Qubool Hai 01st July 2013 Written Update

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Qubool Hai 01st July 2013 Written Update by Rimjhim

Qubool Hai 01st July 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Mamu turns around just in time to find Razia adjusting a sandbag, not knowing that Badi bi is inside it. razia is shocked to see him, and when he asks why is she standing there, she avoids it saying that he should change while she serves him food. After he hears this, he turns around to go, but then turns again, and moves to Razia, who is shocked. He tells razia that he knows that she is worried for humaira, and that soon everything would be alright. razia is relieved as mamujaan leaves. She again gets back to work, and fixes the bag. Razia puts the bag in the store, and turning on the exhaust, she gets to her work.

Mamujaan hearing noise from the cellar, wonders who is there, and goes to find out. As razia is busy in her work, tying badi bi top the chair, she doesnt realise that mamujaan is walking towards her. She is shocked when he hears his voice knocking and asking who is it inside. Finally razia says that its her. He is surprised and asks her the reason, and why has she locked it. Badi bi has tears but is unable to say anything. She comes out and locks the store, and is asked by mamu about the reason. Razia says that there’s valuable stuff inside, and she has sprayed medicine on the expensive carpets. Hence didnt want anyone to get infected, hence locked the room. Mamu leaves from there, while razia is relieved. She eyes the store and the lock on it.

All are having dinner, while rashid asks for badi bi. Razia says that she went out to meet someone. Rashid is surprised who is it, and at this hour. He decides to call her, scaring razia. But fortunately, the phone doesnt get through for razia. She says that maybe there’s no siganl, and she would call when she reaches. Rashid still is upset at this inexplicable behaviour. Ayan comes in talking to the inspector, while searching for something. He jots down something, while the family watches in tension. Ayan tells them, that agirl has been found in the clinic in the outskirts, and that could be humaira. All are excited and tensed too at this.

Scene 2:
Location: Asad’s residence
Dilshad is given a gift by Daijaan, and is asked about asad. she and nazma get tensed. Just then, asad enters, in a dishevelled state. He wishes Daijaan, and is given Prashad of a very known place, saying that he shouldnt lose hope, and also gives him a taveez, for his good health. She asks him to leave her to her house.

Scene 3:
Location: Orphanage
Asad crosses the orphanage, while having left Daaijaan oblivious that zoya’s there, who also doesnt know that asad’s car is passing through. He stops ahead of the orphanage, having just realised something. He gets out of the car, just in time that zoya walks in. He again sits dejectedly in the car, and starts it. But he hears a shattering noise of the glass, and a huge commotion of people that follows. Due to the accident, a child gets hurt, and zoya rushes out and carries her into her arms, while asad sees her in the rear view mirror, and is overwhlemed to have finally found her. He sees them going inside the orphanage and rushes out to go inside.

Asad comes to the caretaker and asks about zoya, who he just saw and expresses his desire to meet her. The caretaker agree, but says that she wont meet as she has told that she doesnt want any visitors. He says that he just wants to know if she’s okay. He tells asad that she is distraught and all the time either prays or sits alone, and since she doesnt want anyone to meet her, he cant give her permission too. He asks asad who is he and if he knows the reason for her behaviour. He tells him that somebody has broken his heart, and asks him to wish that whoever did this to her, should get such a punishment that he doesnt ever dare something like that again. He asks asad who is he to her.(SAD MITWA) He is speechless and walks off. He stands beside the car, and is in tears.

Inside the lady announces asad’s arrival, to zoya, who is shocked to hear this but then is plesantly surprised and rushes outside to go to meet him, overwhelmed that he finally came seeking out for her. But then she stops herself, and is tearful to see asad with his back towards her. As he turns around, she ducks so as not to be seen, barely controlling her tears. He gets into the car and begins to start to drive off. Zoya stealthily comes outside completely in tears and is asked by the lady caretaker as to what is it, that brings her outside. As she sees asad’s car going away, she tells the lady that next time anyone comes looking for her, they should be told that she doesnt live here anymore. This surprises them. The screen freezes on Zoya’s teary distraught face.

Precap: Humaira comes back to the house along with the nurses, while the whole family is excited to have her back. As razia asks her where had she gone, she tells them that they all are mistaken. She says that she isnt Humaira but Rajni Shukla, shocking them completely. In the orphanage, while zoya is spreading clothes on the roof, she is strangled by a cloth by Tanveer. tanveer gaga her, and then lays her, and makes a brick wall around her, so that she suffocates and dies, before anyone can find her there.


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  1. Sonya
    July 04, 15:19 Reply

    Good acting by Bedi Be and Razia. It was nice to have Humeria back only to know she has lost her memory. No one notices that Bedi Be is missing all are with Humeria. Loved it.

  2. jjjj
    July 02, 12:12 Reply

    @suni di thanks so much this helped me a lot in writing my speech………
    Sorry if I troubled u……………….
    Thank u so much………………

  3. Suni
    July 02, 11:59 Reply

    In Hindi: सभी चीजें कृत्रिम हैं, क्योंकि प्रकृति ईश्वर की कला है.

    Thomas Browne थोमस ब्राउन

    Quote 2: All my life I have tried to pluck a thistle and plant a flower wherever the flower would grow in thought and mind.

    In Hindi: मैंने पूरी ज़िन्दगी वहां कांटे निकालने और फूल लगाने का प्रयास किया है जहाँ वो विचारों और मन में बड़े हो सके.

    Abraham Lincoln अब्राहम लिंकन

    Quote 3: Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative.

    In Hindi: अनुकूल बनें या नष्ट हो जाएं, अब या कभी भी, यही प्रकृति कि निष्ठुर अनिवार्यता है.

    H. G. Wells एच. जी. वेल्स

    Quote 4: All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was.

    In Hindi: पानी की याददाश्त उत्तम होती है,वो हमेशा वहीं जाने का प्रयास करता है जहाँ वो था.

    Toni Morrison टोनी मोरिसन

    Quote 5: And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

    In Hindi: और वो दिन आ गया जब कली के अन्दर बंद रहने का जोखिम खिलने के जोखिम से अधिक दर्दनाक था.

    Anais Nin एनेस निन

    Quote 6: Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.

    In Hindi: पतझड़ एक दूसरे बसंत की तरह है जब सभी पत्तियां फूल बन जाती हैं.

    Albert Camus अल्बर्ट कैमस

    Quote 7: Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn’t people feel as free to delight in whatever remains to them?

    In Hindi: पक्षी तूफ़ान गुजरने के बाद भी गाना गाते हैं; क्यों नहीं लोग भी जो कुछ बचा है उसी में प्रसन्न रहने के लिए खुद को स्वतंत्र महसूस करते हैं .

    Rose Kennedy रोज़ केन्नेडी

    Quote 8: Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher.

    In Hindi: चीजों के प्रकाश में सामने आओ, प्रकृति को को अपना शिक्षक बनने दो.

    William Wordsworth विल्लियम वर्डस्वर्थ

    Quote 9: Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light.

    In Hindi: अपनी जड़ों की गहराइयों में सभी फूल प्रकाश रखते हैं.

    Theodore Roethke थीओडोर रोएथ्के

    Quote 10: Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.

    In Hindi: पृथ्वी और आकाश, जंगल और मैदान ,झीलें और नदियाँ , पहाड़ और समुद्र, ये सभी उत्कृष्ट शिक्षक हैं, और हम में से कुछ को इतना कुछ सीखाते हैं जितना हम किताबों से नहीं सीख सकते.

    • jjjj
      July 02, 11:58

      really thanks…………………………..

    • Suni
      July 02, 12:00

      No prob dear 🙂 …see you later .

  4. jjjj
    July 02, 11:55 Reply

    i am looking for a site that has quotes about nature in hindi(if u can find) otherwise english also please help me i have to prepare a speech just today……….

  5. Asya4ever
    July 02, 11:54 Reply

    Hiiii all …. hope all is well…… missed u all …. take care all ….. zac bro hope u are well….. tc …. hope to see u all soon …. Nishi welcome back

    • jjjj
      July 02, 12:00

      thank u@asya forever. ithink u have changed ur gravatar…
      do u have any news about samaira(iraa)

  6. jjjj
    July 02, 11:48 Reply

    pls can any1 help me……..

    • Suni
      July 02, 11:49

      What r u looking for Nishi ?

  7. Xia
    July 02, 11:45 Reply

    Sry nishi i dnt knw any site name suni di plz help her

    • Suni
      July 02, 11:49

      What sites dear ?

  8. ayshel
    July 02, 11:42 Reply

    I guess humaira became, under threat, robbed. beaten. that girl has taken/stole her ring away, stepped into the bus and had that fatale accident …… and now humaira, has amnesia now ayaan will fall in love with her because she might be fewer/less timid.
    which means that the ayaan / zoya danger will be HISTORY???? that would be awesome.

    • Suni
      July 02, 11:52

      Hi ayshel 🙂

    • ayshel
      July 02, 11:53

      HI DEAR. how are you?

  9. jjjj
    July 02, 11:42 Reply

    @xia di please site suggest karo… kal speech bolni hai raat bhar yaad karni padegi……….

    July 02, 11:40 Reply

    Guyz im feeling very sad for asya. Plz gulll khan dont do this i hope they will unite soon

    Guyz my mom teaches me driving now a days yippy

  11. jjjj
    July 02, 11:39 Reply

    @suni thanks a lot for ur wishes…. bye see u again….

  12. Xia
    July 02, 11:38 Reply

    Umat im fine now bt studies hmm i week no studies only rest@nishi abhi hand kaise hai i hope u r fine

      July 02, 11:41

      Ok dear no stress only rest it is gud fr u then if u feel better to study then u can

    July 02, 11:35 Reply

    Xia r u still in hostel or went to home ?
    Howz ur health i think u r nt concious abt ur health
    So take care
    Howz ur studies going?

    Hey suni di howz ur health and howz ur life going hope gud

    • Suni
      July 02, 11:37

      I’m great Umat , thank you 🙂 . Hope that your exams went well.

      July 02, 11:44

      Yup di gud now im waiting fr my result pray fr me

    • Suni
      July 02, 11:50

      I’m praying 🙂

  14. jjjj
    July 02, 11:33 Reply

    @xia di mujhe natural calamity par hindi quotes chaiye koi site suggest karo……… i really missed u….actually i had fracture on my hand so i could not move my hands from 1 month complete bed rest….

  15. jjjj
    July 02, 11:31 Reply

    @suni i missed u a lot , actually i had fracture on my hand so i could not move my hands from 1 month complete bed rest….
    really missed u . i wrote a sorry comment for u on pv page 2 months ago(when i was fine but u did not replied i thought u r angry with me……..

    • Suni
      July 02, 11:36

      No , no , never was 🙂 . Thank you so much for your condolences at that time . . .
      I’m sorry to hear about your hand . .
      So good that you are back , time heals our wounds , physical and emotional .
      I pray that you recover fully . I’m sorry that I can’t stay and catch up some more . I haven’t seen asya for a little time now . Take care until we met again 🙂 bye dear .

  16. Xia
    July 02, 11:26 Reply

    Nishi yeh kiya bol rahi hai maine aapko bohut miss kya kaisi ho n i ll help if possible kya kara hoga

  17. Suni
    July 02, 11:24 Reply

    Hi Umat 🙂 . I didn’t meet you for a while . . Hope that you are good . .
    I hope that the show is better than the pre cap suggests . . .,enjoy guyz , till later 🙂 .

      July 02, 11:32

      Yup im fine suni

      Xia thanks fr wishing

  18. jjjj
    July 02, 11:23 Reply

    hi samaira(my soul sis),anu di , xia di , sachin, farss, and all the qh fans……… kya kisi ne mujhe miss kiya? omg ye maine kya pooch diya aap sab mujhe kyon miss karenge, aapko to mera naam bhi yaad nahi hoga …….. par maine aapko miss kiya………
    mujhe aap sab se ek favor cahiaye??????
    can any1 help………

    • Suni
      July 02, 11:25

      Nishi 🙂 . I didn’t see you for a long time .

  19. Xia
    July 02, 11:20 Reply

    Umat aapke liye thi woh comment n i meant best of luck for ur life

  20. Xia
    July 02, 11:19 Reply

    We all r fine n sab aapko bohut miss karte hai mere or mhk ke comments sirf padte ho kya? Just kidding best of luck for ur give may god bless u with lots of sucess

  21. Shameemah
    July 02, 11:17 Reply

    I hte Billo Rani hw cn sh do da2 2 mss Farooki sh think sh wll gt Asad Ne h.s Zoya,s. I 4ll sorry 4 Badibi wh,s gnna Rescue hr

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