Love Marriage Ya Arranged Marriage 20th December 2012 Written Update

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Love Marriage Ya Arranged Marriage 20th December 2012 Written Update by sherni_ashish

Love Marriage Ya Arranged Marriage 20th December 2012 Written Episode

Epi starts with Sahil waiting for Karan, who is the same guy who wants 2 mortgage his in laws Saahil has no idea abt this!. Karan arrives and apologizes 4 being lil late n excuses himself saying there is a family who isnt returning his money on time so he will motgage their house.he mentions their street name n Saahil says his inlaws also live there. He says 2 Karan 2 take it easy coz they r poor so they might b in need otherwise they would return u the money.. He says if I dnt force thm 2 giv my money back how will I invest in ur business? Saahil said this business will bring lots of profit. Then Anoop comes n tells Saahil he is going for a meeting he had told him abt! Saahil gives a smirk n says:” Mansi bhabi is also going with u?” Anoop says :”yes n if someone asks abt me tell them I’m in a meeting.. Saahil laughed n said :” worry nt I will tell that my bro is out romancing with his wife.” Anoop is embarassed n tells Karan:” u know Saahil is always joking r8?” Karan nods n sniles 2.

Anoop goes 2 meet Mansi. She was waiting for him. He apologizes for being late and asks:” how r u?” Mansi replies in such a stupid way saying :” same as i was in the morning” n adds :”lets go meet the CA coz we are late”. But Anoop says that CA meeting is potponed. Mansi says oh u could have told me b4..I’d have come later and u could have also completed your office work as well. Anoop smiles n says he already knew it since morning but he didnt tell her b4 coz he wanted to have lunch with her and is tired of eating at home everyday n same routine. She agreed. They go to a restaurant and Anoop asks Mansi what she wants 2 eat and she replies pasta. Anoop looks surprised at her saying:” but you don’t like pasta!!” She says:” bt u do”.. He says:” bt I feel like eating butter naan and Paneer” coz he knows she likes it.. Mansi says:” but you don’t like butter naan n paneer”. He replies smiling :”for the past 2 days I have been eating that so that I can eat with you today”. They have a cute moment and she says:” I’ll go and freshen up”. Just then Anoop’s old friend sees him n he says:” what u doing here? U n Pooja gt married r8? It was so obvious!! Every1 knew u would end up 2gther” Mansi hears them n Anoop introduces her 2 his friend..he feels so embarassed n apologizes but her mood is off.. Anoop invites his friend to join them for lunch and he agrees. Mansi asks Anoop who pooja was and Anoop says she was a college friend.

At home Buaji comes and tells RL that the doctor prescribed total bed rest 2 Shivani as her pregnancy has some complications. RL is worried coz after long happiness in their house n she doesn’t want 2 loose it!..

After the lunch ,in the car Anoop asks Mansi why she was so quiet and didnt eat much but she asks him 2 drop her at her mom’s place. He says:” why such formality?”She says thanks and he again tells her no formalities n smiles. He takes her to her mom’s place and she says bye. Anoop says he will come and pick her bt she replies in a sad mood :”no need just send the driver.” She leaves and Anoop says:” Anoop ur late again”. Mansi greets her mom who asks her howcome suddenly? she says:” I was missing you all so Anoop dropped me here” Her mom asks her what’s the problm. She says nothing bt her mom says:” I have given birth to you and know u 2 well”. She says it all that Anoop had another girl in his life before their wedding n how she found out. Her mom says” past is past n every1 has a past. Just don’t let it affect your present.” Mansi says she is trying n so is Anoop as he’s very caring n always present 2 all her needs bt she’s worried if his doing it as an obligation. Her mom smiles n explains wisely that arranged narriages r like this only. 1st u gt 2 know each othr n with time u learn all abt each othr n eventually adjust 2 each othr. she is releived after talking to her mom and says:” I won’t let Anoop do the efforts alone n I will also try my best.” Then she asks her mom to not share anything with Naina bhabhi.her Mom promises. Then she says she has 2 go coz the driver must have arrived.her mom tells her 2 come everytime she needs 2 talk.

At home RL tells Shivani to eat fruits and Shivani says:” how will I eat all this?” RL says even though u become fat bt still u have 2 eat. Mansi comes and asks what the doctor said. RL leaves and says she will get khitchdi for Shivani .then Shivani asks mansi 2 tell her what she couldnt say in the morning. Mansi says there is nothing to say. Shivani says :”I know you 2 well since kids n we still friends as b4. Mansi tries 2 change subject bt Shivani asks her if she has said “I love u” 2 Anoop.. Both laugh..

At the office Karan says he has a good feeling about Saahil’s business and is ready to invest but Saahil is worried n says he doesn’t agree that Karan should mortgage those poor people’s house for the investment. Bt Karan says its the only way. Epi ends.

Same as the day b4 Anoop n Mansi scene..

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