Bigg Boss 17 3rd January 2024 Written Update

Bigg Boss 17 3rd January 2024 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss 17 3rd January 2024 Written Episode

Day 81

8 AM

The inmates wake up to BB anthem, they all dance to it.

10 AM

Samarth tells Isha that Abhishek is buttering Ayesha now, he thinks he has a chance with every girl. Mannara laughs and says any girl works for him.

Abhishek is joking around with Ayesha and she laughs at his antics.

Vicky tells Munawar that the husband has to fulfil all his promises as a husband, if he does one mistake then he can’t be forgiven. Ankita hits him and laughs.

12 PM

Arun reads the message that there will be a new captain today.

Vicky tells Ankita that Munawar is on her side but he should support her in the captaincy game against Abhishek. She says no no.. I am totally against Abhishek so I won’t let him do that.

2 PM

Vicky tells Samarth that wild cards have to face this taunt of them coming here late. Ayesha tries to ignore them. Samarth taunts Abhishek that he has a stamp of taskmaster in a foolish way, Abhishek says the tasks were rejected because of you and your girlfriend. You are a cheap man so get lost. You couldn’t even come here on your own, you came to this show because of your girlfriend. Samarth says you are a filthy son of your father. Abhishek shouts to not involve his father. You came here because of Isha. Mannara says Abhishek is here because of her too. Vicky says you are right. Samarth keeps following him, Abhishek says you are a cheap man. Ankita tells Abhishek to stop abusing them, you are crazy. He tells her to shut up. Vicky tells Ankita to stay out of it. Ankita tells Abhishek to shut up, you are crazy. Munawar tells her to not get involved in this. She says he is misbehaving with Samarth. Abhishek says she keeps sleeping the whole day, get lost. Ankita says you keep bringing your ex-girlfriend but Samarth is here because of her? Isha says he is just fake and a crybaby. Abhishek tells them to get lost. Isha says Abhishek is here as a bootlicker only. Samarth says he is mental. Ankita tells Munawar that Abhishek keeps stooping low and I can’t stop her? Abhishek says Samarth was wrong but she was taking his side. Ankita says I was talking for Isha, can’t I talk? you are wrong too. Samarth pokes Abhishek and mimics him. Isha says he can only win fights on bringing up me. Munawar tells Ankita that they are all stooping to very low level. Abhishek says they are all poking me, bringing up my health and parents.

2:30 PM

Isha tells Samarth to ignore Abhishek, he is just offended. Abhishek says you are full of shit, Isha says keep crying. Abhishek says you made me hate people, you made me get beaten up, I lost my blood because of you. I can bring up many things but I don’t. Isha tells him to get lost, go and hurt yourself again, you can’t scare me anymore. Abhishek says I am not like you, you are fake. Samarth says he is a *****. Abhishek says Isha is a ******. Arun says he has come on his level now. Get lost. Samarth says keep crying. Abhishek charges at him and goes near. Samarth says he slapped me, Abhishek says he spat on me. Samarth says he slapped me, he can’t do that. Abhishek says he kept poking me, Munawar tells Abhishek to calm down.

3 PM

Abhishek tells the camera that they are poking me and I raised my hand because they were mentally torturing me, please don’t punish me. Mannara tells Abhishek that he was being foolish. Abhishek says he was throwing tissues at me which is physical too. Samarth says nobody is feeling safe around him. Ayesha says me too. Munawar says you were poking him so he reacted. Munawar says nobody can be physical here. Vicky tells Abhishek that if he is wrong then he will be punished. Isha says this is his reality, get lost. Abhishek says Samarth pushed me too. Munawar tells him that you instigate them many times so you can’t claim that what you did was right. Isha says I feel unsafe in the house. Ankita says Abhishek was wrong. Vicky says we have to wait for BB now. You all calm down. Munawar tells Abhishek to come with him, he takes him from there. Isha tells Ayesha that he was wrong.

Munawar tells Abhishek that he crossed a line today. Abhishek says they kept poking me, I don’t know when I raised my hand. I realized it was a mistake.

Isha tells Ayesha that Abhishek was always aggressive, this is his reality. Munawar tells Abhishek to not defend his actions now. Abhishek tells Bigg Boss that he is wrong, they were calling me mental and whatnot.

Isha tells Munawar that Abhishek used to throw things around in our fights.

3:15 PM

Bigg Boss asks Ankita, Mannara and Arun what happened in the house today? Ankita says Isha and Samarth were fighting with Abhishek and he said they were poking him but Abhishek slapped him hard, he has crossed all lines and I feel unsafe in the house around him. Arun says he raised his hand without too much poking. Mannara says they all poke but Abhishek crosses a line and does it for footage but then he loses control. He has crossed a limit now. Ankita says he lied about claustrophobia too. Mannara says he gets carried away in fights and is dangerous.

Isha tells Vicky that Abhishek used to lose control in our fights, I am scared of him. Its all traumatic and memorable for me when he is aggressive.

Abhishek apologizes to Bigg Boss for his mistake.

Ankita tells Bigg Boss that Abhishek has a pattern. Mannara says Isha pokes him but he seems obsessive and keeps trying to pick up fights with him. Ankita says he says such demeaning things about Isha which is wrong. Bigg Boss says we see that everyone is poking others in the house these days and Abhishek kept saying that he might raise his hand if he is poked too much. Ankita says you are right, Abhishek said that. Bigg Boss says we are keeping an eye on everyone, we know about all mistakes. We will punish him when the time comes but today is the captaincy so focus on that. Abhishek won’t be a part of it for now.

3:30 PM

Ankita tells Samarth that Bigg Boss said that he won’t be part of the captaincy task. Mannara tells Abhishek that you start the fight for footage but then you lose control. Bigg Boss is keeping an eye on them too. Abhishek says I can apologize to Samarth. Mannara says you have to change your actions. Abhishek apologizes to Samarth but he says I won’t take it now. Isha says this is all a repeat of past.

3:45 PM

Bigg Boss asks Vicky if he got beaten by his wife? Ankita says he doesn’t praise me. Vicky says she keeps complaining. Bigg Boss says we have to start the captaincy task. There will be 3 mountains for Aoora, Isha and Munawar. They will decide who will be the next captain. They will keep meditating and the other inmates will try to disturb them so Aoora, Munawar and Isha will get angry which brings the snow storm. Then the other inmates will hide in their hut then Munawar, Isha and Aoora will announce one name which they want to eliminate from the captaincy task. There will be 5 snow storms and the remaining inmate will be the captain. He says Abhishek won’t be part of the captaincy task.

4 PM

The inmates start the captaincy task. Mannara tells Munawar that she deserves to be the captain and I hope he won’t be biased. Munawar says Vicky and Ankita deserve too.

The buzzer plays and the inmates try to talk to Isha, Munawar and Aoora. Ankita tells Munawar that she will be a fair captain. Samarth tries to convince to not eliminate him. Mannara tells Isha to support her. Ankita tells Munawar to give her a chance. The buzzer plays and the inmates run to their hut. Munawar tells Isha that we have to eliminate the person who isn’t responsible so lets eliminate Arun. Isha says I think Ayesha should be eliminated as she is not physically fit. Ayesha says I have been working in the house so that’s not a valid reason. Isha eliminates Ayesha.

4:15 PM

The next round starts, Mannara tells Munawar that she can be a good captain and can handle the house. Samarth tells Isha to support him and make Aoora choose him. Ankita tells Isha that she is desperate to be the captain. Samarth tells Munawar that he will be a good captain. Ankita and Mannara try to convince Aoora too. The buzzer plays and all inmates run to the hut. Isha talks to Aoora and Munawar. They decide to eliminate Arun. Munawar says he already got immunity when he was a vice-captain for Aoora. Arun says but I didn’t get the benefits of being a captain.

4:30 PM

The next round starts, Vicky tells Munawar that he needs immunity more than the others. Mannara tells him to support her. The buzzer plays and all inmates run to the hut. Munawar, Isha and Aoora discuss about the elimination. Abhishek says I know Ankita will be the captain today. She says you are just jealous. Abhishek says she sleeps half day so think about it. Ankita says don’t lie, at least I am not aggressive like you. Aoora asks Munawar if he wants to remove Samarth? Isha says I don’t want to. Mannara says people have betrayed me so much here. Vicky says no one is betraying you here, we all deserve to be the captain. Munawar tells Isha that he will follow her later on. If you give me your words that you would favor me then I won’t eliminate Samarth. Isha says I am giving you my word, lets eliminate Mannara. Isha eliminates Mannara and says she gets influenced easily so that’s why. Mannara says wow.

4:45 PM

Samarth tells Isha to make him the captain, and convince others on his name. Vicky tells Munawar that at least play for Ankita, she has always supported you. Samarth tells Munawar that he has always been fair. The buzzer plays and the inmates go to the hut. Ankita hugs Vicky and Samarth. Isha tells Munawar that Samarth has been doing well in the game. Munawar says Ankita has done well too. Isha says fine. Munawar says we are eliminating Samarth from the task as he got favors from Isha when she was the captain. Isha says I owe things to Vicky and Ankita that’s why I am eliminating Samarth for now. I have done things for Samarth. Samarth says wow.. you don’t owe me anything? Isha says Vicky and Ankita have done a lot for me so I owe them.

The last round starts, Vicky tells Isha that she has done a lot today for them so choose anyone of them. Ankita tells Aoora to give her a chance. Mannara tells Abhishek that Munawar is a hypocrite. The buzzer plays and all inmates run to the hut. Munawar and Isha discuss between Ankita and Vicky. Munawar says Vicky deserves but Ankita too. Mannara tells Abhishek that Munawar wants to be on Ankita’s side that’s why he sacrificed me. Ayesha says she is right. Munawar tells Isha that Ankita deserves this more. Isha agrees. Munawar says we are removing Vicky from the task as he is strong and Ankita really deserves it. Isha says I am giving back the favor that Ankita did on me. She thanks her. Samarth says you said her game is weak but you chose her as a captain? Isha says I gave back my favour to her. Mannara says Munawar wants to be in the good books of Ankita and Vicky now.

Bigg Boss says Ankita is the new captain. She thanks Isha, Munawar and Aoora. Mannara congratulates her too. Arun tells Munawar that he is a coward, he tells him to get lost. Munawar laughs and says you wanted to be a captain? you don’t do much in the game.

5:15 PM

Munawar says Abhishek you need meditation now. He says Isha didn’t want Samarth to be the captain so I was okay. She wanted Vicky to be captain but I was adamant on Ankita’s name. I will tell this to her.

Mannara tells Isha that she was hurt that you chose Ankita over her. Isha says I didn’t want to eliminate you but I owed her. Samarth tells Ankita that Isha got influenced by Munawar. I deserved this too.

Munawar tells Abhishek that he might be forgiven or punished, he should just meditate. Bigg Boss asks Munawar if he was punished or forgiven? Munawar says I am not sure.

PRECAP – Mannara tells Vicky that Munawar is such a hypocrite, I have a hate for him. He leaves people behind for new opportunities. Isha says Munawar never wanted Mannara to be the captain. Munawar says if I am not her first priority then she can’t be mine. Ankita tells Vicky to clean the garden. Vicky says leave it alone. Ankita says you have to respect the captain. Vicky says you have to earn it, what do you do here? Ankita tells him to shut up, he is a fool. Vicky says keep shouting, to hell with your captaincy. Ankita says you are just jealous.

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