Mehek 29th November 2017 Written Update

Mehek 29th November 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Mehek 29th November 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Shaurya says to Mahek that Mandhar’s family disrespected him so he wont be able to help Mandhar. Shaurya thinks that Mandhar deserves this. Neev says to Shaurya that dont be miffed with my mother, please help my mom, Julie Maa scolded her a lot, nobody is helping her. Shaurya says to Mahek that for Neev, only I will help and Khurrana will fight case but I have one condition. Mahek says whatever you say. Shaurya says my restaurant is getting big order for next month so you will work in my restaurant’s kitchen for one month, you will be my employee and you will agree t my orders. Kanta hears this on call and ends it, she says I knew shaurya wont let her go. Mahek says to Shaurya that I dont agree, I dont know how to cook hotel food. Shaurya says I have people for hotel food but

I need homely touch to food that you will provide. Neev says I will help Maa too. Shaurya says you will help her by going to school, there will swimming pool, horse riding and everything there. Neev says I will go to school. Shaurya says to Mahek that now Neev will go to school so you will have time to work, Mahek says why you are doing this? Shaurya says helping you, Mahek says then ask Khurana to bring Mandhar out. Shaurya says I dont do charity, I need something back inreturn for helping, so you will join my restaurant? Dolly says he is destroying his restaurant. Shaurya says I am doing my work. Archie thinks Shaurya is stalking her again. Archie says to Shaurya you deal with international clients, she is not needed for that. Shaurya says I am doing business, Archie says she will doom it. Shaurya says I know what I am doing, I know how to make things work and make them famous, thanks for concern. Shaurya says to Mahek that you have time till 4P, after that Khurana will not be able to take your case. He leaves. Archie gets call and leaves.
Archie comes to jail in veil. She says to Mandhar why did you call me? Mandhar says they are beating me, I took phone from policeman, if you dont bring me out then I will tell it was your plan, Archie says you did foolish thing, Mandhar says bring me so I can control secret. Archie says dont threaten me, remember I am your friend in this, Shaurya have offered job to your wife inreturn to bring you out of jail. Mandhar says I wont spare this shaurya, he takes advantage of situation, jerk. Archi asks him to keep his mouth shut and dont call her, she will come to meet him later.

Shaurya says to Kanta that if she doesnt remember her memories then I will make her fall in love again. Kanta says she thinks she is married, she has values. Shaurya says in her mind she is Vandana but her heart have feelings, I will wake them up again, he says to Khurana that make sure Mandhar remains in jail, Khurana says I will try but he will come out eventually. Shaurya says to Kanta that no one should know what we are doing.

Julie is cutting veggies, she cuts her finger, Mahek runs to her, Julie says you are not helping. Mahek says if I work in hotel then Shaurya will get chance to be close. Julie says my son is in jail and you are not helping? do anything but bring Mandhar out, he is my son and he is rotting in jail, I have done so much hard work to raise him, he might be bad but he is my son, I will do anything for him.. he did such a big sin but still I protected him and now you.. Mahek is stunned and says what sin? what are you talking? you are hiding something? Julie says we dont have any way, we dont have money, you can work with Shaurya and bring your husband out of jail or you dont want him to come out? Mahek says why would I do that? if I say yes to Shaurya then he will have upper hand, the man who tried to took me and then separate Neev from us, I slapped him earlier and now I should sit in his feet? julie says I dont know anything, I just want my son, its useless without him. Archie comes there and says thats right, you need your family to be with you but what Shaurya did with Vandana.. she is right too but we have to bring Mandhar out and I will help. Mahek says why you want to go against shaurya? Archie says I dont want to be with him in his madness? his family doesnt stop him but I wont do it, I love him, she holds Mahek’s hand says tell me if husband does something wrong then should you support it or make him come on right path? I am not doing wrong. Archie says to Julie that I will find a way to help you and me both but nobody should know about this, she tells some plan to Julie and Mahek which is muted. Neev hides and hears it.

Shaurya is in restaurant and working but he is distracted that Mahek hasnt come till now.. its nearing 4PM. Archie comes there. Shaurya makes rude face and avoids her. Archie says Vandana didnt come? what happened? are you miffed? please, I didnt want to hurt you, I am just practical, I dont think Vandana will come, end this and let them go from here. Shaurya walks away from her. He starts going to his car. Kanta sees him going and stops him, she asks what happened? Shaurya says Mahek didnt come.

Mahek is cooking and sees Neev playing. Julie calls Archie and asks if work will be done? Archie says yes my lawyer will bail Mandhar out. Julie thanks her. Kanta comes there, she sees paper on floor with which Neev is playing. Julie ends call. Kanta asks what happened about Shaurya’s offer? Julie says we havent thought about it and dont want to talk about it, you cleared that you dont want to get involved in our matter so why care now? Kanta says I just came to give halwa to Neev, Neev says thank you aunty, Kanta says my Mahek was your mother’s age and used to call me chachi so you call me grandma, Neeb says I will call you chachi-nani(aunt-grandma). Julie says I will send box back later.

Archie’s lawyer brings bail papers in police station. Inspector says I have got high court’s order that Mandhar’s bail cant be given. Mandhar gets angry and says I wont stay here. Policeman throws him in jail.

Archie says to lawyer that my bail request got canceled, it means someone knew I was going to file for bail today and made it get canceled by court. Archie is angry and says who can do this? Shaurya comes there and says me. Archie is shocked to see him there. Archie says you here? lawyer leaves. Shaurya glares at her and says you wont explain psychology today? that I am running behind illusion? Archie says I.. Shaurya shouts shut up, you played a game with me, you cheated me and broke my trust, I cant bear disloyalty especially from a person whom I trusted most.Archie cries and says I did this for you. Shaurya pushes her away. Arvind asks what happened? Shaurya says ask your daughter about it, stay away from me otherwise you will know why people dont mess with me, he says to Archie that whatever was between us has ended, stay away from me and dont try to get in touch with me ever again. Archie is stunned to hear it.

PRECAP- Archi is in car and sees Mahek on road. She says Mahek you will die and Shaurya’s love will die with you. She starts her car and is about to hit Mahek but Mahek moves away and Archie hits Neev with car, Neev flies and falls on road. Mahek screams Neev!

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