[V] The Buddy Project 9th January 2013 Written Update

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[V] The Buddy Project 9th January 2013 Written Update by Mais

[V] The Buddy Project 9th January 2013 Written Update

Banga comes in class and gets angry seeing Vats eat laddoos. He scolds Vats for eating laddoos when he is supposed to look after the students. Vats nervously offers Banga the laddoos but Banga shuts him up. Not taking his eyes off Banga, Vats picks up the cover from the floor and puts it on the box and they exit the class.

Piddi in his room calls KD and says that the laddoo box plan was a success and everyone knows what to do. KD is on his way home and he sees his father talking to a pair of men and saying that they should’ve called him (Mr.D) rather than coming here. KD stops by them and Mr. D gets nervous seeing KD there. Mr.D introduces KD as his elder son to them and KD greets them. Before he can something, Chotu KD (CKD) comes there and takes KD away. KD disconnects the phone saying he’d call Piddi later. KD asks CKD about the men but CKD doesn’t know them. He then iquires after their mother and CKD informs she is inside making tea. KD excuses himself for a while saying he’ll get tea but he wants to know more about the men. Mr. D is reading some papers and the man asks him to sign the paper. He adds that it’s all a formality as they’ve already given him the money and as it was discussed among them, Mr.D has 3 months to pay back the money and get the house out of mortage. KD gets shocked hearing this and fbs to his father first saying they can’t afford RA and then giving him the money for fees. CKD comes to KD to pick up the ball and KD again asks him if he knows the men or did he see them with Mr.D before? CKD says he saw them a few days ago when Mr.D was asking Mrs.D for the house papers and then Mr.D handed them to the men saying he needs money for his son. After Mr.D signs the paper, the men say that their house is mortaged for 1 lac rupees and Mr.D has 90 days to pay back the money. KD is shocked hearing this that his father mortaged the house for his fees. CKD asks if Mr.D is in trouble? KD says not now but if they don’t return the money, the men will take over their house. CKD asks whether Mr.D will return the money and KD consoles him that he would, KD will help him. He hugs CKD and says Mr.D did so much for him and didn’t say a word, KD can at least help him in some way. Then he says to CKD not to say anyone anything about this as it’s their secret. The brothers do a brotherly handshake (like guys do) and KD hugs him again.

Piddi enters RA and glares at the CCTV camera. He STTC (says to the camera, not CCTV wali, breaking 4th wall wali!) that plan begins today and the first part of the plan is to spread the news of the fake meeting. He sees Samar walking and to inform him, deliberately bumps into a guy walking in front of Samar and puts a paper on his back as a message to Samar, informing him that the plan begins today. Samar notices the paper and takes it off the boy’s back.

Samar goes in the corridor and sees Juhi checking the notice board. He wants to convey the message to her, but how? Then he sees a boy playing with a basketball. Samar asks him that he needs his ball. The boy gets shocked at his request but then Samar elaborates that he means the basketball. The boy hands him the ball and Samar sticks the note to it and rolls it to Juhi’s feet. Juhi picks the ball up and reads the message and smiles in affirmation.

In canteen at counter, Samar asks two boys how are they feeling regarding the curfew? The boy looks at the CCTV sadly and says, he can’t even talk to girls in the curfew. It feels like they actually come to school to study. In TBC, a group is talking among themselves, wondering when the curfew will end. Piddi overhears this and starts laughing. A boy asks him why is he laughing? Piddi says because their life is hell cuz of curfew, his (Piddi’s) life is all the same. The boy asks can he freely talk to their friends like before? Juhi in library saying to TC that they all friends meet in Music Room and talk. TC gets shocked. Juhi adds that they all meet, make plans and act like nothing happened. TC says that’s why Juhi seems happy today because the other day, she was crying remembering her phone. Juhi says Banga’s plan is flop. Samar in canteen continues that Banga tries so hard to act all strict with them but all his plans fail in front of them. He offers the boys that if they want to join in Buddies’ meeting, they can inform Samar and he’d do something. LB (left boy) says to RB (right boy) that if Banga knows about it, he’d make their life hell. Samar indirectly taunt them for their coward behavior. He then says if there is a Himmatwala after Jeetendar (the actor), that’s the Buddy group and it’s not necessary that everyone can be as brave as the Buddies. He leaves from there. Juhi requests TC to keep it a secret and not tell anyone. TC asks why are they doing this? What if they are caught? Juhi says they won’t, it’s KD’s master plan. She then realizes her mistake but the deed is done. TC is excited getting this news. Juhi tries to cover it up by saying that no one is harmed in this plan but then STTC that her tongue slipped, she was not supposed to say KD’s name.

Piddi with the group and notices Vats behind them. He calls them towards him and says he will tell them a top secret of Buddies. Vats sneaks in as well. Piddi says today Buddies will meet in MR and make a plan against Banga and his minion and the best part is that they don’t know about it. Vats gets excited hearing this and rushes away. Piddi sees this and winks. Plan 01 Successful.

Vats goes to Banga happily. Banga asks why is he so happy? Vats says the news is something that would make Banga jump in joy like a popcorn on hot stove! Banga glares at him angrily and Vats elaborates that the news is about Buddies.

KD in washroom remembering his father’s words that he’d do anything for his education and then the mortgage thing. Piddi comes there and informs that 1st part of plan is done and what’s next? KD apologizes that he can’t help him any further. Piddi shocked.

Banga isn’t convinced that the Buddies can do a secret meeting. Vats says he heard it with his own ears.

Piddi says dejectedly that he can’t believe KD is saying this and asks the reason? KD informs him about the mortgaged house and that his father has done so much for him and if KD wants to help him but if he does something wrong, his father’s hardwork will do in waste which he won’t allow. He doesn’t want to hurt Mr.D anymore. Piddi tries to convince him with empty words that no one would know, besides, who would inform Banga anyway? Just then, TC opens the door to Banga’s office. She goes in there and says she has a news for him. Banga asks if it’s about the meeting? TC is surprised that Banga knows already. Vats proudly says Banga’s spies are everywhere and the news is true. Banga says if that’s the case, today is the last day of Buddies in school. They have to catch them red handed. Piddi continues convincing that he knows KD doesn’t want to be involved but all he gotta do is give the idea, execution will be Piddi’s headache. He won’t let anyone harm KD. Cut to TC informing Banga that KD is the master planner. Banga gets excited that he doesn’t know about anyone else, but KD won’t remain in RA now.

Chemistry Lab going on. Piddi wants to talk to KD but he doesn’t reply. Piddi STTC that if KD won’t react in Chemistry Lab, where would he? Teacher calls them to make a row and submit their test tubes and KD whispers to Piddi, plan is on. Piddi winks to Samar and RV notices this and becomes suspicious.

Buddies in Plan gather. KD says to Juhi to go in MR, stay there for 5 minutes and then back to class. To Bobby he says, she’ll go to washroom for 5 minutes and then to classroom. YaRa come there and notice the group. RV asks what’s up? How come they are talking so openly. Piddi says they don’t have time to explain. RV comes to him and says that explanation is important as he can see the Buddies are making a plan and he wants to be a part of it. Piddi laughs and says how come RV is acting all brotherly today when in APC he was all anti-Buddy. RV calls Piddi Mr.Portable and says in life people change. He has changed as well and he wants to be a part of Buddies for good, looks at KD and says, and for bad. He warns them if they don’t tell him the plan, he won’t let anyone leave and starts demanding for the plan. Piddi gets mad and starts saying things to RV which RV ignores. KD stops Piddi from doing anything and tells RV the plan. Kiya is shocked hearing this and asks RV to leave. RV looks at her and asks KD what should RV do? Piddi isn’t pleased and says RV should go home and to KD he says that RV shouldn’t be a part of it. Bobby hits Piddi and says what’s his problem if RV wants to be a part of the plan? And it’s for the better if he’s with them. Kiya comes to RV and says they are all mad like always and he shouldn’t be involved. She tries to pull him away but RV holds her hand and stops. KD sees this and isn’t pleased. RV tries to convince Kiya that whatever they are doing is for the betterment of all and he wants to be a part of the plan. Kiya says that RV is well aware anytime KD makes a plan, it’s a disaster and what if Banga gets to know? Piddi goes to her and says no one is a tattle tale here, last time she was the one to tattle. Kiya wants to retort but before her, RV intervenes and says let him do the talking. Samar says if there action movie trailer is over, should they work? They are running out of time. KD says to commence the plan.

KD says he’d meet them in class. RV asks why? Samar comes in between and says no questions, it’s all a part of plan. They all leave with KiSha being last. Panchi sees the group leaving together and asks Kiya how come they are talking openly? Kiya looks at KD who is leaving and says some people have the nature of misleading others and putting them in trouble. Panchi is confused but Kiya leaves without elaborating.

Precap – RV, Samar and Piddi start manually destroy the computers as Banga and Vats approach the room. A watch falls on ground near the destroyed PC.

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1 Comment

  1. AJ
    January 09, 23:22 Reply

    i love it !!!!!! 100th episode Now i get why kriya and ranbeer are having lots of scenes their both dating in reality cute but ahh:)

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