Saath Nibhana Saathiya 3rd April 2013 Written Update

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Saath Nibhana Saathiya 3rd April 2013 Written Update by basuanasuya

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 3rd April 2013 Written Episode


Urmi is thinking may be gopi is not picking up phone because koki told her so,she tries to call in landline,,

Mithi picks up the call, there koki was telling gopi to go shiva temple with rashi after breakfast…urmi stays silent and overhears that in phone,koki asks who is there in call? Mithi says no voice , koki says her to drop it and to give breakfast to rashi …gopi is face…

Urmi is thinking now she needs to go to shiva temple and do some drama so that rashi feels sympathy..


Urmi is walking and planning to do suicide drama with three things ,one rat poison bottle, one hanging rope and last laying down on road…some school children point her and says mad, throw stone also to urmi .. Urmi also throws in answer…

Urmi waiting eagerly for rashi car, when it comes she stands middle of road and waives hand for rashi, but rashi did not see it,..urmi is blocking the road so from opposite sad one bicycle person comes and yells urmi as mad…urmi starts fighting with that person so rashi car gone,,..


Goshi in temple , both praying to lord shiva.. Gopi is saying that koki is so angry to her,but she never thought bad for her, she always tried to do good she can’t bear koki’s anger.

Rashi is thanking god for giving twins, but she says she is bit nervous about two and god only should take care of them…

Both goshi come out,rashi holds meera and gopi calls driver to come , there urmi was waiting, she tries to do something on road..but urmi got stuck on a stone and fallen down on road. There is a lorry coming from opposite side…urmi shouts for help… That lorry driver was calling loud as his brake was not working properly, but urmi is stuck and not able to stand..
Gopi notices everything and she say swasthi too, gopi runs fast to save urmi,rashi is also looking everything and tensed …lorry is about to crash on urmi but at last moment gopi pulls her and saves…both fall on other side, rashi comes running…she asks urmi what is going on? Urmi says as rashi is not talking with her, so she thought of doing suicide drama to draw attention of rashi…gopi got wound on hand

Rashi yells on urm for all these, she says urmi is giving her so much tension that also in pregnant condition, urmi should stay far for her the only she will be happy in pregnancy


Both gopi and rashi reach mm, koki notices the wound of gopi and torn saree…she asks what happened? Both are silent and koki keeps asking to tell truth.. Gopi describes everything…hetal makes face koki , koki taunts gopi saying she really helped like a true daughter…gopi calls koki and kok yells gopi…she says when that message came from urmi then only she understood all drama and told gopi so…but gopi then also helped her , gopi trust urmi more than koki , koki says so much innocence is not good so that people make you dance on their finger…koki tells gopi to understand difference between right and wrong…


Kinjal gives urmi hot water bag, urmi is waiting for rashi phone, she says rashi still not calling when she is so hurt…kinjal laughs and urmi starts fighting with her ,kinjal says urmi makes difference between boy and girl…urmi says koki makes difference between boy and girl, so she behaves odd with kinjal, then she says about kinjal’s past and says if dhawal has not married her, she could have done suicide..dhawal overhears ad shouts on urmi she says not to another word and warns urmi , kinjal wanted to hug dhawal with teary eyes, but dhawal goes…


Gopi is applying medicine on wound, rashi comes and starts yelling gopi..she asks why gopi did not tell her about that suicide message? Gopi says she thought rashi will be tensed, and koki said her urmi will not do anything like that…but rash keeps yelling that whatever wrong urmi did, she is rashi’s mother,..if something would have happened to her , rashi could never forgive gopi…..gopi again sad


Urmi is thinking rashi is so angry did not call till morning…she notices one jewelry ad on newspaper and gets a plan


Gopi tries to talk with koki saying she made dhokla varieties for breakfast..koki starts taunting gopi saying she could have made her mami favorite thepla also…hetal stops koki, but koki says she thought after yesterday’s drama gopi surely willI to visit urmi, so she can take all these with her…hetal changes the topic saying they should do meera ear piercing as she is 4 months…koki says she agrees, but meera mother is too much busy with her mami , otherwise she should remember her daughter is getting older…hetal says to call that person at 4 . Koki informs gopi to be present at that time..


Urmi keeping cloth on mouth calls rashi saying she is calling from some jeweler, rashi won the lucky draw 50000 Rs , she should come and collect it in one hour…rashi too happy listening that and says she is coming soon…urmi keeps call and and says she is rashi mother and this luster for money rashi got in heredity from her…

Rashi came near jeweler and urm pulls her hand, rashi shocked …urmi says she only called her , rashi says that means urmi again did one wrong work, after so many times rashi told her still urmi is doing all these…

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1 Comment

  1. Sonya
    April 04, 14:34 Reply

    Intersting and likeable episode.

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