Vishkanya 7th June 2016 Written Update

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Vishkanya 7th June 2016 Written Update by MA

Vishkanya 7th June 2016 Written Episode

Harsh gets Malay ready as a groom and walks with him holding his hand. Sunder and his goon laugh on Apu. Apu prays god with closed eyes. Rope burns and Apu falls in acid and shouts. Malay senses her shout. Harsh brings him down to hall and takes him towards mantap. Acid boils after Apu falls down and all goons continue enjoying the scene and laughing. Vardaan is brought to mantap by Renu. Apu extends her burnt hand out and then falls back. Goons laugh that she died finally. Malay addresses guests that they came to attend his and Apu’s marriage, but he is marrying Vardaan. Guests start discussing how can any girl reject Malay, booth badi people are really arrogant.

Sunder asks laborer Nigam to put mud on acid pit. He walks yelling to put mud. Malay sits in mantap with Vardaan reminiscing Apu’s words that she fooled him. Pandit starts chanting mantras and explaining rituals. Laborer fills pit with mud. Madan gives him 500 rs and he starts fighting. Pandit asks Vardaan to promise Malay that she will be with him whole life. She promises. Pandit asks Malay to promise Renu that he will take care of her daughter whole life. Malay sadly promises. Renu and Kumkum smirk. Madan, Sunder and his goons enter dancing on drum sound. Nandita gets happy seeing them. Pandit asks her to stop this noise. Madan says it is celebration of his nephew’s marriage and not noise. All goons continue dancing.

Pandit asks Malay and Vardaan to stand up for pheras. Kalpana comes with police and tells inspector that her daughter’s marriage was to happen in this mantap, but Malay is in mantap with another girl and her daughter is missing, they must have done something. Malay says she cannot allege them like this, he gave her 1 hour to bring Apu and she failed and instead blaming them. Nandita says to save her family’s dignity, she arranged another girl for marriage. Kalpana says she must have kidnapped Apu. Inspector says this marriage cannot happen and Mittal family has to come to police station with him.

Madan’s friend goon inspector enters and shows his ID to inspector and asks how can they come here on this woman/Kalpana’s complaint and says Mittal family is a respectable family and this woman is plotting against them. Inspector leaves. Nandita takes Malay back to mantap. Madan and his goons drag Kalpana and Dida out of house and throw them on floor. Sunder brings Didi bhai on wheelchair and asks Kalpana to take her garbage from here. Madan says he saw Apu with a boy in highway jungle, she eloped with him.

Precap: Kalpana searches Apu in jungle. Malay extends mangalustra to dorn it in Vardaan’s neck. Ground breaks and Apu raises her hand…

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