha Ankhahee 4th May 2023 Written Update by Sona

Katha Ankhahee 4th May 2023 Written Episode

Katha enters Viaan cabin, he tells that he has ordered breakfast. Katha has brough breakfast for herself. Viaan will eat that as well. Viaan asks Katha what she wants to discuss. Katha starts going through her notes, Viaan asks if she is well. Katha is alright, got irritated by all the kids she met in the elevator today. Viaan laughs, kids have nothing else to do than being noisy. Katha remembers Viaan being friends with a kid who made him a painting. Viaan tells her that they are sports club friends, hops she doesn’t judge him for it. Katha asks for his name, Viaan tells the Dark Knight. Viaan says that his name is Batman, nothing more, Viaan is Robin. They both made a pact, it’s their secret identities. Katha taunts him for the adult friendship, Viaan questions her for judging him. Katha wouldn’t judge if they didn’t have such fictional names. Viaan doesn’t care, they made a pact that their friendship stays in this club. Katha asks if they ever met outside the club, Viaan never had to. Viaan tells that he was about to meet Batman’s mother yesterday, Katha questions him for trying to be friends with his mother. Viaan was feeling awkward, he agreed to meet the mother because Robin insisted. Katha says that Viaan should have met the mother. Viaan tells that Teeji coming in between ruined his friendship with Katha, he doesn’t want to take that risk with Batman as well. Katha has an important email to do, will meet Viaan in meeting. Viaan questions her, she called him early to discuss something. Katha will email him; he asks her to have breakfast, but she leaves. Viaan gets served two breakfasts.

In the meeting, Viaan tells congratulates everyone on the beautiful work being done in Lonavala project. Ehsan did a site visit and appreciated the work by saying some objectives Viaan cannot speak. Other than that Ehsan called the place boring, the child in Ehsan asked about the entertainment. Katha questions. Viaan has a suggestion, they can not ignore the Kids since the project is catering entire family. Viaan shows them his plan for an amusement park. Vanya apprentices the idea, she keeps checking her phone. Viaan shares his childhood memory with Ehsan, they used to play on sand, chase birds and animals there. He wants there to be something for every kind of kid, he shows them images of the plan. The design will be built near a stream. Katha questions the design for being far from the cottages, Viaan plans to give children their own space. Katha wants to give children their space but not create distance between parents and their children. Viaan calls Katha’s point of view dramatic, Katha taunts Viaan for looking at things from a child’s perspective but if that so than they will have lollipops and ice cream at lunch and dinner. Viaan is sure that everyone would enjoy the lunch but asks if Katha thinks that his plan is childish. Katha tells that cottages are east front while the amusement park faces west than how will parents keep an eye on their children. Viaan plans to install security cameras which parents will have full access to, parents don’t have to know everything anyways. Katha questions, parenting cannot be done by cameras. Viaan asks that toddlers play in home. Katha argues that it doesn’t matter, children play in every space they find. Viaan tells that they can built an adult section there with yoga rooms and libraries to so they can keep eye on their mini version, he agrees to make it away from river, but it must have a pond to give it a beautiful look. Vanya asks about single parents who cannot afford nannies. Katha agrees with her, which brings her back to her first point. She calls a break asking everyone to brainstorm and return with ideas. Everyone leaves. Viaan sits down, tells Katha that she designed the project, he will back off if she thinks that he is interfering. Katha tells that idea was her vision, the project and company is Viaan’s. She is surprised that Viaan didn’t argue her in the entire project but now refuse to consult in this matter where she is the expert. Viaan knows children himself, the new generation who is super smart, children born between gadgets require some grooming with nature as well. Katha tells that it takes years to understand children, parents try to process their children’s nature analyzing their every action and reaction. Katha has seen the time where she couldn’t remove eye from her son, Viaan would know if he had gone through that process. Viaan speaks from his experience with one eight nine-year-old whom he didn’t see growing up, Katha tells that there is a difference between friendship and fatherhood. Katha leaves.

Vanya is keeping an eye on her mother from her phone, she sees her falling down. Vanya tells Katha that she has to leave now, Katha questions as she just joined. Vanya tells that her mother fell down, mother don’t wait to listen to anyone when their children are hurt. Vanya leaves in hurry, Katha wanted to ask if she needed help.

Vanya comes home to her mother; she was already being treated by her male friend. Vanya takes charge, tells that her mother needs smile ointments to cure such small wounds, she is getting stronger. The male friends ask to order lunch. Vanya orders pad Thai noodles, green curry, and rice.

Katha comes home to Aarav showing Neerja how to remove his teeth with the thread, she is supposed to stick his teeth in that thread and close the door to break it. Katha wonders if Aarav is a doctor, engineer, or a fool. Neerja takes the thread from Aarav. Katha shows him the new board game she brought. Neerja went to bring snacks with this game. Aarav shows Katha the flying kick Robin taught him today. Katha recalls telling Viaan about him not knowing anything about fatherhood. She asks Aarav to ask Robin to go away, Aarav asks if she has dropped her idea to help Robin. Neerja makes Aarav stop talking about Robin, its family time for Aarav, Katha and Neerja only.
Viaan tells Ehsan that the design is wrong, Ehsan wonders how. Viaan tells that Katha showed him the real picture, they are bachelors and not thinking like father. Ehsan doesn’t want to become a father this young. Katha made him realize that he cannot think like a father, he had no answers to her logics. Fatherhood is long lengthy process Viaan knows nothing about, he needs to learn about parenting.

While playing the board games Aarav tells Katha that he wishes to break his teeth, put it under his pillow and pray to the tooth fairy to get Robin his friend. Neerja calls him cute for thinking so. Katha asks if he won’t wish anything for her. Aarav will wish for no one to come between him and his mother. Katha considers it interesting; it will confuse the tooth fairy as well.

Ehsan requests Viaan not to start again. Viaan thinks that he needs to learn about fatherhood properly to get to Katha and her son. After many years Ehsan is realizing that Viaan likes to make things complicated. Ehsan pours himself a glass of wine, offers one to Viaan. Ehsan is shocked to see him googling lectures on parenthood, tells that Viaan would need stronger wine for this. Viaan has no other option, it’s a lifetime responsibility which he needs to take seriously. Viaan will considers this his goal that he will achieve, treat like a proper course, and learn everything, he wants to top this course. Ehsan allows him to do as he wants while he enjoys his drink. Viaan studies all night, Ehsan falls asleep.

PRECAP: Katha tells Neerja what he said to Viaan, he never had a good relationship with his father. She fears him doubting himself as a father. Viaan tells Ehsan that a child’s relationship reflects his father’s relation with his grandfather. Ehsan knows very well how well Viaan got with his father, he doesn’t want the negative shadow to effect his future relationships. Katha sees Viaan sleeping in his office with a book on being Dad in his hand. Ehsan questions Katha for asking him about Viaan, Katha tells that Ehsan asks her about Viaan as well. Ehsan talks about Viaan because he is his best friend, asks what is he to Katha.

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