Diya Aur Baati Hum 20th December 2013 Written Update

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Diya Aur Baati Hum 20th December 2013 Written Update by b2011

Diya Aur Baati Hum 20th December 2013 Written Episode

Kanha heads towards kitchen with second set of roti but stops midway. Sandhya is tense and Meena is prays that Kanha reach the kitchen. Kanha then goes to Sandhya and she takes the rotis, smears ghee and takes to the dining table. She distributes all and Bhabhasa asks for a roti and then two. She had one roti for Daisa but Daisa asks her to give it to Bhabhasa and make another one for her. Sandhya is really upset. Meena and Emily scold Daisa. They go to store room and see no flour in the box. Emily offers to bring it from kitchen and Meena taunts her. She tells they will make rotis with whatever flour remaining in the plate start doing.

Daisa is waiting for her roti. Daisa’s daughter-in-law comes there with Mishri telling she has to go to flour mill and asks Daisa to look after Mishri. Meena brings rotis to kanha and asks him to go one more time to Sandhya. Kanha moves on but stops midway and moves towards Mishri. Meena and Emily have come down and are watching Kanha from a side. Bhabho notices them and also the bag in Kanha’s walker. She understands what is going on. Daisa calls Sandhya for her roti. Bhabho goes and takes Kanha to the kitchen and gives the bag to Sandhya. She scolds Sandhya as she had earlier refused to not do so. Bhabho then loudly asks Sandhya to make Kanha drink water and goes to dining table. Sandhya in a hurry brings the roti without smearing ghee. Daisa asks for ghee and Bhabho asks Sandhya to apply ghee from the table. Daisa notices Sandhya’s hands are very clean and does not look like she made the rotis. Meena and Emily are scared. Meena swears to visit Daisa’s house and take revenge by demanding her to make rotis. Emily advises her to take Sudha also. Bhabho manages the situation by saying Sandhya was multitasking while she made the rotis, she also washed the vessels. All the ladies praise Sandhya as beendani No. 1. Bhabho and Bhabhasa are pleased. The ladies leave.

Next scene, Sandhya is washing vessels near the hand pump and Emily brings all the vessels to be washed to her. Bhabhasa is sitting after having a heavy lunch. Bhabho returns back after sending off the other ladies. She sits near Bhabhasa. Bhabhasa praises Sandhya’s cooking. Bhabho calls all her beendanis. Meena thinks Bhabho is happy and going to praise or gift them and runs first. Sandhya and Emily hesitatingly go near her. Bhabho asks them to stand on the same side. Meena senses Bhabho is not happy and moves next to Sandhya. Sandhya apologizes to Bhabho that she realized that her insisting for cooking was wrong. Bhabho says at least she learnt something to cook on this pretext and she indeed cooked all other dishes well and she is happy. The only thing Sandhya could not make was rotis. Bhabhasa is surprised as the rotis were good in shape and taste. Bhabho explains him all that happened in roti making that it was Meena and Emily who prepared the rotis and sent to Sandhya via Kanha. Bhabhasa praises Meena and she says thank you to him. Bhabho taunts only she has the cunningness to do all these things. Meena tells that though she is cunning and selfish, she could not bear Daisa insulting their family and she had to do this. Bhabho praises this attitude of her and Meena is pleased. Bhabho tells Sandhya has done a miraculous job before going to her training. She further explains that Sandhya has made both Emily and Meena work together for the need of family and she is very much pleased with Sandhya and feels she is the only one who can keep her family united and hence all her other (cooking) deficits can be forgiven. Emily says Sandhya has always helped them and she is happy to help her. She even offers to help Sandhya whenever she wished to cook. Bhabho requests Sandhya with folding hands not to ever wish for cooking again. Bhabhasa is watching all this amusingly while he feels some pain in his chest. Suraj is also watching all of them during this conversation and notices Bhabhasa feeling discomfort.

Precap: All are in the hospital worried and Meena is blabbering as usual that nothing serious should happen to Bhabhasa.

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  1. SC
    December 20, 19:40 Reply

    Seems like daisa has nothing better to do than to taunt Rathi Parivar. Meenakshi and Emily did a brilliant job working together to help Sandhya and family out. As the food preparation was to such perfection, poor Daisa could Only praise sandhya and didnt have any excuses at all to taunt her.

    Bhabho, brilliant for covering and supporting the daughter in laws.

  2. Sana
    December 20, 13:10 Reply

    Nice to c family unity

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