Doli Armaanon Ki 03rd March 2014 Written Update

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Doli Armaanon Ki 03rd March 2014 Written Update by RIMJHIM

Doli Armaanon Ki 03rd March 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Samrat’s residence
Diwaker, urmi and samrat’s father are shocked to see the news clip. urmi asks if they know the girl. She is told that this is aditi. She is shocked, but samrat’s father confirms it. Urmi thanks that she reached in time that day. Diwaker asks if aditi is alright. All compliment her for having saved aditi. But all are serious when samrat’s mention comes. He calls shashi, who is oblivious that its aditi who she saved. When she sees the newspaper she is shocked herself. He reprimands shashi that its her own daughter who urmi saved. Shashi frantically asks urmi how’s aditi. urmi asks her to relax saying that nothing has happened and aditi’s completely okay. shashi thanks her for this favour. urmi asks her not to say this, as it isnt a favour. He says that they are fortunate to have had her as the daughter in law. shashi remembers how she had reprimanded urmi for taking active interest. shashi regrest that she had said all that to urmi. But urmi asks her not to feel like this, while diwaker praises urmi for being the person that she is, and says that they are proud to have her as family. Both urmi and aditi talk to their respective tensed mothers, as to how this news got blown out of proprotions. Aditi thanks the lady while talking to shashi about the lady, who had helped her immensely. Shashi tells aditi about the relationship that they share. saroj too is shocked when she hears that the girl that urmi saved is her sister in law. saroj thanks the lord and tells buaji about aditi and urmi’s encounter. She asks urmi about aditit, and she reassures her that aditi is safe. Aditi tells shashi that urmi is very nice, and asks about samrat’s reaction to all this. urmi too expresses her tension about samrat’s reaction when he knows it. Saroj and others start discussing about aditi. They all compliment urmi for having saved aditi.

Scene 2:
Location: Anu’s residence
While anu is getting ready, trisha asks her to finsih her milk before leaving. Trisha asks her to come along too. Trisha asks what would she do. Anu insists, despte trisha telling her that she’s very busy and would talk in the evning. Sensing her tensed, trisha asks what the matter. Anu hesitatingly tells that some guys tease her on the road, and she is scared to go to college now. Trisha is shocked and asks if she had told anyone. Anu says that there’s no point in telling family, as they would blame her only. She asks trisha to come along. trisha agrees saying that she doesnt need to be scared, as long as she is with her.

Scene 3:
Location: On the road
Anu identifies the person who teases her the most, and is scared that he mightnt see her. trisha says that from today onwards, he wont dare to cast his eye on her. Trisha moves towards the guy, venting out her frustration. Anu realises that the person that she was talking about has gone away, and another person wearing the same tshirt bears the brunt of trisha’s anger who slaps him tight and gives a big lecture. anu comes and clarifies, and trisha is completely ashamed. He says that its okay and walks off. as other people start reprimanding her, she turns around and finds the person gone.

Scene 4:
Location: Samrat’s Office
While working in the office, samrat gets to know that the newspaper has come today and is boggled as to why it didnt come at home. While going through the newspaper, samrat comes across the news about urmi and aditi and is furious beyond disbelief.

Scene 5:
Location: samrat’s residence
All are waiting anxiously and scared of samrat’s return. They all are hoping that he hasnt seen the newspaper or he would vent out his entire frustration by screaming at them. Hearing the car honk, they find out that samrat is back. samreat enters with a stoical face, while all get to calming him down. Samrat retorts back at the seemingly normal statements of the members. Shashi asks him to go to his room and rest, while urmi serves him tea and snacks there. He says that he can have it here too. all get tensed, when he doesnt give in if he knows about it or not. When samrat sits down and is served water by urmi, he sips it silently, eyeing him curtly. urmi offers to get tea for him. Samrat asks urmi to wait for a minute and when she does, he asks if she had hidden the paper. urmi is stunned and unsure what to answer. All are shocked that he knows the truth. samrat’s father notions her not to oblige. She is about to lie again, when samrat stops her midway and reprimands her for now beginning to lie even. All are silenced. samrat says that the silence speaks all for them and their scare. he retorts urmi for having joined the gang too. Shashi tries to take her side, but samrat silences her too, saying that all are conspiring against him. urmi says that it isnt like that. He asks her whats this then. He reminds her that he had told her not to go to the police or create any more drama. Samrat reprimands urmi that for going to shop she takes his permission, but to go to the police station even after his telling them not to do so, she didnt feel that need. he asks why did she go then. Urmi is speechless. His father stands and says that he had told urmi to go. Samrat is shocked to hear this. He says that now samrat must also know that she had saved the daughter of this family. Samrat says that the girl she saved, means nothing to him, if at all to others. He says that urmi is his wife, and that this isnt wifely of him, but sheer betrayal. urmi is shocked to hear this. The screen freezes on her hurt face.

Precap: Samrat compliments urmi for having made a beautiful cake, and other too ask her to give their wishes also to her father on his birthday. Kanchan says that she too would have gone to urmi’s house with her, had her daughter been a little older, as she was really excited to meet trisha. This alarms samrat qwhen he hears trisha’s name who he hates severely. as urmi is about to leave, samrat asks her to stop. urmi gets tensed.

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  1. Zainab
    March 03, 14:53 Reply

    Finally,Rimjhim ur back!
    Samrat won’t allow her to go this is punishment not marriage if he divorce her it will be better before she give birth,it seems like he hate children also .
    Wicked man! Who does he think he is?

  2. Rainbow
    March 03, 13:18 Reply

    Samrat wnt allow Urmi to go to Papas Bdae 🙁

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