Ishqbaaz 7th December 2017 Written Update

Ishqbaaz 7th December 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Ishqbaaz 7th December 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Arohi says to Deep you have been trying to hide my crimes. DEep says he is only blaming you. You can never kill anyone. I am going to him. Arohi says first you have to prove.
:Laksh said to Arohi Deep wrote this suicide note. He proved a murder a suicide. Aorhi see the letter and says this is not Vishal’s handwriting. He says take this to your husband and match his hand writing.
Arohi says this is Vishal’s suicide note. You have to write it.

Laksh says now Deep will know I am not an idiot. Deep will do one more thing to save his murderer wife. We will catch him this time. Deep write the letter and gives it to Arohi.
Arohi says your hand writing is totally different. I am sorry. She hugs him. Deep says in heart if Laksh keeps doing it we will

never stay happy. Arohi says I will throw these letters on his face.
Scene 2
Arohi does Arti. Deep brings Niku in. Arohi hugs him. Arohi says thank you for bringing him. Deep says he came for me to play games with me. Arohi says what will you eat niku? He says chocolate.
Arohi sees a bandage on Prithvi’s hand. She says how did you get it? He says this is just a minor bruise. Arohi brings Niku chocolates. Deep is playing games with him. She says you both look so good. He says and I want to keep looking at you. She says I am very happy. Arohi gives him chocolates. Deep goes out with Prithvi. Niku sees Prithvi. He recalls he saw the same face behind mask. He falls down. Arohi says what happened. Arohi hugs him. Niku says that uncle was here. The one who kidnapped me. Arohi says are you talking about the uncle with white beard? Niku says I bit on his hand. He was the same uncle. I am very scared. Arohi hugs him and says nothing would happen. Eat the chocolate. Arohi recalls the bruise on Prithvi’s hand.
Arohi says this means Niku was right. Prithvi wakes up. He says what are you doing here. Arohi says I came here ot see this mark. He says what maark? She says you kidnapped Niku? He says you are accusing me again? Come with me. He brings her to hall and says Deep come here. What does she want? She accused me of kidnapping Niku. Deep says why do you think so? Arohi says Niku saw papa and said he is the same man who kidnapped him. There is a bite mark on his hand.

Arohi calls the doctor and asks Prithvi got a bruise? He says no Prithvi never came here.
Niku says to Arohi I saw the same uncle. There is my bite mark on his hand. He bites on an apple. He says go an match the mark of my teeth with mark on his hand. It will be same. He is the same uncle who kidnapped me. Arohi says I will check.

Arohi comes to Prithvi’s room at night. SHe says should I ddo this or not? Why would niku lie. I need to find out the truth. Prithvi is asleep. Arohi comes to his room. She takes off his bandgae. Its the same mark as on the apple. Prithvi says she is ill. I wont tolerate this anymore. Maya says she is crazy. DEep says we will go from there house. Prithvi says stop accusing people of this house. Arohi has to apologize. Deep says she wont. Arohi says I am sorry papa. Arohi says to Maya I am sorry mama this wont happen again. she goes to her room crying.

Prithvi calls Tara and tells her everything. He says Arohi thinks I kidnapped Niku. Tara says we will do what deep is bringing arohi for.

Precap-Arohi wakes up. She sees Tara sitting next to her. Arohi is scared. She comes crying to Deep. She says therre is my look alike in this house.

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  1. Cathy
    December 09, 12:55 Reply

    Shivaye says its true, my brothers’ shares are given to Shwetlana, they have no share in Oberoi empire, that is because they don’t deserve it. The family gets shocked. Some time before, Rudra sees Shivaye coming for the conference. Media clicks pictures. Dadi asks why did Shivaye call press. Tej says as if he does everything by telling us. Shakti says maybe he has to announce something imp. Tej says it would be shocking for sure. Jhanvi says we can only wait and watch. Gauri asks Anika do you know why he called press. Anika says he didn’t tell me, lets see.

    Reporter asks Shivaye about the reason to call a sudden conference. Shivaye says I have to make an imp announcement about Oberoi empire, its not just a business institution, its a dream, which my Dada ji had seen, my dad and uncle had

    worked a lot to realize his dream, its not just business for us, Oberoi empire is our identity, its our pride. Everyone looks on. Shwetlana says nice speech. She talks to him via bluetooth. She says I didn’t arrange this press conference to praise Oberois, don’t try to remove bluetooth, my eyes are on you, just do what you are told.
    He says stop threatening me. She says I m sitting in a tv channel OB van, I have Kalyani mills footage on here, where Tej is igniting fire to the factory, I have to just press a button, this footage will go in live feed, I don’t need to tell you what will happen then, don’t force me to defame Tej. He gets shocked. Reporter asks what’s that big announcement. Shivaye says our company’s management got some changes, we have a new partner. Reporter asks who is it, media wants to know, tell us. Shwetlana says come on, my name is not so bad, speak up. Shivaye says Ms. Shwetlana Kapoor. Everyone looks on. Shwetlana and Tia smile.

    The reporter asks the one who was Tej’s secretary, his mistress, her engagement happened with Tej and Om, but she got married to Abhay, now she has become partner in business, tell us what amount of shares does she have. Shivaye says 50 percent. Reporter says you also have 50 percent shares, it means just you and Shwetlana are the owners, what about your brothers, it means you have made them out of the company. Shivaye says its internal decision of our company for the betterment. The reporter says its just your name mentioned in the board of directors’ list, your brothers’ names are not mentioned, has your family parted away too. Shwetlana says come on, Shivaye its action time, you will say what was written in the chit, will you say or shall I switch the video. Reporters ask Shivaye to tell them is this true. Shivaye shouts yes, its true, that my brothers Omkara and Rudra’s shares are given to Shwetlana Kapoor, its also true that they don’t hold any share in Oberoi empire, that is because they don’t deserve it. Everyone looks on.

    Shivaye says they are not worthy of it. Reporter asks do you mean to say they are not capable to manage Oberoi empire. Shivaye says everyone knows it, Om is an artist, his world revolves around art, he thinks from the heart, he doesn’t have a mind, he can never become a good businessman, what shall I tell about Rudra, he is so immature, he doesn’t see anything else than parties, girls, friends, I don’t even remember the last time when he attended college, leave business, it will be a big thing if he manages his studies. Everyone cries.

    Tia smiles. Shwetlana says oh my God, you act so well, what a dialogue delivery, you should have been in acting line, my work is done, your family will manage from here. She smiles. Shivaye asks are we done yet, you may leave. Reporters say we want to know your family’s reaction, where is Om. Shivaye says he is not here. Reporter says no problem, Rudra is here. They ask Rudra. Shivaye scolds them and asks them to get out. Tia goes to Tej and says what’s happening, why is Shivaye doing this, he gave everything to Shwetlana, he ruined Om and Rudra’s reputation, its shocking, I thought he loved them, but after what he did today, any way forget it, you don’t take any wrong step in anger, children make mistakes, elders should show a big heart. Tej gets angry and shouts get out all of you, the press conference is over. He asks Shivaye how dare you say nonsense about my sons. Reporter asks do you think injustice happened with your sons, did Shivaye snatch their rights, media wants to know. Tej shouts get out. Media leaves.

    Tej says I remained silent when you snatched my sons’ rights, you named all the shares to Shwetlana, but I will not stay quiet after you insulted my sons, remember you have started this game, I have set its rules, you will see what I can do, I will destroy you. He pushes Shivaye. Rudra holds Shivaye. Shakti shouts to Tej. Pinky scolds Tej. Their arguments begin. Jhanvi steps in the arguments. Shivaye looks on. Dadi, Anika and Gauri cry. Tej says I have made this empire, I didn’t spend time in temples like your husband, I have worked hard, not because your son takes over everything one day, Shwetlana asked for 50 percent shares, but he didn’t give his shares, he gave Omru shares, because he is your blood, greed is in his blood.

    Dadi asks them to stop it. Anika asks Shivaye to say something now, everyone is getting wrong meaning of his silence. Pinky says stay silent Shivaye, I will answer Tej, Shivaye earned everything, maybe Tej couldn’t do anything, he couldn’t become a good father, now when Shivaye is going ahead of Tej, he is not able to see this. Tej says I m the eldest in this house, its Om’s right first. Pinky says Om can’t manage himself, Shivaye made him overcome his drugs addiction, else Om would have been in any rehabilitation centre instead Germany. Tej shouts Pinky stay in your… He falls down. They all get

  2. nisheb
    December 08, 07:10 Reply

    Rubbish. …..y can’t u all concentrate in ur job well…..mistake in web are unsatisfying… Pls some follows the written update. Pls don’t do mistakes

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