Main Laxmi Tere Aangan Ki 14th June 2012 Written Update

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Main Laxmi Tere Aangan Ki 14th June 2012 Written Update by Bipin2012

Episode starts with RV saying tomorrow is the auction of Agnihotri mansion and arjun is going to amarnath yaatra arjun justifies himself by saying Agnihotri mansion was never their and moreover its gonna get auctioned and he wants nobody to be dere tomorrow especially RV thats why he did so RV gets upset wd it arjun tries to make him understand that sanatan nagar is their roof now and he also says he wanna make a new begining after the amarnath yaatra he wont b going for job bt he wil start his own business after returning from the yaatra he has also applied for the loan and he wil get since he is an MBA RV looks at him wd hopes arjun also says wd some loan and lots of hardwork he wil make it all fine renuka has tears in her eyes while lakshmi;s father says he has trust on arjun he wil make it renuka asks arjun to book the tickets for going to amarnath when lakshmi wd upset face comes and both arjun and lakshmi touches RV’s feets and takes his blessings
scene shifts to kithcen when lakshmi was complaining to shivji why this amarnath yaatra is been planned now when tomorrow is the auction arjun comes from behind and hears it lakshmi shares this thing wd him and arjun in reply to her says he knows he can understand what she is going through and questions to lakshmi what she can do wil she b able to stop the auction and asks her to trust shivji he wil make everythng fine js need to trust him and leaves bt even then lakshmi is in her thots and asks shivji to show her someway which can stop the auction when out of nowhere somya’s mis call comes which diverts lakshmi;s mind and curses somya and her miscalls for the same then she again asks shivji for some idea when a big smiles paint on her face as if an idea has stried her mind bt dat was not the case.
lakshmi goes to bua and tells bua that they wil have to do something for delayin the auctionfor 4-5 years in this time arjun wil become succesful and wil get the agnihotri mansion back excited bua asks whats the idea bt lakshmi says they wil have to think bua and lakshmi starts thinkin bua makes face as if something has come to her mind bt it wasn anythin like tht then idea strikes to lakshmi;s mind and shares it wd bua that like the horror movies they wil dress up like the witches and bua asks wats the use of iot lakshmi further tels her the house which is affected by paranomal things ppl naturally dont buy it then lakshmi further shares what they wil do describes all the things in dramatic way which makes her bua scare and she screams and lakshmi says bua it was ghatiya idea think something good bua says ok later she realizes it wsn her idea it was lakshmi’s only then lakshmi makes her mind of searching something on net from where she wil get questions of every answer bt bua makes correction sayin questions of answer nahi answer of questions lakshmi says thats one and the same she takes leave and while takin leave she strictly informs not to let arjun know about this thing bua nods and lakshm leaves
Scene shifts to arjun where travels owner was showing him the cheapest travel plan for going to amarnath yaatra and he further adds even for middle class ppl its the most preferrable plan and he doesn have anything cheaper than this arjun was staring at the brochure of the amarnath yaatra which reminds him of the good old days when he showed the brochure of amarnath yaatra by plane to lakshmi where arjun was admiring her innocene and beauty while lakshmi was excited to get to go amarnath by plane he was brought back to reality by the owner he asks what happened to him arjun js ignores the thot and asks him to book the two tickets.
Scene shifts to saru’s house where saru asks where lakshmi and arjun are going bua tels her they are going to amarnath yaatra arjun has gone for booking the ticket since there is auction tomorrow and also asks her to get the patch up done soon saru is in tears and says to bua that she stil considers lakshmi as her lil sis nomatter what the ppl c and say and soon she everythin wil b fine and she wil do it to which happy bua says tumhare muh mein ghee shakkar while vishal comes there and asks kiske muh mein ghee shakkar and also asks sarcastically whether arjun and lakshmi had won the lottery once again or not bua js ignores the question and says she js came in the market and came here vishal says its good that she came and again taunts her by saying how is their sambdhi bua looks at saru who was upset wd vishal’s question so vishal js says he was gonna come tomorrow to sanatan nagar for taking her and papa to check out his new house and also asks him to come there to live wd dem its big house and 4 ppl can live in it happily bua replies to him by sayin they dont like at beti’s sasural to which bua gets replied by vishal sayin when ur beti’s saas sasur and everyone came at her sasural then why cant they come bua says she doesn understood and vishal says it was joke and also adds that his jokes have became soo poor dat even his wife isnt laughin at them dese days and leaves while bua in her mind says til lakshmi doesn find anyway she wil have to keep quiet and Vishal has changed very muchnow
Scene shifst to sanatan nagar arjun comes home and calls lakshmi bt lakshmi isnt at home and bua comes and asks him to stay here she wil bring water for him arjun denies havin water and asks for lakshmi bua is worried how to tel him where lakshmi has gone and then lakshmi comes arjun asks her where she was and all when lakshmi says why u r behavinglike hubbies today aarjun smiles at her remark and shows her the tickets which he booked fr them to go to amarnath and also apologises that he promised her that he wil take her to amarnath yaatra by plane bt now is taking her wd travels bt lakshmi says he is taking her na dats enough for her bua says bhagwaan tumhari jodi baanaye rakhe by witnessing the love and understanding they share and arun leaves wd smile.
Bua asks lakshmi whether she found anything or not lakshmi wd lil face says no she havent found anything bt bua wanted to make it up and suggests her to have something after that her brain wil work dats y she has made her fav. bengan (Brinjal)
Scene shifts to lakshmi who is in kitchen now and renuka comes and asks her not to cook bt lakshmi questions dat she has js started renuka tells her dat everyone is upset wd auction thing and even dadi who was helping out everyone wd keeping the hope said she is not hungry and wont eat anythng and tears starts escaping her eyes arjun hears it and tries to make her mother understand bt renuka couldn control and says she cannot it as everything of hers is attacthed wd that house stil arjun tries to make her understand and asks lakshmi to give her the food he wil feed it to dadi and leaves to dadi’;s room
Lakshmi tries now to make renuka understand renuka says she trusts arjun bt she is worried bout RV RV had heart attack already he wil never b able to forget it and moreover it was gifted to her by him it was the first gift given to her by him even before their marriage which strikes lakshmi;s mind and she again asks renuka for confirming it that the house was gifted to her by papa before the marriage and renuka confirms it by sayin yes excited lakshmi after getting confirmation runs to check out the papers and is feeling like the happiest person on the earth alive the property was registered on renuka sahani;s name which was the name of renuka before marriage bua comes and asks whats the reason behind her excitement lakshmi tels her all the things and since the property is registered on renuka;s name it cannot b legally auctioned as its not registered property of agnihotris it can only b auctioned if it transferred to any of the agnihotri bua also gets excited and is about to tell everyone whenlakshmi stops and and says let her get the stay orders for the auction first bua then asks her to let arjun know bout ti bt then lakshmi again stops her since arjun wont like it she js asks her to wait.

Precap-lakshmi gets the stay order for the auction

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