Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 27th December 2023 Written Update

Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 27th December 2023 Written Update by Sona

Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 27th December 2023 Written Episode

Nimrit his having the ice cream when Virat stops Amruta questioning what was she searcing for, Amruta asks if he thinks she is a thief and is lying, Nimrit questions why would anyone trust her, Amruta replies she would one day surely trust her, Amruta thinks how she wished she could tel Nimrit that the person she is going to marry is only going to ruin her, Virat questions what dd she forget, Amruta replies she came to take her phone as she felt someone might steal it, Virat says that no one in his house would ever take her phone, as his phone cover is more expensive then it, she says that then he should keep it safe, she leaves thinking she could not tell her the truth right now but would say it to her tomorrow.

In the night Harsh is snoring while Amruta is trying to sleep but constantly thinking about how she saw Rajeev with the other girl and he exclaim he is surely going to leave Nimrit after a while, Bhawani comes to drink water when she sees Amruta and so rushes to ask if she is fine when Amruta suddenly wakes up, Amruta replies she is fine but then thinks if she should actually talk with her mother about the situation as she might give her the best suggestion, Amruta asks permission to ask a question when Bhawani replies if she does not ask then it would hurt her even more, Amruta questions if she ever thinks that had she not known the truth then would feel better, Bhawani asks why did she think of such a question and did her father say something to her, Amruta replies she would tell the reason but needs an answer, Bhawani replies she could not believe it and wondered how can it happen, she even tried to run away from the truth but it was revealed and that too in such a way. Bhawani says this is the classification of truth that it is revealed no matter how hard they try to deny it and the later it is revealed, it immense pain. Bhawani questions why is Amruta asking such question and did Ishika say something, Amruta shows Bhawani the photo of Rajeev with the entire family revealing the relation of Nimrit has been fixed with him, but he is actually a very bad person as he keeps praising Nimrit in front of everyone while makes fun of her looks. Amruta informs she even saw Rajeev with another girl, whom he had invited to his own wedding function, Bhawani is also shocked.

In the morning Virat tells Shekar that the wedding is after two weeks and the pandit told her that there could not be a better time other then it, Shekar informs he has sent the car to pick the uncle from the airport when Virat asks Shekar to take care of where the guests would stay. Amruta enters asking Virat if there is some work she can do, he asks her to leave today and inquires from Shekar if she called before coming, Amruta signals Shekar how she needs to stay here, Shekar then informs that they have to bring the clothes from laundry when Virat thinks it is the best job however Amruta says that she really likes to do the laundry hearing which Virat is shocked. Shekar leaves with Amruta when Virat wonders why is Amruta insisting on staying here as she is always ready to go back to her room but now when he is saying she should take a leave then she is insisting on staying.

Bhawani is walking when she hits a person which cases her bags to fall, she recognizes that he is Rajeev of whom Amruta told her about last night, she immediately gets rude with him asking if he does not see where he is going, he does not understand it when she warns him that he would have to pay for his actions and no one can be spared when Bhagwan starts punishing them for their sins, she even says that these sunglasses are not helping hide his true character, she leaves while Rajeev is not able to understand it.

Amruta while walking with Shekar appreciates that he understood she wanted to stay here, he asks the reason as she was getting a day off but she replies she needs to talk about something important with Nimrit. Shekar points her towards the room of Nimrit who in her room is wondering why did her weight increase that she cannot even wear the blouse, Amruta entering asks if she can help her but Nimrit replies she would never take any sort of help from her, Amruta goes to pick the blouse which she starts stitching revealing that a women is the enemy of other women is spread by those people whose secret is known by someone, Nimrit does not understand when Amruta informs that women are actually the supporters of each other and can help them in the case of their problems,she hands Nimrit the blouse when Nimrit questions why doe she makes mistakes that cause someone to hate her, Amruta replies she knows the person whom Nimrit trusts is deceiving her, Nimrit starts calling Virat but Amruta shows her the proof that she has against Rajeev, Nimrit is about to fall when Amruta helps her sit down explaining that her mother also suffered from a relation that only caused pain and so this is why she wants her to not suffer, Nimrit angrily calls Virat who runs questioning Amruta what has she done, Nimrit shows Virat the photo of Rajeev with Tara, Virat says that Rajeev said he was going for some work and even Shekar says the same thing, Amruta informs that she saw Rajeev with this girl and feels she might have even come to the party. Virat angrily walks outside while Babita and Dildar is sitting with the Shekwats, Rajeev comes inside but Virat angrily punches him questioning where did he go last night, Rajeev replies that he informed he had a meeting when Virat questions the name about the client, Babita wonders why is Virat furious and what is Amruta doing here. Virat says if Rajeev cannot answer the questions regarding the client then it means he was indeed cheating on his sister with another girl. Nimrit is crying while Babita and Dildar are not able to understand it. Rajeev replies her name is Tara, Amruta gets worried thinking how did he reveal the truth so easily. Babita questions who is Tara when the aunt replies she is the other girl as she came before Nimrit even got married to him.

Virat demands the photo from Amruta who quickly gives it to Virat, Babita is also shocked seeing the photo along with the rest of the Ahuja family. Virat asks Rajeev what happened before holding him from his collar,saying he does not have any answer which means it is true that Rajeev is cheating his sister, Virat says he cannot understand why he made a mistake in knowing the truth about Rajeev, when he is his child hood friend. Rajeev apologizes saying he did not know the truth would be revealed like this when the girl enters mentioning she knew it would come out one day and informs her name is Tara. Dadi questions why did Rajeev bring her into their house, Babita replies this means Rajeev is involved with her, Tara accepts Rajeev was with her but because she needed his help as they are friends from childhood. Dadi asks the reason she called him, Tara says her husband is very abusive and beat her to the extent that she had to run away. Amruta says that she is lying because she is the one who gave her the dress of the waiter, Tara says Amruta would be mistaken and they all can see the marks on her wrist, Amruta tries to argue she is a liar and she saw them both together hugging, Tara asks when did she refuse she did not meet Rajeev as she even hugged him but it is not like that one which Amruta is presenting in front of everyone, she got very scared so hugged her friend which is normal. Tara goes to Babita explaining she has been suffering a lot but he threatened to kill her so she got very tensed and called Rajeev, otherwise would never want him to leave such an important event, Tara apologizes to everyone for her mistake and says she even has proof to prove it, she shows the papers of the police complaint, as Rajeev got her husband arrested. Virat picks the complaint in his hand and angrily starts looking at Amruta, Tara says she just came here to apologize to Nimrit as Rajeev left such an important event for her.

Nimrit goes to Amruta questioning what was she saying that a women is always there to help another women and then did something like this as she wants to end her marriage. Amruta says she wants Nimrit to end the marriage by herself as Rajeev is not a nice person but Nimrit angrily demands that Amruta should be thrown out of the house, Virat questions what is the problem Amruta has with his family as she begs to get back her job while tends to always create problems, he demands she should say if she has any problem with his family. Amruta is really tensed while Rajeev is smiling.

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