[V] The Buddy Project 2nd January 2013 Written Update

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[V] The Buddy Project 2nd January 2013 Written Update by Mais

[V] The Buddy Project 2nd January 2013 Written Update

Mrs. P is acting all motherly with Piddi and saying that she will serve him some hot parathas so he can study easily when she hears Piddi’s voice coming from his room, with Piddi at her side. She goes in to check and Piddi stands there, terrified. He calls the camera and says, “And the buffalo went in the water.” (Gayi bhains paani mein!) He goes after his mother who angrily glares at the speakers. Piddi goes by her side but she leaves without saying anything. Piddi starts nervously that Mrs. P didn’t say anything to him but all his happiness vanishes when he sees Mrs. P angrily glaring at him with a broom in her hand. She starts beating him senseless and leaves. When she leaves, Piddi picks up the broom and says he won’t spare it. Then starts massaging his hurt limbs.

Next day, Piddi is still in pain and moaning as he walks up the stair of RA. He says to the camera that his mother beat the hell out of him! Juhi comes behind him and asks what’s wrong with him? Piddi gets fbs of the beating session and walks away, moaning. Juhi is confused and says to the camera that it’s nice Piddi didn’t reply as Banga would’ve created a Panga! Then laughs that Banga and Panga are rhyming words. Then she adds that even smiling isn’t allowed in curfew period. She becomes nervous and runs away.

KD comes in the school and everyone is looking at him strangely cuz his face is all wounded. He becomes nervous for a while but then silently goes to the cashier counter. Vats is walking smugly in the corridor and notices KD paying his fees. He is shocked and leaves from there to tell Banga. Banga is checking the live CCTV footage when Vats comes there and says that he saw KD giving fees (of course, before that he annoyed Banga with a “de di” joke which I can’t translate in English ) Banga is shocked. Someone knocks on the office door and Vats allows him to come in. It’s KD. He says that he has paid the fees and wants to rejoin the classes. Banga asks how did he manage the fees? Did he steal from someone? KD replies his father gave him the money and Banga is free to confirm it. Banga says it’s okay and he’s glad that KD is back but the rules are same for everyone. If KD is seen breaking them, he will be kicked out easier than how he managed to come back in. KD says he is here to only get his education and he made his father a promise which he has to keep. KD takes his leave and Vats comments that KD’s manners show that he has changed his name from Keshav Desai to Sharafat Ali. Banga says that he may be acting all quiet and obedient but a tiger never loses his touch. KD might be up to something soon. He instructs Vats to pay close attention to the Junglees.

JJ is with his students when he notices KD. He sends the students off and goes to meet KD. KD smiles and says the Khota Sikka is back. JJ asks about his injuries and KD replies it was just a small accident. JJ says when he was KD’s age, he also had many similar small accidents. He thumps KD’s shoulder and KD winces in pain. KD says he is here because of his Baba who wants him to get education in RA. JJ says his father loves him very much and KD must make sure never to disappoint him. KD affirms and leaves. Banga comes there and comments that JJ seems very happy. JJ replies of course he is, RA’s best student is back. Banga says he is sure KD’s parents couldn’t have afforded the money and somehow, JJ is responsible for KD’s return. JJ replies that isn’t the case but if ever KD would be in need of his help, he won’t hesitate to do so. Banga says that the reason he hates KD so much is because JJ likes him. But no worries, KD may be back but he’ll be out soon. JJ says seeing Banga, he is reminded of that idiom, “Barking dog never bites.” Banga can bark all he wants, he can never bite the Junglees.

Banga laughs at this and says he likes challenges and the game is fun if the opponent is strong. Both of them are there, let’s see if Banga kicks them out or JJ manages to save them. JJ angrily says that to Banga, it might be a game but for JJ’s students, it’s a matter of their careers and lives. Don’t try to ruin their careers. Banga smirks and says, “Stop me.” (don’t kill me but Banga is taking away all the cool points for this scene ) JJ takes a deep breathe and says, fine. Banga can try all he wants but as long as Anirudh Jaitley stands like a shield in front of them…till then…and he walks away whistling (but the ultimate winner is JJ! ) Banga says, JJ has taken a Panga. Now, KD is gone.

Canteen. Kiya takes her drink from the counter and as she is walking, slips a little and her drink spills on the ground. She starts scolding the sweeper for his carelessness that because he didn’t put the Wet Floor sign, someone could get hurt. Ranveer comes there and sees this. Sweeper apologizes but Kiya is in no mood and continues with her scolding. Ranveer goes to her and says calmly that sweeper is just doing his job and if he did make a mistake, she can let it go. It’s no big deal and asks her to chill. She looks at the guilty sweeper but doesn’t say anything. She angrily puts down her drink and walks away and Ranveer is left calling after her.

Kiya comes at a secluded corner and is crying. RV is behind her and sees her cry. He goes to her and asks what’s bugging her? Did anyone say anything to her? Kiya asks him to leave him alone and besides, if Banga catches them it’ll mean trouble. RV calmly says there is no one here. Until she tells him what’s the matter, he won’t leave. Kiya starts sobbing and he looks at her. She is crying harder than ever. He calls her name and she starts crying on his shoulder. He pats her head and asks what’s wrong but she continues crying. He calls her “Bacha” and holds her face and asks her not to cry. Kiya says whenever we are in trouble, we look up to our family. But what to do when family becomes trouble? At home, her mother and sister can’t understand her. They treat her like a servant. RV says to this she must be misunderstanding them. Kiya says she knows, no one will believe her but the truth is this. At home, she can never be herself. She is always being ordered around. School was the one place she could be herself but now due to Banga’s rules, even this place has become like her home. And her home is like a prison. She feels suffocated and sometimes she thinks it is better to end her life if her life is so worthless. RV snaps at this and angrily tells her to stop talking like a loser. He then calms down and apologizes. He says that everyone is going through the same conditions but it’s a matter of a few days. All will be alright again. Then he switches gear and lightly says her to stop crying because he doesn’t carry around tissue papers like girls. Kiya smiles at this. RV adds that don’t be angry but with her messed up mascara, she looks quite scary. He excuses himself and Kiya smiles some more and wipes her tears.

RV returns and hands her a tissue paper. She thanks him and wipes her face. RV says that she should preserve this tissue and give it to her lucky fan as it holds the precious tears of The Kiya Gujral. Kiya smiles and asks really? Then why won’t he keep it? RV feigns surprise and acts like he can’t believe his good luck that someone as worthless as Ranveer could get Kiya Gujral’s tissue. Kiya is smiling at his act and KD is seeing this scene. RV begs for her tissue and she hands it to him. He puts it to his heart and says he will frame it on his wall. KD gets all jealous seeing YaRa smile and talk so friendlily. His world shatters (exaggerting for dramatic effect peoples ) when he sees RV gently caressing Kiya’s face.

Precap – Banga saying excitedly that he knew it that something like this would happen! Piddi saying to KD in washroom that he has done his task and Banga must’ve heard about the Music Room meeting and asks KD what’s next? KD says he is sorry, he can’t help Piddi anymore. Piddi is shocked.

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