Ishq Mein Marjawan 28th November 2017 Written Update

Ishq Mein Marjawan 28th November 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Ishq Mein Marjawan 28th November 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Tara says you are loving her because she is innocent and she loves you. Tell me do you love her? Arohi comes out and looks for Deep. She says where are you deep?
Deep says you are the only one in my life. I love you only. Tara says why are you eyes not agreeing with your words? Did you give her the med? Deep says I was giving her but you did this drama. I don’t love arohi. Tara says I want proof. Go and give this med to her. I want to see her crying and going crazy.

Deep comes out. Arohi says where were you? He says I was looking for you. He says I was looking a book for you. Arohi says I don’t wanna read anything. Nothing is going in my mind. I have gone mad. Deep says there is no such thing. Come and lets make your mood better.

Scene 2

says everyone in that house has two faces. I have seen Arohi’s completely two personalities. We need to investigate from Maya.
Deep comes close to Arohi and hugs her from behind. Prithvi is looking at them with anger. Maya says why are you looking at them? Prithvi says shut up. Deep shows arohi he embroided ‘Ardeep’ on a cloth. Arohi smiles. He says this is my love for you. They come close. Maya giggles. Deep aand Arohi get awkward. Prithvi says Deep there is a lot of work in office. Also arohi did you take your medicine? Deep. gives arohi medicine. Prithvi smirks and nods. Deep has replaced the medicine.

Maya says to Dia Deep has started loving Arohi for real I think. Arohi comes and kicks them. Maya says what are you doing. Arohi are you mad? Arohi surrounds them with petrol and makes a fire around them. Dia says what are you doing. Arohi says showing you how much I hate you both. She lits the fire. Maya and dia scream. Arohi sits down. Maya says they are fooling you arohi. Deep has hired as actors. Arohi says how dare you accuse my deep. Deep comes there and saves may and Dia. Arohi faints.

Scene 3
Maya says we wont stay here. we don’t wanna get burned. Deep says aorhi is mentally ill. She doesn’t know what she is doing. she has multiple personality disorder. Arohi wasn’t in senses when she did that.
Arohi comes downstairs. She says what did i do? What is mama saying. Deep says calm down. Arohi says nno please tell me. Mama please tell me what did I do now? Maya says we don’t wanna live in a house with a mental person. Deep saays you can stay here and we will leave this house. Lets go Arohi. Arohi says no one will go anywhere. Arohi says I am sorry for my mistake. I didn’t want to hurt anyone. Please pardon me. She goes to her room crying. Prithvi says to deep you didn’t give her that med. I saw you swapped it. Then you used Tara to scare Maya.

Precap-Deep says if you think Dia mixed something then I will drink it. Tara says to prithvi I mixed four tabletss in that water. Prithvi says what if he tells Arhohi truth in subconsciousness. Deep says to Arohi I want to tell you something.

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