Bigg Boss 17 14th November 2023 Written Update

Bigg Boss 17 14th November 2023 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss 17 14th November 2023 Written Episode

Day 30

4:30 PM

Anurag tells Ankita that I can’t get my family involved in this show. He will voluntarily exit from the show. Ankita says you can give 2 crores? Anurag says my relationships matter to me. I can’t live with people who are being personal to me. Ankita says you want your followers to be disappointed in you? don’t disrespect them and your family.

Mannara tells Abhishek that she doesn’t want to nominate him.

Ankita tells Rinku that I feel like eating sour food, I think there is something wrong. Rinku says maybe its a good news. Ankita says we didn’t do anything here so how can it be? Rinku says it must be a good news, we will take care of it. She laughs.

Anurag tells Vicky that relationships matter to me. Vicky says you can talk to psychologists here. Ankita says he said he wanted to quit, I told him to be careful.

5 PM

Khanzaadi falls down and sprains her ankle. Abhishek rushes to her and asks if she is okay?

Isha tells Neil that Abhishek can fall down in emotions, I feel like Khanzaadi is using him for convenience, she is just using him for the game.

Abhishek helps Khanzaadi is getting up. She says its hurting but I am okay.

6 PM

Bigg Boss calls everyone to the lounge. He says you people shouldn’t forget that this is my area even if its your houses. Its time to bring up a new twist. Its time for the report card and you can change your address. We have published your report card which shows where you will be shifted to. He asks them to go and check.

House 1 – heart house

Samarth, Munawar, Mannara, heart house, Ankita, Isha

House 2 – Power house

Vicky, Anurag, Tehelka, Arun, Sana

House 3 – brain house

Neil, Aishwarya, Jigna, Rinku, Navid, Khanzaadi

Bigg Boss says most people are happy in their houses but Samarth isn’t happy. He says I am happy. Bigg Boss asks Ankita why is she sad? she says my husband went to another house. Bigg Boss says Vicky is happy there. Vicky says I am happy here, we will make this house a top one.

6:15 PM

Vicky comes to Ankita, she says leave me alone, you wanted to be alone so leave. He says I didn’t say that. Ankita says get lost, this is my room. Vicky says what’s my fault? Ankita says you are laughing and enjoying there, I hate you. You are a selfish idiot, Vicky says what’s my fault? I am alone there. Ankita says you think you are smart? don’t talk to me, forget we are married.

6:30 PM

Vicky tells Ankita to not feel bad. Ankita says I did a mistake by marrying you, I was a fool. You were always smart and shrewd, you used me. Vicky says why are you saying that? why are you angry with me? Ankita says you were excited to change houses. He says its okay. Ankita says I don’t want to stay here, you know I need you. Vicky says its okay, we will stay nights together. I will tell Abhishek to switch. Ankita says you don’t even want to sleep with me. Vicky says you are making things difficult for me. I can’t even leave and go away from you. I brought you to Bigg Boss for myself, to use your mind for my gain but now others will take advantage of it.

Isha tells Munawar that Ankita is stressed. He says she is worried about separating from Vicky.

6:45 PM

Abhishek tells Ankita to not worry too much, you are not happy with Mannara here? She says I don’t care. Samarth says I can change bed with Vicky if you want. She says its okay. We will play game using heart and brain both. She tells Isha that we are one team but we have to show individual personalities.

Khanzaadi tells Abhishek that I was shadowed because of Munawar so I am happy.

Mannara tells Jigna that she will miss her.

Ankita comes to Vicky and hugs him. She cries and says I will miss you. Vicky says I will be here. Isha comes there and says you can stay here all day. Samarth says I can even switch bed if you want.

7 PM

Vicky tells Ankita that it will be okay. Munawar tells Ankita that he won’t share a bed with Mannara. Ankita tells Munawar to come to their room and tells Vicky to go to his room.

8 PM

Vicky tells Ankita to control her tongue. You were insulting me and if I do that then you will become coward. She says what did I do?

Anurag tells Abhishek that he isn’t scared of anything now because he is nominated.

Ankita tells Vicky that she didn’t say anything to him? Vicky says if I said to Sana that we should go to our room and you should go to your room then you won’t be angry? you said that in front of Munawar. I went to a room where I don’t know people much. Ankita says even in my house, I don’t have close people. Vicky says you still have Isha and Abhishek. Ankita says what can I do? Vicky says don’t be childish, you keep insulting me but I can’t even be upset? You don’t understand anything but if I call you out then I am wrong. He leaves. Ankita says you are illmannered.

Vicky is joking around with Munawar and Abhishek. He says Ankita is my responsibility. Ankita says you don’t love me anymore. She tells Isha that I just want to leave. She hears Vicky laughing and ignoring her. Isha consoles her and says don’t cry. She says he doesn’t care about me at all.

11:15 PM

Vicky tells Ankita that if you disrespect me then I will do too. Ankita says you don’t care if I am hurt or not, you are cheap and selfish. I am feeling happy that I could see all that. Vicky says I didn’t see you crying.

Arun tells Jigna and Rinku that Sana is capable of playing the game. Rinku says keep your people closer.

Vicky hugs Ankita and says I am sorry. She says leave me alone, you don’t have time for me. You were like this only. I didn’t understand you. I am going to sleep. She leaves.

Vicky tells Abhishek that its a test for me and Ankita. Khanzaadi asks how is he feeling? He says fine but we will figure it out together. Ankita calls him and says don’t show fake concern to them then, you don’t care about me. I feel bad that my husband doesn’t care for me. I feel jealous of Aishwarya, Neil cares for her so much. What wrong do I have that you don’t love me? I feel alone but you don’t care. Vicky says can I say something? Ankita says you don’t care about me, you take me forgranted. You didn’t come to talk to me. I am so done. I should have opened up before, I am dependent on you emotionally. I can’t stay here, I don’t have a mind like you. I just want to go home. I can’t stay here, I have lost myself with you. I have changed with you. Ankita tells Vicky that she is done. He says what can she do? you should know what you want to do next, you call me fake and a liar. He angrily leaves.

Abhishek asks Khanzaadi if she is serious about him in anything? She says we shouldn’t focus on that, we should have just fun. He says I can’t do things for camera, if we do something here then we do the same outside the house in real life. She says I go with the flow, we can be serious when the time comes.

12 AM

Vicky tells Ankita that I always stood by you in your toughest time. Ankita says I want your opinion in everything but you don’t care. Vicky says what did I do if Bigg Boss changed my house? I was with you 2 years ago when it was the toughest time for me too. Ankita says the situation is different. Vicky says the situation you put me in was too difficult but you don’t have patience for this? you called me cheap and whatnot. You want me to turn to Neil? Ankita says I am sorry, I feeling bad. You are forcing me push down my personality. I can’t do this show. Vicky says you are spoiling our personal lives. Ankita says we came here together but you are giving importance to others. Vicky says we can go home if you don’t want to listen to me. You talk to everyone but I can’t talk to anyone? Ankita says I am all alone now. Vicky says I can’t bear this, he leaves.

Abhishek tells Munawar that Ankita is down withotu Vicky but she should have been prepared.

Ankita comes to Vicky and hugs him. He says its okay. Munawar tells them good night individuals. Abhishek picks up Khanzaadi and brings her to her bed.

Mannara talks to Munawar and tells him poetry that he takes away her worries. She says happy diwali. He says happy diwali. She says you were a monitor in brain house but I hope to see a different side in heart house.

Vicky tells Sana that we have to identify who is hiding behind herd and who are weaklings. Jigna, Rinku and others are weak players so we should target them.

Day 31

8 AM

The inmates wake up to BB anthem. They al dance to it.

10 AM

Anurag tells Vicky that I am done with this word community and people targeting me because of this brosina community. Here people are taunting me with my community name too, so what if I have an online community with me? I am mentally not okay.

Anurag tells Sana that I didn’t come here for people to bring up my personal life for TRP, I need a doctor to talk to.

12:30 PM

Anurag tells Isha that my community is important to me, people can’t make fun of it. Isha says they are guiding you, not making fun of you. Anurag says I am made fun of on weekends too. My parents would be sad too. Isha says you are captain of your community so Salman tries to guide you. Anurag says I don’t want people to tell me what’s right or wrong, I want to do what I think is right. Isha says you think you are right but you might not be. You can clarify things on weekend.

Sana tells Munawar that Anurag is hurt. Vicky says we can’t talk to him in this condition.

2:15 PM

Rinku asks Anurag if he took yogurt from them? He says yes. Rinku says you can’t do that, it was ours. He says you take things from us too. Rinku says enough is enough. Neil tells Anurag that its wrong. Vicky comes there and says don’t tell him he is wrong. Neil shouts that I am not talking to you. Vicky says so what? Isha takes some food items from there. Khanzaadi says that’s ours. They all run to get it. They are to steal it back from Isha.

Khanzaadi sits with Abhishek and sings a song. Munawar joins them.

Anurag tells Tehelka and Arun that he can’t talk to other people. I don’t have anything against you both. I wanted to stand with you. Arun says then we are with you.

Anurag tells Tehelka that I am made fun of because of my community.

3 PM

Bigg Boss calls all inmates to the lounge. He asks Anurag to come to the confession room. He goes there, Bigg Boss says you asked for a psychiatrist right? He says yes, I am feeling disturbed. Bigg Boss says do you really need one or did Vicky suggest you that? He says no I want one. Bigg Boss says we watch you 24/7 and the psychiatrist will decide if you need him or not. Anurag says people are bringing up Brosena for no reason. Bigg Boss says who brought them first? he says I did but they are misusing that name. Bigg Boss says you brought them first so why are you questioning others? Anurag says they say that its my strength but they are mocking them. Bigg Boss says you like to talk about them as you strength but if others talk about them then they are wrong? Anurag says but they mock it. Bigg Boss says Isha is a 19 years old girl and her life was opened here but she handled it well, are you a crybaby? If Salman told Aishwarya to be nice to her husband then he was wrong to give her feedback? Anurag says Salman talked about Brosena for no reason. Bigg Boss says how many times did you bring them up? Anurag says I can take feedback but don’t take Brosena’s name? Bigg Boss says you started it first. Your identity is because of Brosena. Anurag says no, my identity is because of myself only. Bigg Boss says you are discounting your fans too. If we give feedback to you on weekend then its for your benefit only. Anurag says I just don’t want Brosena to be brought up. Bigg Boss says you want to leave house then? Anurag says I can’t survive if this goes on. Bigg Boss says we can remind you about the contract. You brought up Arun’s family in the fight, you bring up your community but if others do then you get angry. I will remember that you don’t need feedback. All others hear that. Anurag tells Bigg Boss to not talk about his community in front of others. Bigg Boss says you have questioned Salman Khan so he will handle it with you now. You can leave. He leaves.

7:30 PM

Ankita tells Munawar and Abhishek that she cleans the slab of the kitchen after cooking. Abhishek says you never clean it. I always do it. Ankita says you don’t know so don’t talk. Abhishek says you never did. She says don’t talk to me in this tone. Abhishek says I am catching you in a lie. Ankita says don’t raise your voice. Vicky says she sometimes cleans the slab. Ankita says he talks to me in a negative tone, I tried talk to him nicely but he is a dog. Abhishek shouts that you started showing attitude, get lost. Ankita says you are crazy. Abhishek says she never cleaned the platform. Ankita says he started barking again, get lost. Abhishek says you run away from work unlike you. He says Ankita can wash dishes from now on. She says how will you decide that? I won’t talk to you anymore. She shows him middle finger. Abhishek says you are cursing me and showing me middle finger, this is your real face. If a guy had done it then you would have created a big scene. Ankita laughs at him and tells Vicky that he is bugging me. Vicky tells her to calm down and tells Abhishek to stop it. Abhishek says she cursed me. He says you fought back so its okay now. Ankita says let me handle him. Abhishek says I will calm down because of Vicky only. Vicky tells Ankita that she crossed a line. She says don’t interfere in this matter.

Vicky tells Ankita that she shouldn’t give importance to Abhishek.

Mannara tells abhishek that Munawar has to choose between Ankita and I now. He can keep playing a diplomatic game.

Mannara steals chaat masala and brings to her room. Abhishek sees that. Samarth is excited to find chocolate box.

1:45 AM

Ankita tells Abhishek that she had a good bond with him but he raised tone on her. You think I am dominating but I am not. You keep taking my name. Abhishek says I don’t think I can bond with you. Ankita says we have to spend time together so I wanted to clarify.

Mannara tells Munawar that Vicky gave a narrative to Anurag that his Brosena must be angry at him so he got worried. He played with his emotions.

Abhishek goes to lie in Khanzaadi’s bed.

The nomination task starts, Aishwarya nominates Ankita and she nominates her. Munawar nominates Ankita and says if you talk about making relationships then you should respect them too. If she comes for him then he will come for her. Vicky and house no. 2 decide to nominate Abhishek.

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