Kumkum Bhagya 18th May 2024 Written Update

Kumkum Bhagya 18th May 2024 Written Update by Sona

Kumkum Bhagya 18th May 2024 Written Episode

Harman asks his mother to rest for some days after which she would get better, Harleen also advises her to rest for some time but then Dadi asks where is Poorvi, Harleen says she is where she is supposed to be meaning at the police station as they have found fake notes in her possession, so the police have arrested her, Harman says they are also shocked wondering how did the fake notes come in her possession, Harleen says she sent Poorvi to go and bring the money for her treatment but she gave the real money to her own family and then deposited the fake notes at the hospital, Dada ji says even he is angry with Poorvi as she got in the accident due to her but he is still wondering if Poorvi is capable of doing it, Harleen asks if he is still saying it, Harleen replies that now BI jee is fine so he is feeling bad but Poorvi has made a mistake and so would they all want to suffer the same thing again, Harleen says her RV has gotten out of the nightmares after a lot of struggle so she says no one is going to say anything in favour of Poorvi and not go to help her at the police station, Bapu jee signals Bi jee to stay quiet.

Prachi gets out of the auto with tears in her eyes followed by Mr Tandon who asks Prachi what has happened, she replies she is not able to understand as things are getting out of her hand and from tomorrow their family would not have this house due to the loan, she hugs Mr Tandon who says she is not alone when she has her father and they all are standing by her side so she must not lose hope as they would make sure everything gets fine, Prachi replies she wants to remain strong but is not able to understand why nothing is going her way, Mr Tandon advises her to believe in Bhagwan because even their bad days are going to pass, Prachi knows their life resides in her and if she breaks down then what would happen to them so Prachi needs to handle herself for them all, questioning if Prachi is going to remain strong. Prachi agrees she is the strength of the entire family but papa should not tell anyone that she started crying so he is not going to say anything, he agrees to not say the truth. Prachi even hugs her niece before the three of them walk towards the house, Prachi is about to fall when they help her so Mr Tandon says she does not seem fine so they walk towards the house.

Monisha is dancing with excitement explaining that ever since she came to this house after getting married then she felt that the life of RV was surrounded by a severe illness and now she is feeling that everything is fine, she is feeling like having a celebration but her sister says she must remain calm as no one can find out that she is behind it all and what was the need to reveal the truth in front of Chachi but Monisha says that nothing bad happened, her sister informs they both are always there for each other and cannot trust anyone else, Monisha asks if her sister saw how Harleen was behaving like a volcano as she is the same one who scolded her when she ruined their honeymoon but now Harleen is on their side and Poorvi is completely alone.Poorvi is sitting crying at the cell when the sister says they have to do something as what Poorvi has not done will not ruin the name of the family. Monisha says if the give the news in the same media house that RV and Poorvi are separating when her sister asks what will it do, Monisha says that it would prove that RV has left the women after finding out she is a criminal so nothing wrong would happen, her sister asks if the family would agree when Monisha says there is no need as RV married Poorvi in order to take revenge so he will agree to leave her at the same moment, and he would even get furious after finding about the condition of Dadi. Her sister says she does not know how Monisha is going to do it, Monisha hugs her sister tightly.

Prachi is sitting when Bua asks her to calm own and says to Mr Tandon if they cannot go back to Delhi as he has a lot of connections and they can start their business again, Mr Tandon says at this time no one is their friend and when their bad time came then everyone left them, he says when they had wealth then were respected in the society, Mr Tandon asks Prachi to go and try to sleep, she questions how can she sleep when she is not able to do anything for her own daughter, she is her mother and she faced all of the troubles that she faced in life but is not able to do anything for her daughter, Bua asks Prachi to not cry assuring everything would get better and if she starts crying like this then how will she be able to take care of Poorvi. Prachi gets up saying she will go and look at the door as someone might have come to ask for money. Prachi opening the door is shocked to see her friend Tashu, who says if they all are leaving this house. Mr Tandon says that they were thinking about renovation the house. Tashu says that her father had some work with Prachi who asks for it when Tashu says that Prachi can do it later so she asks Prachi to come with her. Bua asks Mr Tandon why did he lie, he says had he told the truth then she would have insisted to help them.

Tashu says she saw the belongings were placed all over the house but now would she have to make Prachi swear who says that they are facing a very big problem because Poorvi is locked up, Tashu asks how did it happen when Prachi says that Poorvi got locked up due to the fake note case, Tashu says it has gotten very late but they are going to do something in the morning, KK in the car starts knocking the horn when Prachi asks if Tashu came here with someone, she replies KK is the one who brought her here, KK is talking on the phone when Prachi thinks she wonders how it would have been good if Ranbir was by her side as she needs him for their daughter.

KK is driving the car when he tells Tashu something is happening to him while his heart is sinking as he is feeling something wrong is about to happen, KK replies his heart is feeling very weird when Tashu asks her to calm down but he is still restless.

The Inspector refuses to let them meet Poorvi when she says she wants to meet her sister who has been locked up but the husband requests Khushi to come out as he is going to find a way out.

Prachi asks Neha to not tell the truth to Khushi or Arman as they must not find out that they are leaving the house, Prachi says she talked with them and they were in Bangalore, Arman says he has to go back when Prachi replies that Poorvi is not guilty, Khushi tells Prachi to not take any tension as she has come here and is going to take Poorvi out, Arman says he will talk with the lawyer in the morning but Khushi says Prachi must not take help from anyone and she looking at the parcels asks what is going on here, Prachi gets hesitant explaining they have to pack the things due to the white wash, Khushi tells Arman that she feels she should stay here.

In the morning Monisha is still sleeping when her sister calls her asking when is she going to come here, Monisha replies that her day started very nice as she saw a dream that she was dancing with RV, her sister asks if RV is at her house when Monisha replies he is still looking at him so then says it is just his photo and he is always with her in the house, her sister she is madly in love with him. Monisha explains she has to force him to fall in love with her, her sister asks when is Monisha going to come and meet her, Monisha replies she thinks she is going to meet Poorvi, her sister asks what is the need. Monisha replies she is going to see if Poorvi has been able to sleep, her sister says that Vick is coming so she will talk to her later. Vick asks if she was talking with her sister, she asks where is he going and should stay back due to the problem, Vick replies that Dadi is better and he should go look at the business deal when she asks why would RV be upset with him, Vick replies he is responsible for all the business of Mumbai, she says he is also responsible for her when Vick questions when has he not fulfilled it, she questions when did they go for shopping followed by dinner.

Monisha questions when is he looking at her like this when she want to make him fall in love with her, she pleads with him to return as she is going to make sure he has just the name of Monisha in his heart and mind while she is going to make sure he gets rid of Poorvi, Monisha is adamant.

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