[V] The Buddy Project 25th December 2012 Written Update

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[V] The Buddy Project 25th December 2012 Written Update by Mais

Buddies are sneaking behind a pillar in a line. Samar is really scared. Juhi is scared to see her father there as well and updates her FB that she is hiding from her father in school. Piddi comments that everyone’s family members were called. KD says that Banga has only called the parents of Buddies because no other student’s parents are here. Just then, a man passes by and Samar sees him. He is Samar’s uncle. Samar hides his face and that man asks Samar if Principal’s office is ahead. Samar directs him there while hiding his face. Piddi looks at him and wonders who could he be, a Chacha Nehru look alike? Samar says to the camera that his uncle is somewhat educated and doesn’t look like a sweet shop owner. Still, he is scared. Piddi then asks Samar if he belongs to his family. Samar, first in shock nods but then catches hold of himself and says how could someone like him be his family? He is a worker of their royal court and his father cherishes him so much, he thinks he is the king’s younger brother. Piddi is impressed by Samar’s family.

Juhi asks Ranveer who came from his house? Since she is standing at the front, she doesn’t immediately notice others’ reaction who clearly didn’t see that question coming from her and are speechless as how to react. RV is silent and Juhi looks back and seeing everyone’s reaction, asks what happened? Then she realizes and apologizes to RV and he just says it’s okay. Just then, Panchi’s mother arrives there and RV points to her saying that Panchi’s parents are his local (I’m pretty sure he meant legal here but it could be local as well cuz his real family could be living abroad or something…) guardians. RV is guilty that all this time, they only came to receive Panchi’s awards and just because of him, for the first time she is here in front of the principal’s office.

KiSha’s parents look at each other in a disapproving manner. RV, who is standing beside Kiya, asks her what’s happened to her? Just then, Mrs. G is called inside. Kiya sees her going inside and says what’s wrong, will happen now. She says her mother will kill her and God knows what will Banga say to her mother.

In office, Banga is flattering Mrs. G on her reputation and stuff. Mrs. G asks him whether Kiya did something wrong and he replied no, on the contary she is quite the brilliant student. But for the past few days, her performance is dipping. And it’s only cuz of bad company. Mrs. G asks, which company.

Cut to Mr. Desai in office. He is saying to Banga that KD is a good student, quite disciplined and always ahead of everyone. Banga says that’s right, he isn’t undisciplined but his company is with rich, spoiled girls. His gang deems him as their leader and he makes all their plans. And in this age, boys tend to be misguided a lot.

Cut to Mrs. Punj. She says Banga is right. Pratham is a sweet innocent boy but that constable’s son is a bad influence for him. The other 7 are clearly not good for him. And thanks him for about that Bobby specifically.

Bobby’s brother. Banga is telling him that he knows Bobby was absent in APC but before that, she used to hang out with them. And the bad influence is showing, Bobby has become a total tomboy. And a bully.

Outside, when everyone is worried what is happening inside, Juhi asks them to be positive as something nice could also be happening. Everyone looks at her as if she lost her mind. Piddi comments that before his blood group was B+. But after Banga became the Principal, his blood group has changed to B-. Worry continues.

Banga hands a paper to Mrs. R. He says that Panchi is a nice girl but her company is wrong. And Mrs. R should talk to RV about this as well. Because if action won’t be taken today, tomorrow there will be troubles. He is saying to the guardians that he is not a heartless human, it does pain him as he does it but he has to. It’s his responsibility. He says if the kids won’t follow the rules written in the paper, they won’t be allowed to sit in exams. Guardians sign the papers.

Buddies are still sneaking. Piddi wonders why have they called the guardians one by one. Kiya sees her mother sitting and says her mother is done, so why is she still waiting? Juhi’s father comes out and comments that her daughter is a sweet person, how come she got stuck in all this. He gets a call and he goes away from there. Mr. D comes. Mrs. G says she was waiting for him and she sternly says Mr. D to keep KD away from Kiya. Mr. D retorts that he knows the kinds of Mrs. G who don’t have time to sit with their kids for 10 minutes and she is asking him to keep his son away from her daughter. In reality, it’s Kiya who’s spoiled and KD has all the good manners that he taught him. Mrs. G replies that these good manners made him take a trip to jail. Mrs. P and Samar’s Uncle come there as well. Mrs. P says that his son is stuck cuz of their children. Samar’s uncle gives his words of wisdom as well by a lemon and milk analogy, how the milk gets spoiled cuz of lemon. Samar is like the milk and their kids are lemons. Samar is spoiled. Parents continue blaming each other and fighting. Buddies see them and are worried.

Banga comes there and stops the fight. Buddies run away seeing him. He says it’s a school so it would be nice if they act like proper ladies and gentlemen. They apologize and leave. Mrs. G comments before leaving that she knows what to do with her daughter. Banga smirks that this is called a plan. Now the guardians won’t let the buddies meet after school and he will make sure they stay away from each other in school. Poor buddies, can’t meet each other now.

Kiya at TBC. KD follows her, begging her to listen to him. Kiya angrily rebukes him to not talk to her and says it’s all because of him and she isn’t interested in listening to him. Piddi comes there and says it’s not KD’s fault but all is cuz on Banga. Bobby says she wasn’t even in APC but still Banga called her brother but that doesn’t mean she will create a drama. Samar says it’s not a time to create a drama, but to think calmly. KD says to Kiya he’ll take all the blame and Kiya shouldn’t worry. Kiya gets mad and rebukes KD for his selfless hero act and says she can take care of stuff herself. Kiya leaves and Bobby stops KD from stopping her by saying she will never understand. Samar comments now is the time to know what was said to the guardians. All are worried and Piddi says there is only one person who can help them now.

JJ is taking a class. Buddies come at the door. JJ sees them and sets them a task and goes to meet the Buddies. He is happy seeing them and says he was really missing them all and asks what’s up? They all in very low spirits and don’t reply. JJ asks again. Piddi says he is having fun here and there Banga is messing with them badly. KD adds first Banga targeted JJ and now he is after the buddies. He had called our guardians. JJ asks why and but they don’t know. KD says it might be cuz of TBP as only their guardians were there and they were called in separately to talk to Banga. After that, the parents began fighting with each other and blaming each other. JJ muses he knows what Banga is doing and says to the camera that since Banga couldn’t do anything to Junglee so he is taking revenge from them. Piddi asks if he knows what Banga is doing, he must know what they should do now. JJ says they should go to their homes and find out what was told to their parents. And his experience tells that the house environment won’t be nice. Piddi becomes worried. JJ asks them to relax and says they shouldn’t react to whatever their parents say and listen to everything quietly. Samar says JJ seems to be talking the army talk. Piddi comments that’s right, because in war the General gives the the Sepoys the best advice. Samar mumbles in return that in war, sepoys are the ones who die and nothing happens to General. JJ just says they should do what he told them to do.

Precap: Mrs. P punishing Piddi and saying no more cell phone till exams. Mrs. G disconnected Kiya’s net so no fb and messaging any friend. Mr. D saying to KD that he has to drop out of RA.

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