[V] The Buddy Project 6th June 2013 Written Update

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[V] The Buddy Project 6th June 2013 Written Update by Mais

[V] The Buddy Project 6th June 2013 Written Episode

After a few seconds of super shocked camera panning and screen turning B&W in shock, the girl is revealed and BOY! Is she young or is she young! JJ is massively shocked but recovers himself and greets her which the girl replies with a singular “Kya?” JJ gets a call from Tika who asks him if the girl is too young for her. JJ excuses himself.

Next shot is of JJ sitting alone on a table on the phone. He asks Tika where is she? Tika is shown sitting away from JJ’s sight but in a place where she can easily observe him. She tells him not to be impatient as she is around here somewhere (drag drag drag but I’m not getting good vibes )

The Designer praises all the ideas which KD proposed to him about the website design and asks KD where did he get his number from? KD replies that it was posted on his college’s NB. Designer Dude laughs and hands over KD some advance money and tells him that the website should be awesome (Honestly, I was cheering throughout! Yeah, I am not the most ardent KD fan but I’m a Buddy fan and seeing KD utilizing all his skills in doing something which is not only right but can pay him in a very honorable way…it kinda makes my heart swell with pride ) DD tells KD that two of his friends are also looking for someone to design their websites and he’ll give KD’s contact info to them. KD thanks him for all his help (Not to mention, aaj kal all this internet business provides really good opportunity to make quick and big money! And all by doing the right things! )

KD comes out of the office and on the road. He can’t handle his happiness and is grinning and punching the air excitedly (d’aaawww!! ) He STTC that soon he will pay RV all his money back and then he can move one after completely forgetting his past. Just then Kiya’s voice asks, “then what will happen to us?” Surprised, KD turns around and is shocked to see Kiya standing there grinning. He asks, “Us?” and Kiya nods. She asks doesn’t he know and they both shyly laugh. He comes out of his dream when a car honks the horn and flashes headlights in his face.

Avi is ordering a dress for Tika online which she liked and asks her to at least thank him for that. He’s oblivious to the fact that Tika is not at home. He gets a call from DD who informs Avi that KD’s designs were excellent and that he has paid KD advance and signed the contract with him. Avi sighs in relief and thanks DD. When the call is over, Avi excitedly says GSC is complete and gets up to tell this to Tika (Yaay! My Man and my Jaan both finished their GSC ) He goes to her room calling out her name but finds the room empty. He asks a butler about her and he informs Avi that Tika has gone out, where he doesn’t know. Avi gets concerned and wonders where did Tika go this time at night?

Tika says to JJ on phone that they will meet, but not today. JJ says she is breaking her promise. Tika replies she doesn’t break promises. She promised that they’d meet and have a good time. They are having that, aren’t they? Step by step everything will be done. Today he heard her voice, someday he’d see her face. JJ chuckles and says it’s the same thing as Mario. After every stage same thing is repeated, “Sorry Mario. Your Princess is in the next castle.” (NOOO!!! WHERE ARE ALL THE GOOD VIBES GONE?!?) It’s really frustrating. Tika mumbles to herself what the hell is Mario? Must be a stone age game and curses all the seniors (SHE DOESN’T KNOW MARIO?! No! NO WAY! She is not at all compatible for JJ! Who doesn’t know MARIO?! It’s bloody CLASSIC!! ) JJ says he knows all the cheat codes of Mario and of this game too that they’re playing. He wonders if he can find her. Tika gets scared and exclaims a no. JJ laughs and suggests her to say yes as it sounds positive. He disconnects the call and gets up to find her. Scared, Tika gets up and sneaks away from there.

RV is struggling with the book which Mini gave her and making a joke outta it with his pronunciation (I dunno Hindi but even I found it hilarious He calls “Kaksha” (class) as “Kacha” (underwear) ) He remembers Mini’s word from yesterday telling him not to laugh at her and demonstrate his own skills before. RV wonders how the hell did he use to pass Hindi? (Without even knowing what’s gonna happen next, I think we all the answer to that question. Cuz of your one and only Moti, Mr. Nonu! )

FLASHBACK TIME!!! OMO! OMO! OMO! FIRST EVER RAHI CHILDHOOD FLASHBACK!! aaah! How I always wanted to see this!!!

Panchi begs RV to go to school but RV refuses saying he doesn’t want to attend Hindi class and get scolded. Panchi (yups! She’s Moti ) suggests him to say to their Hindi sir that he really likes his class in pure Hindi (Kaksha) and he won’t be punished. She holds him by his shoulders and tells him that she’ll finish all his homework once they reach school. RV pinches her cheeks lovingly and says she’s the cutest girl in the entire “Kacha” and goes away. Panchi facepalms and says out, “Tu class hi bola kar!!” (OMG! MAIN MARGAYI! INNI ADORABLENESS!! )

RV smiles remembering this and the FB continues in class.

Hindi Sir is checking RV’s homework and comments that today RV’s homework is really good. He says there’s no way RV did it on his own and someone else must’ve done it for him. He asks RV who did it and RV hangs his head in shame. Panchi raises her hand and confesses that she did his homework. HS is shocked and Panchi apologizes by slightly holding her ear (I died there! THIS GIRL IS SO CUTE!!!! ) HS starts laughing and says to RV that’s what friendship truly is. He says today he won’t punish RV and asks Panchi if it’s alright. Panchi happily nods and RV thanks HS for letting him stay in his “Kacha” which immediately sobers HS ( How am I not to love this man? )

RV still smiling at the recollection. Now they are outta class.

Panchi scolds RV and says he must always say “Class” from now on! RV retorts why in the world did she speak the truth?! Panchi replies if she didn’t, he would’ve been punished. RV says it would’ve been better than being kicked out of class. Panchi gets sad and says she’s sorry but RV tells her to shut up. She turns to him and confesses she can’t bear seeing him punished and he apologizes for his harsh tone (Khuda ki kasam, if my brother wasn’t sitting on the bed next to me, I was so gonna cry at this scene )

RV smiles and STTC even today only Panchi can help him. He picks up his cell to call her but then drops it and STTC that she must be preparing for MVC. He gets up with the intention of going to meet her. He says he’ll help her a little, take coffee for her and all will be well. He gets ready to leave and picks his cell phone and wallet but then remembers how Panchi said she wasn’t free and has to prepare for MVC. RV STTC what if her mood turns sour if he shows up like that? (Gadhe! nahin hoga! Tu jaa! ) He drops the idea and stays at home.

Panchi is worried for MVC and is pacing with a cup in her hand. She even drops the cup and it breaks. Mrs. R comes looking for her and asks her what’s wrong? She says she’s been noticing Panchi being super nervous the entire evening. Panchi drops on the bed and says MVC is starting tomorrow and she feels like she knows nothing (HAILA! ALREADY?! ) Mrs. R consoles her that it’s obvious to feel nervous before an exam and besides, she’s been preparing a lot and even her Hindi speech is prepared, so why worry? Panchi replies she knows that but MVC is a huge event so it’s really overwhelming. Mrs. R says confidently that Panchi will do great but Panchi is extra tensed. Mrs. R suggests her to go have some outing. Panchi asks where can she go and Mrs. R tells her to go meet RV, she’ll feel great there. Panchi is thoughtful about it (chali jaa!! )

JJ keeps looking for his KPD while Tika looks at him from hidden spots. The hide n seek game is on for a while. Tika goes in the club and calls JJ. JJ also enters the club. Tika says it’s cheating, this wasn’t her plan. JJ replies he thought she was spontaneous. Tika says she is but she likes planning. JJ tells her to calm down, it’s just a game and besides, she likes unplanned stuff. Tika suggests him to go to his table where they’ll play another game, if he wins then they’ll meet. JJ agrees and he goes out. Once at his table, he asks what he has to do? Tika says there are two parts in the game. First, he has to order some drinks and starters and she’ll do the same. But the condition is that they have to order for each other. JJ says no issue but where must he send the order? Tika tells him not to be oversmart, only if the orders match then they’ll meet. JJ agrees.

Panchi comes over at RV’s house. She sees him sitting in the room with his back turned to her. She STTC that the way she treated RV in college, he must be really mad. Angry Nonu Man. She greets him but he doesn’t reply (OH NO! Not getting good vibes!! ). She asks is he still mad? She says she’s really sorry and that she shouldn’t have behaved like that. He knows he’s her best friend, right? And tomorrow is MVC which she doesn’t want to start with a bad feeling. She walks to him and says she’s sorr- that’s when she sees him. He’s sleeping! She is surprised but then smiles (Oh well! He was looking so innocent ) She reaches out to shake him up but then pulls her hand away. She takes the book off his chest and puts his hands in a more..umm..comfortable position. Then she takes out her cell phone and, like all good friends do, takes his picture She sees the picture, comments it’s cute and goes away from there (Mereko ek RaHi moment chaiye tha per koi nahin! this was adorable! )

JJ-Tika still on phone and JJ gets his drink. He says to Tika he got his, when is he getting hers and she asks him to have patience. JJ notices the same waiter coming towards him with a different drink and kinda gets worried. He hides his face as if to change the inevitable but gets relieved when he sees the waiter has the same drink which he ordered on the tray as well. Anyway, JJ gets the same drink from Tika’s side which he had ordered from himself. JJ cheekily invites Tika to have the drink with him then says how nicely he read into her because their choices matched. JJ cunningly asks the waiter who ordered the other drink from him and the waiter tells him the table number.

Precap – JJ is dancing in the club and Tika is watching him. She walks to him and puts her hand on his shoulder (still won’t believe that it’ll be revealed itna jaldi )

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