Bigg Boss 17 18th December 2023 Written Update

Bigg Boss 17 18th December 2023 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss 17 18th December 2023 Written Episode

Day 64

9 PM

Bigg Boss asks Munawar how was his week? Munawar says it was tough, I have figured out that I shouldn’t hide Abhishek’s shortcomings and I should speak up against Mannara as I find her weird, I don’t want to entertain her vibe. Bigg Boss asks what did he understand from Salman? Munawar says I shouldn’t let go of things. Bigg Boss says you don’t complete things, you let things go without finishing them.

In the house, the inmates are making tea. Isha says I want to make tea. Mannara says we will lose kitchen time if you use the kitchen now. Isha says I don’t care, I want to make tea. Rinku tells Isha to not do it but she says I don’t care, I want to make tea. Neil tells Isha to not be selfish. Samarth tells him to get lost, they both shout at each other.

Bigg Boss tells Munawar that you are going wrong because you are still not committing to finish the things you started. You know some people call you non-committal even in the outside world. I will make you meet her. He plays Ayesha Khan’s video in which she says she is a social media influencer and a chill person. She knows Munawar and he approached me before coming to the show, he wanted me to work with him on the music video and call me on the comedy show. He messages girls like this only. He said he is single and offered to go out with me and even said he loves me. Then on the show, he said he is committed. He should apologize to me but if he wants to lie then I won’t spare him. The video ends. Munawar is shocked. Bigg Boss asks if he knows her? Munawar says yes, I had a break up and then I met her so I was single when I met her. She said one-sided things. I ended things with Ayesha before coming to the show. Bigg Boss says we will make you meet her if you want to clarify things.

Ayesha enters the archive room and greets Munawar. He says whatever you said, we can have that conversation. Ayesha says lets do it right now. Ayesha asks if he remembered her? Munawar says no. Ayesha says I thought you remembered me as you were wearing my bracelet. Munawar says I brought a lot of jewellery, I wore it without thinking much. Ayesha says I gave it to you and said it would remind you of me. Ayesha says you told me that you would wear the bracelet in the show if you miss me. Munawar says I didn’t have a lot of jewellery so I brought your bracelet, we will talk calmly. I remember our time together but you talked like I was in a relationship when I was dating you. I was single when I met you. Ayesha says you are saying that you are in a long-term relationship. Munawar says I don’t have an active relationship with my current girlfriend but I didn’t want people to know on the show that I am single so I said I am in a relationship but we almost are broken up. Ayesha says so you lied that you have a girlfriend? Munawar says she is there. Ayesha says you are broken up or not? He says I broke up with my girlfriend, we had a talk and said we shouldn’t get back together. Ayesha says you told me that you were single before entering the house but you were meeting up with your other girlfriend Nazara. Munawar says I met with her just before entering the show. Ayesha says you lied to me that you were not in touch with her. You were pursuing me while also running behind her so you were two-timing? Munawar says we can calmly talk. I had a break up with her and then I approached you. Then we stopped talking for some time and then I got in touch with her. Ayesha says but we got back together then you were video calling Nazara. Munawar says you can sit and then we can talk. Ayesha says no, just tell me if you were talking to her while we were in relationship? Munawar says I did but we were not in a proper relationship.

10:30 PM

Bigg Boss asks Mannara to open the archive room door as there is a new wild card entry. Mannara goes there and meets with Ayesha. Munawar tells Ayesha that I have told you that after my last relationship, I wouldn’t be able to give you much. Ayesha says then you approached me. I asked you if there was any other girl with you but you said you were single. Then you were talking to another then it meant you were cheating. Mannara asks if they are in a relationship? Ayesha says we were not dating but we had a thing before he came to the show. Mannara says but he is already dating someone else. Ayesha says he said right now that he is not dating anyone right now. Mannara is confused. Munawar says I met up with Nazara before coming to the show and told her that we would talk after the show. Ayesha says then why were you approaching other girls? I am not a fool. Mannara says I am sorry to interrupt but Bigg Boss sent me here so if you can tell me then maybe I can help. Ayesha says let me talk to him and end this first. Ayesha tells Munawar that I never wanted to come to Bigg Boss. Munawar says you wanted to come here with me. I am not saying I was not talking to Nazara as we didn’t have a closure. Ayesha says then why did you tell me that you were single? Mannara says I am sorry but Bigg Boss called me here. Munawar says then stand here. Munawar tells Ayesha that I wasn’t hiding anything. Ayesha says didn’t you lie that you were not talking to Nazara and delete your texts with her? Munawar says I didn’t delete anything. Ayesha says you kept lying to me. Munawar says I didn’t meet up with her when I was with you. When we were not talking then I met up with her. Ayesha says so you went back to her when things weren’t good between us? Munawar says you had complaints from me. Ayesha tells Mannara that if I wasn’t important to him then why was he approaching me all the time? Nazara broke up with you because you didn’t treat her well. She tells Munawar that you lied on national TV that you have a long-term girlfriend but you were with me before entering the show and telling me that you are single. Munawar says give me 2 minutes. Munawar says I told you that I can’t go ahead with you. Mannara says you hurt Ayesha by giving her signals that you like her. Ayesha says he said he loves me. Mannara says he has a girlfriend and even sent clothes for her from here. Ayesha says what? Munawar says I know my stylist didn’t send it to her, I am pretending that I am dating her here. Mannara is shocked hearing that. I don’t want any news to made here. Ayesha says then why is she posting stories with you. Munawar says I don’t know that. Ayesha says I could have brought up other things but another woman is here. Mannara sits down and makes a face. Munawar says I was talking to her but I wasn’t two-timing on you. Ayesha asks Mannara if he told her anything about her? Mannara says like he had past girlfriends. Ayesha says but I am not his past. Mannara says oh God. Munawar tells Ayesha that I met up with her before coming to the show and we had a discussion. Ayesha says we met up before coming you came to the show too. I didn’t come here to defame you but I don’t know you anymore. Do you agree that you two-timed me? She asks Mannara if he told her anything about his relationship? Mannara says yes, he said that he has a girlfriend but we are not that close friends. Munawar says I was pretending to be in a relationship. Mannara says I don’t know why Bigg Boss sent me here but Munawar gives me cold shoulder now a days. Bigg Boss says we sent Mannara there to bring the wild card entry in the house but you stayed there too.

Abhishek tells Isha that she wasted 30 minutes from the kitchen time because she wanted tea? Isha says I will do what I want to.

Ayesha enters the house with Mannara and Munawar. She meets up with everyone. Munawar says I want to tell everyone that Ayesha and I had a history, you people will know about it. Abhishek teases him. Vicky says this is interesting. Isha says now Munawar will know what I went through.

11 PM

Munawar tells Anurag that I don’t have a girlfriend right now. Ankita shows the house around to Ayesha. Abhishek asks if he has a fling with Ayesha? Munawar says no no.. I moved on from her. We were never in a committed relationship. Then I met up with Nazara before coming to the show and realized I want to be with her so I said in the show that I am in a relationship with Nazara.

Ayesha tells Ankita and Vicky that Munawar lied so I had to come here and clarify. Vicky says you came on the right time. Isha tells Ayesha that Munawar said he misses Nazara so much and she is his baby.

Munawar tells Mannara that Nazara knows about Ayesha and she was angry because she said that we knew we would get back together so I shouldn’t have persued another girl Ayesha but its my issue, whenever I break up with Nazara, I pursue other girls but then we get back together.

Ayesha tells Anurag that this is the best as you are away from the world.

12 AM

Munawar is crying so Mannara and others console him. Mannara says this is life, she tells him to not take this much stress. Ankita says you will deal with it. Rinku consoles him. Ayesha sees him and tells Aishwarya that we were never in a committed relationship but he made promises to me. Ankita brings her to him and she says he has started crying already? Abhishek jokes if he used to watch her in the gym? Ayesha says I don’t know. Mannara hugs Munawar and tells him to cheer up.

Aishwarya asks Neil why is he crying? Anurag says he didn’t give closure to Nazara and then gave hopes to Ayesha.

Vicky jokes with Isha that this show can bring up things we couldn’t imagine. Ankita asks Ayesha how is she looking on TV? who is acting fake?

Munawar tells Rinku that I didn’t have a relationship with Ayesha.

Bigg Boss asks Ankita why was she asking Ayesha how is she looking on TV? Ankita says I am sorry. There is an emotional turmoil going on and you want to know about the outside world? Ankita apologizes.

Mannara tells Samarth that I thought he had a girlfriend and people are linking me up with him which is wrong. Now he is saying there is no girlfriend? Samarth says I think he is dating two girls at the same time. Mannara says if he was a good friend then he would have clarified things with me.

Rinku tells Munawar to have clarity with people, he can get that here.

Samarth tells Mannara that he never told anyone much about himself, he told things about the game only. He isn’t fake but he has his image that’s perfect. He tells Mannara to start putting herself above him. Munawar comes there and says it was a little awkward.

1:00 AM

Munawar tells Vicky that I told her that I am not over my ex-girlfriend but now she is blaming me for two-timing. I am worried about Nazara. Vicky asks if you had a closure with her? Munawar says she told me to go to the show and we will have a talk after the show. I promised her that I won’t have any angles with girls on the show. I called her last before coming to the show and she was saying she loves me so much. I did mistakes. I stopped talking to Ayesha way before.

Aishwarya asks Mannara why is she affected? Mannara gets emotional and says I have only friends. Anurag just used me and then the other friend tries to stay away from me so I thought he has a girlfriend and I felt bad that I am being linked up with him. But I know he doesn’t have any girlfriend so I don’t trust him anymore.

Samarth and Abhishek are joking around. Samarth says Abhishek is happy that there is a new girl in the house.

2:15 AM

Abhishek asks Ayesha if she wants to go to the heart house? you are more powerful. Samarth says people start liking heart houses after a while. Samarth says you gave your heart to Khanzaadi and now to another girl? Abhishek says my heart is with her still. Samarth teases him. Isha taunts Abhishek that he was not a good boyfriend to her. Abhishek says I can speak up too and bring up things. Vicky tries to stop him to Abhishek shouts at him. Ankita tells him to get lost. Abhishek says this woman is crazy. Samarth argues with Abhishek, they mock each other.

Rinku tells Munawar to stop running away from problems in life. You will thank Bigg Boss for this clarity in life. Munawar says I don’t know. You are the master of your life. Mannara asks Munawar why is he never happy? he should be happy. Munawar asks why were you crying? she says nothing. Ayesha comes there and sits with them.

Abhishek and Vicky argue, Ankita shouts at Abhishek too. He charges at her. Ankita says he is crazy. Vicky tries to calm her down. Abhishek says she is a nalli. Ankita says he is a lallu. Vicky pulls Ankita aside and tells her to calm down. He tells Abhishek to stay away. Samarth argues with Abhishek. Vicky says he is ill mannered, he is going to instigate Samarth now. Abhishek tells Samarth that you are useless, you use Isha and not give her attention. Isha tells Samarth to let him be.

Munawar and Ayesha sit together, he says you can sleep on the sofa. She says okay and goes from there.

Vicky and Abhishek are arguing. Vicky says you are fake. Abhishek pushes him and then Vicky pushes him back. Vicky says don’t charge at me. Abhishek says you are crazy 40 years old, get lost. Vicky says you are illmannered. Ankita tells Abhishek to get lost. Abhishek says move away. Ankita says don’t push him. Abhishek says you are a ****. Vicky pushes him away. Abhishek falls down.

PRECAP – Vicky tells Bigg Boss that he was charging at my wife so I pushed him away and he fell down, he pushed me intentionally. Abhishek says Vicky and Ankita pushed me, get lost. Ayesha tells Munawar that his sorry won’t be okay for her, he cries so she consoles him. He says I am really sorry, if I knew it was wrong then I would come out of the show and apologise to you. Ayesha cries and says you have no idea about the taunts I got. Mannara tells Munawar that Ankita is crazy that she cares about how she is looking on TV when Munawar is crying and having a mental breakdown? Ankita tells her to shut up. Mannara says I am not like you to think about myself all the time.

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