Fear Files 22nd July 2012 Written Update

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Fear Files 22nd July 2012 Written Update by –.NArESh.–

Fear files written update 22 july 2012
( Black Magic)

one women is shown & she see one person & says who is it?? some one push women in pit ( means natural or artificial hole ). she want to help someone. she say anyone is here… suddenly one lady come & women says who is it?? omg same women. double role.. she is very scared . she is crying..
In India Mayo is capital of Black Magic. who says near river Brahmaputra situated Asaam beautiful state for black magic is very famous in the world…
Mayo named the same reason(Black magic) it is called. it is one dreamcity.( mayanagari). Before so many years here old generation ppl tp learn & use of black magic they r come.
In mahabahrat texts also ghatok kash context mayo is reference. Many histologist from mayo place so many things they found & it proves black magic happens here from many years..

today story is also based on black magic & it is story about one girl live in mayo & her name is shayanti. shayanti mother refused to stop use of balck magic to shayanti. she is used black magic & result is different from her imagination.

8th july 2008 , kolkata ( pachim bangal ) one family is shown one women(parinita) one photos & she say she is so beautiful she looks vidya balan.. other girl want to see her pic & she say parinita wali or ishaqiya wali. u don’t see women says to mother see this pic. Her( mother) elder son say girl’s family background is also good.. mother says i want to same daughter in law parinita. means women name is parinita & she is wife of elder son. youner son say ho gayi meri shadi bcoz no one look like my bhabhi ( Parinita). parinita say to his brother in law please see pic if u like this girl. suddenly Began to thunder . i think now rain happens from parinita hands pic slips & go down somewhere.suddenly one pic come near leg of younger son & he take photo. she is shayanti. he says who is this girl?? parinita says see this girl pic… one girl is sing a sone. well parinita brother in law like shayanti.
he is married to shyanti & shyanti comes in laws house…one days shayanti mothers call to shyanti & she want to meet. her mother health is not wealth. shayanti go to meet her mother.. Her mother say i m doing Black magic on her husband debu to control. she say misues of balck magic is very harmful.
please shayanti don’t say to this information to your in laws. shayanti mother says i don’t want to happen anything wrong with u. she say shayanti to promise to me u never use black magic. her mother death…

after 10 days parinita says what r u doing? parinita try to teach her house regulations & laws. she always doing help in easy works. one days shayanti goes somewhere. in the car her husband is seated & at the back side one girl also seated. she feels jealous. parinita hose maid doing cleaning work she found one leg payal. shayanti come & she say u r try to steal the payal. parinit alos come & her maid say i m doing 4 years here job. i m not doing anything wrong.

Real parinita sengupata says shyanti will not adjust in our family sometimes she is doing wrong thing. i did not know what a complex her. i don’t why she think all are think i m right. after a 15 Days Shayanti wake up & goes one room & she is doing Black magic on her maid. Her hose maid is so scared & worried. Maid meet one accident.
after one month shayanti meets her maid & she say u also know what happen when anyone interfere in my life? once days shayanti MIL goes to bathroom for bathing & shayanti doing black magic & one shampoo bottle falls down & all shampoo come out on the floor. shayanti MIL slips. she feel pain in her Back side. for relife from the pain shayanti doing Black magic. parinita doing maa durga pooja.

one day shayanti doing black magic. parinita see & she say i saw u throw prasad which i give u. shayanti is so worried. she say to parinita i will not do black magic. parinita trust shayanti. She say i don’t want to break this family. so i will silent but after i will see you r doing black magic i will tell to all family member.. after some days shayanti doing back magic & she control family members. Real Parinita say i feel anything happen wrong. no one listen me. i don’t know what is happen?? no one trust me.
In the kitchen parinita is boling milk suddenly she see blood boils she is so scared & she tell to her sister in laws. shayanti comes & see milk is boil.parinita day i m not feeling well. i go to relax.
Kaliya manas one day parinita sleep. she heard some sounds. parinita health is not well. her husband wake up & he calls to family members. House maid say if i will go back i will kiled but parinita health is not well so how i leave this hose? she say to parinita i m responsible for u r health. shayanti is doing black magic on parinita. after some days one pandit come in parinita house. he know here some one doing black magic. he tells to family. shayanti husband know shayanti is doing black magic.. suddenly he is angry & he throw shayanti from his house. parinita stops & she say to shayanti to stop doing black magic. after some times shown shayanti is doing black magic ( i don’t know she is doing). here parinita helath is not very well . she feel like some one capture her body. pandit is says some mantra. shayanti back side one lady kills. parinita health is well.

the real parinita says after this event shayanit never come back. i think she know she is doing wrong.we all are try to search shayanti but she never found anywhere. debu shayanti husband is not married after this event. i m so happy i live with my family

Precap: one girl is shown she is doing work or job in call center. she got one call & she heard some scary sounds. suddenly she looks everyside she is alone in office. All office staff is visible. she is so scared.

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1 Comment

  1. abs
    July 03, 10:17 Reply

    you have a horrible grammar. please improve your writing skills before posting another post. but anyways thanks for the effort of putting up this update……

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