Kundali Bhagya 14th May 2024 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 14th May 2024 Written Update by Sona

Kundali Bhagya 14th May 2024 Written Episode

Kavya is very tensed thinking about how Varun talked to her and said he is still in the office as he has come here with a client, while he questioned the trust she has on him, Shanaya comes asking Kavya if she saw Palki or Rajveer but Kavya replies she did not see them, Shanaya says her mother is very furious as they came here without informing her which is why she wants to inform Palki, Rajveer comes then he runs saying he will call them later, Shanaya questions why did he run like this and Palki says Rajveer is going after someone as he found the proof, Shanaya informs even she has to tell her something as their mother is furious, Palki asks Kavya why does she seem so furious but Kavya says she is fine then Palki mentions she saw tears in her eyes, Kavya hesitantly explains she saw Varun in the hospital and felt worried thinking he might have come here with his family, she then called him but he lied saying he was in the office, she then stopped to question him but he started blaming her and left after being very rude, Palki asks Kavya to not be worried as such things happen, she explains hospital is a place where they get tensed so then she must not take it on her heart, Shanaya even asks her to not be worried as they try to leave, Palki thinks she managed to convince Kavya but a person gets angry when they are hiding something this is what Varun did when Kavya caught him, as they donot want anyone to question them.

In the night Rajveer stops the car at a market, he recalls the address and starts looking after which he sees Pardeep trying to get in a auto, Rajveer starts walking towards him so Pardeep tries to run however Rajveer is able to catch him questioning why did he come to kill him, Pardeep tries to leave however Rajveer says he saw it on the CCTV video and Pardeep must tell the truth but he keeps quiet, Rajveer starts beating him so Pardeep says he did not want to kill him but it was the plan of Anshuman Panday, Rajveer asks why would he do it, Pardeep replies because when someone refuses to work with him then he kills him, Pardeep says he was just doing his work and he neither has any relation to those criminals along with Anshuman Panday, he says he did not tell them anything even when he knows that Rajveer is the son of Karan Luthra and Preeta is his mother. Pardeep runs away when Rajveer sees Anshuman Panday standing in front of him who is shocked hearing it, Anshuman says what sort of a father is he because one of his son is locked up while the other in such a condition, Anshuman says that he once heard Pardeep saying that the people in Jamshadpur used to laugh at his mother, Anshuman blames Karan Luthra for trying to use people very well because Rajveer is fighting for the same person who is responsible for ruining the life of his mother, Anshuman sits in the car saying Preeta is mental but then he drives off when Rajveer threatens him to come and face him, Rajveer keeps thinking about what Anshuman said and how the people in Jamshadpur would call his mother a mental person. Rajveer starts driving away.

Preeta rings the door bell asking Karan to also come inside saying he would not be allowed to go like this but karan says it is very late and everyone would be waiting for him as he has to even handle them, she asks who would handle him when he takes her name saying he meant she should go inside and rest while he will meet her later, she asks him to leave when he says he just needs a time, she asks why did he say he needs some more time, Karan replies he wants to see if she goes inside well and everything is fine, Preeta replies she is not a child and would not be kidnapped but Karan laughs saying she keeps falling like a child so he wants to be sure, Preeta says she also noticed that he always comes around her whenever she needs him, he replies he felt nice hearing ti and wants to be around her all the time, he explains she keeps falling so he wants to stay and protect her, he says someone has come to the door so he leaves wishing her when even Palki opens the door telling how she was waiting for Preeta je so she asks Palki if everything is fine.

Anshuman is standing when Shaurya is brought out, Anshuman says Shaurya would be thinking he is a very weird person who comes to meet him again and again, but he has a very considerate heart so he thought of freeing Shaurya from prison but nothing is free and Shaurya wold have to give him something, Shaurya asks if the aunt of Rajveer came to meet him, Anshuman says he would tell a truth after which Shaurya would give him anything when Shaurya once again asks the same question, Anshuman says Shaurya is just like the son, Shaurya thinks of what his father told him so he starts beating Anshuman Panday who then calls the constable to help, Shaurya replies he will even take Anshuman Panday to the hospital so Shaurya warns him to not come here otherwise he would not be allowed to leave, Anshuman says he came here to help him but now he has lost the chance, Anshuman wonders what has happened to the Luthras who always start fighting, the constable comes saying the Inspector has called him.

Preeta asks Palki why is she tensed so Palki says she felt like talking with her but does not know how, Preeta asks Palki to sit and questions if Rajveer said something that made her feel bad but Palki replies it is about Kavya so Preeta wonders what did she do, Palki replies when they all went to the hospital then Kavya saw Varun, and then she tried to ask him but seeing Kavya in front of him Varun started misbehaving with her, Palki says if Varun is not wrong then why did he scold Kavya, Palki mentions she feels that Varun is about to do something wrong with Kavya, Preeta asks what did Palki say that Varun was in the hospital and lied to her, she asks Palki to tell it again.

Rajveer while driving the car keeps thinking about what Anshuman said to him, Karan is talking to someone when Rajveer stops the car beside him, Karan asks what happened to him when Rajveer replies he has been very tired due to Karan who has ruined his life, he asks why did Karan give the blood and it was because he could end the pain and make him do anything, Rajveer says Karan only knows how to manipulate someone but does he know that when he helps someone it is in a way that they start thinking he is a nice person but he is aware of the reason that Karan does it all however wants to know why did he donate the blood, karan angrily replies because Rajveer is his blood and son.

Roma asks if Varun has gotten mad because she feels he does not want to marry Kavya and what was the need to go with Aaliya to the hospital and anyone might see him, Varun asks her to relax saying no one saw them Roma replies he had a very good luck while even saying he managed to be safe but why did he scold Kavya, Varun replies he could not understand anything and did what he felt like. Roma replies he is about to be married to that girl and is not aware of the girls today as they tend to break the relation very easily, she asks him to talk with Kavya and say he made a mistake but Varun refuses to do it, Roma then orders him to talk with Kavya again.

Kavya is looking at the photos from the function after which she starts thinking about what Varun said to her at the hospital, she gets a call from Varun when he also wonders why is she not answering the call, Roma says she has told him that he needs to marry her but why did he lie to her, Varun says she takes being a mother very seriously so must chill. Kavya answers the call when Varun apologizes for talking to her in this manner explaining he was stressed about the office work and took it out on her, Kavya says he did it this time but should not do it again, he is glad she forgave him when kavya replies she will complain about him, he asks to whom so Kavya says her brothers when Varun starts thinking about how both Rajveer and Shaurya threatened him, Varun promises that it will not happen again so says he has some work, he ends the call after convincing her. Varun asks Roma to chill.

Karan says he knows from a very long time that he is his son and his Rudra, Karan gets emotional so hugs him tightly while crying and even Rajveer is not able to move.

Precap: Anshuman says to Nidhi your son Shaurya is very short tempered so I’ll make sure he remains in lockup for his whole life.
Karan says if my son feels happy after my death then I’m ready for this and cut his hand with a knife.

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