Woh Apna Sa 29th June 2017 Written Update

Woh Apna Sa 29th June 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Woh Apna Sa 29th June 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Kaki asks Adi to come for breakfast. Jhanvi comes in kitchen. Jhanvi puts serum in Adi’s milk glass, she thinks Adi will get dizzy after drinking it and then I will be able to do Narco test and bring out truth from him. Kaki comes in kitchen as Jhanvi leaves, she takes milk glass and brings it to Adi, Adi drink milk which has serum in it, Jhanvi spies on him. Jhanvi thinks it will start working before Adi even reaches office, I am sorry, I have to do this as you are not telling me truth, when you will reach office, i will take you to my home and bring out truth, next hours are crucial. Adi empties glass and says to Kaki that I am going, Kaki asks him to drive carefully, driver has not come today. Adi says dont worry. Jhanvi hears it and thinks how can Adi drive? he will get dizzy
by chemical soon.

Adi sits in car to go office but feels dizzy, Jhanvi looks on and is tensed. Adi puts on seat belt and drives away, Jhanvi runs behind car, she takes scooty and starts following Adi’s car. Adi is driving but his head is spinning.

Nisha comes in lounge, she finds Adi’s wallet there and says he forgot it here strange. Nisha calls Adi, Adi tries to keep his eyes open while driving, he sees Nisha calling but cant take her call. Adi drives rashly, Jhanvi is following him worriedly. Adi tries to remain awake but his eyes are shutting,he keeps driving. Jhanvi sees him driving and thinks chemical has started to work on Adi.
Nisha calls Adi’s office and asks receptionist to transfer call to Adi, he says Adi hasnt come till now,she says okay and ends call. She says he had been gone for much time now and didnt reach office? she thinks and says Jhanvi! Nisha comes to Baba’s room and sees him sleeping and no Jhanvi there. She comes to kids room and doesnt find Jhanvi there too. Nisha comes to Kaki and asks if she saw Jhanvi? she says no, why? she says nothing, she thinks Jhanvi is not home, Adi didnt reach his office, I am sure they are together.

Adi is driving, his head spins, there is truck infront of his car, Jhanvi is calling out to him. Adi takes speedy turns in his haze. Jhanvi brings his scooty infront of him and shouts on cars to move aside. Adi’s car reaches to her, Adi applies brakes before hitting her and falls down. Jhanvi rushes to him and asks him to wake up, Adi is unconscious. Jhanvi brings him out,she ties Adi on her back and puts him on scooty behind her.

Scene 2
Jhanvi brings Adi to her house. Doctor checks him, Jhanvi says do it fast doctor, I dont have time, she says to Maa that no doctor was coming but he agreed. Adi is awake but dizzy, Doctor asks Adi his name, he murmurs Aditya, doctor asks his wife’s name, he says Nisha, Doctor asks if relation with his wife is fine? Adi says no, its not fine. Doctor asks why? Adi murmurs she has kidnapped that person.. Jhanvi looks on and asks doctor to try again. Doctor asks what happened Adi? Adi says she has grabbed that person, doctor asks who? Adi says she has custody of that person.. doctor says to Jhanvi that his BP is getting low. Jhanvi is worried.
Nisha reaches Jhanvi’s house with police. She rings bell, Maa opens door and says Nisha you here? Nisha comes inside and says to inspector that Adi is here. Nisha only finds doctor there, she asks who is he? Maa says he is relative, Nisha asks where is Jhanvi? Maa says why do you care? Nisha asks inspector to search their house, Maa says they dont have search warrant so they cant search her house, Nisha says inspector cant but I can. Nisha runs inside house and start searching Jhanvi’s house. Nisha comes to Jhanvi’s room, Maa tries to stop her but she doesnt listen. Jhanvi is hiding in cupboard with Adi there. Nisha turns and sees cupboard, she starts reaching cupboard, Jhanvi gets tensed and puts hand on Adi’s mouth. Nisha approaches cupboard… she is about to open it when inspector comes there and says we have got news that Adi’s car had accident, Nisha says what? lets go now, she leaves. Maa brings Jhanvi and Adi out of cupboard, Jhanvi says thank God, she left, now we just have to find truth.

Adi has headache. He is in his house and awake. Jhanvi comes there, Adi says I know what you did with me. Nisha comes there and asks Adi what happened? where were you? your car had an accident? Adi says I wasnt feeling fine thats why I didnt check your calls, Nisha says dont lie. Nisha asks Jhanvi where was she? Jhanvi says I went to take baba’s medicines, Nisha says you are lying,I know it,Jhanvi says why should I be somewhere else? are you hiding something that I should be running to find out? Nisha says shut up, she comes to Adi and takes him away.

Nisha brings Adi to room and asks where were you? you were with Jhanvi, Adi is still dizzy, Adi says I was driving then I felt dizzy and came home. Nisha says Go baby your head is spinning? tell me were you with Jhanvi? Nisha brings out a photo from cupboard and shows it to Adi, Adi gets agitated and tries to take it but Nisha snatches it away and says remember if I have slightest doubt that stealthily go out with Jhanvi then just remember this photo, Adi says leave it, Nisha says how, I have got my husband back because of this, I have got husband who laugh with me and lovingly treats me so I cant leave this so you better not forget your limits because then I will forget my limits too.

PRECAP- Adi asks jhanvi what she wanted to do with him? you know there would have been such a big problem because of what you did, I already told you to stay away from my life, Jhanvi says I just wanted to help you, Adi grabs her arm and says I dont need your help, you are playing with fire that will burn us both, Jhanvi sadly looks at him.

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