Veera 14th August 2013 Written Update

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Veera 14th August 2013 Written Update by ElmoFuj

Veera 14th August 2013 Written Episode

The episode started with Veera’s Nani apologizing to Ratan and asking her to forgive Amrita so her soul would be at peace. Ratan tells her not to ask for forgiveness as she won’t be able to help her in this. She says she is trying to forget. Chai ji looks on. Ratan leaves from that place.

Ratan goes into her room and sits by her bead and cries her heart out looking at Sampooran’s picture on the wall.

At dinner time, Veera’s Nani asks Veera to sit with her so she could feed her dinner today. Chai ji says that can not happen as everyday Veera eats from Ranvi’s hands and she never lets anybody else feed her, and if anyone tries, she bites their finger. Veera looks on confused at Chai ji but then agrees and says thats true. Ranvi squeezes Veera’s hand and in understanding, Veera says that her friend says eating from Nani’s hands makes the food tastier so she will let Nani feed her today. Ratan and Chai ji look on sadly. Nani ji is excited. Veera says she would not eat here, but upstairs in her room while she listens to a story from her. Naani agrees and follows Veera upstairs.

Veera sits in her room and inspects the roti Naani brought for her and says she eats only Ghee waali roti and this roti has no Ghee. She asks Naani to make her a Ghee waali roti. Naani agrees and goes down to the kitchen and applies Ghee on the roti, while Ratan looks on. After applying Ghee, she goes upto find Veera not in her room. She finds Veera outside her room. She tries feeding her but Veera says the gravy is too less, so she should go get some more. Naani again agrees and goes all the way down to the kitchen to get more gravy and again Ratan watches her. She goes up once again to find Veera on the swing. She feeds Veera a bite but she says it was too spicy, she needs water and quick. Naani again goes all the way down to get her water, once again Ratan watches. Naani feed Veera roti running around all over the house, chasing her.

Later at night Naani is sitting on the bed, her legs aching and is applying some medicine when Veera comes in and asks her to ditch the medicine and apply a balm. She hands Naani a box and says it has the balm she would be needing because she was observing how she walked with pain. Naani is happy to see Veera’s concern. Veera runs out and Ranveera watch on from the window.

Naani opens the box only to be scared by some pop-up toy. Naana says Veera is not as innocent as she seems. Naani agrees. Ranveera hug. Naani goes out to find them hugging and asks Veera to sleep with them today. Veera and Ranveer try to protest but Naani grabs her hand and takes her inside, Veera winking to her Veerji before she goes in.

Veera lays in the middle of the bed with Nana and Naani on either side of her. She keeps a leg on Naana and tells him she has a habit of sleeping like that. She keeps on placing her legs on Naana and Naani, or changing her positions and lying on them. Ranvi waits for her in the room, feeling lonely. Veera’s plan backfires and Naana catches her leg in time and says bad habits need to be adressed. Veera is worried now thinking how would she go to her Veerji now. Ranvi worried too.

Nana and Naani manage to make her lie down properly. Ranvi applies glue to his hand and sticks his hand with the wall besides his bed and sings the lullaby as he cries. Veera sleeps. Ratan also hears the lullaby and gets worried and upset. Naana and Naani observe how Veera has finally slept and they too then sleep. It is then shown that Veera had been pretending to sleep the whole time. She makes sure her grandparents are sleeping and then sneaks out.

Ranvi is about to remove his hand from the wall, dejected, when he sees Veera’s hand on top of his. He gets very happy on seeing her. He tells her he knew she would come. Veera nods. Ranveera hug happily.

Precap: Naaniji says today she would give Veera a bath. Veera is upset. Ranvi comes and whispers something in her ear. It is then shown that Naani ji is carrying a pail of water, dropping it all over the floor as she goes. Ratan comes from the other side and slips, falling onto the ground. Ranvi screams ‘Beeji’.

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1 Comment

  1. Sonya
    August 15, 17:24 Reply

    A lovely episode. The children in this serial takes away all my worries – I love watching them and their pranks. Veera / Ranvir you rock! Lovely story good serial.

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