Kalash 15th July 2015 Written Update

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Kalash 15th July 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Kalash 15th July 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
RAvi comes in marriage venue, he talks to Monty, Devika sees him and gets happy, Ravi goes from there, Devika looks on and goes behind him, Sakshi finds Devika going and follows her.
Saket is getting ready in room, door knocks, Saket says i am going down only, door is opened, Saket ask who is there? Devika is finding Ravi, she says where is he? he didnt even meet me, Sakshi comes from behind and says even now you will say that i am saying rubbish, i saw how your eyes sparkled seeing Ravi and then when he left, you started to think how he can leave without meeting you, i dont understand you want, Devika starts leaving, Sakshi says i cant see your destroying, i am saying this last time, whatever step you take now will decide how you will live your life now, a man who treats you like thing, who always insult you, who cant respect a girl, who will break your every dream, you wanna marry a person like him? and other side is Ravi, he is totally opposite, he loves you alot, no one can love more than him, you have decide if you want to make your life hell or have to show guts and make your life, and whatever be the results, only you will be responsible for it, she leaves.

Scene 2
Savitri is waiting for Saket, Rekha ask her to calm down, Savitri says jay mala is not done till now, people will start gossiping, you go and see Saket, call him down, Rekha says ok i will check him, shekhar comes and ask her to calm, Saket will down, he ask Rekha to come with him, they leave.
Ravi comes in Saket’s room, Saket angrily looks at him, Ravi closes door, Saket says i thought you must be crying for losing to me, Ananya was nice, i pray for her soul, i thought you will go to hospital with Ananya’s body but you came here, whats your problem? why you are in hurry always? if you have come then enjoy marriage, all credit goes to you for this marriage, you didnt able realize what my power is, i am in hurry, my bride is waiting for me, i will go down, get married then we will talk, e applies perfume, Ravi stares at him, Saket says i am afraid of you, dont look at me like this, you must be tired running, he offers him water and ask him to cool down, you have to shower petals on me in pheras too, i know you are angry that you lost proof and also challenge, Ravi angrily slaps him, Saket gets angry.
Navi is still finding Ravi, Manju comes to her, Navi says i am thinking to go home, Ravi is not here and i know Devika only here but she is busy, i should go, Manju says no he is coming, he asked to keep you here, he was happy that you are here, Savitri sees them together and thinks what i am seeing? this rich girl talking with Manju nicely? Navi says if he is coming then i will wait for him for more time, Navi leaves, Savitri comes to her and ask what you were talking to that girl? Manju says you tried to insult me but see your game reversed, my son is very nice thats why that girl is with him, she is decent girl, she leaves.

Scene 3
Saket says you slapped Saket Kappor, he says to Ravi that i am not great person who will present your otherside of face to slap more, you have gone mad, leave your anger, i am in good mood, come in marriage, Ravi says you are devil, you played dirty game and you are not guilty at all, a girl believed you, trusted your promises, she was with you and what you did? you killed her and her unborn child even after knowing that child was yours, Saket says i dont listen to anyone, Ananya’s death happened because of you, i thought to leave her after marriage but you made her run and provoked her so i had to kill her, i told you before only that whoever will come inbetween me and Devika, i will not leave him, you didnt listen to me, wanted to become hero, you are responsible for her death, Ravi says you crossed limit and think that you can start a new life after killing a life, i will bring truth out to everyone today, i will show your real face to everyone, i will ruin you, i will tell police about your truth, you killed two people, i will make sure you get punished, Saket laughs.
All are waiting for Saket to come down, Savitri goes to check Saket, Monty sees her going and thinks if she goes there then it will be more problem, i should inform Ravi, Vikas stops him and ask him to see catering first, Monty tries to leave but Vikas drags him with himself. Sakshi prays to Ambe Maa that do something and stop this marriage.
Saket says to Ravi that you are weird, i am getting married and you are talking about jail? i should applaud your thinking, you have nothing in hand and trying to frame me, i can make right to wrong in a blink, Ravi says i have proof this time, after postmortem report it will be proved that child in her belly is yours, you will get punished, i know your goons, Saket says what if my men doesnt give statement against me? Saket says what if police say that Ananya was not pregnant then what will you do? even if they write that Ananya was pregnant the ow child is mine? do you remember the van which crushed Ananya, Ravi says it doesnt matter, Saket says it mattes, you must know its number? Ravi is confused, Saket says that car is of your brother Vikas, he takes thinks here and there in that car, i will prove in court that your brother is involved in it, he will go to jail, and i will be free, now choice is yours, Devika is mine, you once saved her in hotel from me, you forced me to go mad for her, i have to make her mine, you will get punished for what you did and Devika will get punished because of you, soon she will be Mrs. Saket Kappor and i can do anything with her, she will scream but no one will be able to save her, i will remember you and will give her more pain, its her mistake that she is your friend, she will get punished for that, Ravi says you cant touch DEvika, Saket says why you are doing this? what have i done to you? why you hate me? i know why, because you love DEvika, tell me that you love her, he gets angry and ask him to speak, cant you say that you love her, Ravi shouts that yes i love her and i will keep loving her, i cant see her in pain as i love her, nobody can stop me from loving her, yes i love her, i love Devika.

PRECAP- Shekhar comes to Sakshi and Devika and says you both go home, i will bring doctor, Devika ask what happened?

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  1. vanita
    July 15, 22:47 Reply

    Precap says shekar will bring doctor but for whom?

    • Mays
      July 16, 06:55

      agar yahi bta denge….toh suspense kya reh jayega….:P 😛 :V :V

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