Anupamaa 16th August 2021 Written Update

Anupamaa 16th August 2021 Written Update by MA

Anupamaa 16th August 2021 Written Episode

Anupama returns home from her danced academy and asks Baa about Bapuji. Baa says he has gone to Surat to meet his relatives and collect the lent money/debt he had given to them. Vanraj enters with Kavya and hearing money asks why did he go to borrow money from relatives. Baa says he had lent money to his relative and hence went to collect it back. Baa asks why did he go without informing them. Kavya comments when the crisis arrived because of Bapuji, he needs to go. Vanraj shuts her mouth. Vanraj says when relatives didn’t return money in years, why will they now. Anu asks why didn’t she inform that Bapuji is going alone. Baa says they wouldn’t have let him go else, a mother can sacrifice her life for children and a father can sacrifice his dignity, let him try at least. Kavya thinks this family is melodramatic and when Bapuji got them trapped, let himself get them out of it. Anu tells Vanraj she needs to talk to him regarding money.

Nandini gives her vintage gold and diamond pendant to Samar and asks him to sell it to help Anu and Vanraj during their financial crisis. He gets emotional. She says she is helping her family and is very selfish for them. He says he loves this selfish girl and says people say they girls search their dad’s qualities in their partner and boys search their mother’s qualities, he got what he needed. He says he will sell it when needed and promises her.

Anu informs family about taking business loan by mortgaging the property/karkhana. Baa hopes that Bapuji brings at least 1.5-2 lakhs. Anu says they can sell the jewelry and gather 4-5 lakhs and take loan from friends and relatives. Vanraj says they need to pay huge interest if they take business loan. Kavya says they need to pay 30 lakhs for 20 lakhs loan. Vanraj says when business goes well, they can repay the EMIs easily. Baa says illness and debt always increase. Anu says they will take loan and repay property tax first. Kavya asks what if cafe and dance academy don’t run well. Baa says hearing her, she feels like she saw Asha/hope Parekh’s movies and Kavya Nirasha/disappointment Parekh’s. Vanraj says Kavya’s suggestion is right, but they should leave future problem to the future. Kavya says he will be in more problem trying to solve today’s problem. Anu says they should flap their hands and feet to save themselves when they are drowning. Vanraj asks which bank. Anu says Samar’s friend’s uncle’s bank. Vanraj agrees. After sometime, Anu makes ledger of expenses. Baa asks what is she doing. Anu says if they are taking 20 lakhs loan, she needs to manage a ledger. She counts number of 0s in 20 lakhs and says 0 is amazing, it increases other digit’s value. Baa says she is most valuable and not a zero and it took her 25 years to understand. Anu says they will smilingly carry the burden of 0s now.

Kinjal is busy at work when Dholakia walks very closer to her. She stands up. He asks where is she lost that she didn’t notice him coming. She says she listens to music when she is in stress. He gets closer to her lustfully and asks to share the problem with her colleague. He says maybe some people do, not her. He says his wife doesn’t value her, so he needs someone who can share his happiness and sorrows and gives Kavya and Vanraj’s example. She nervously walks away excusing a client’s call. At home, Anu gets tensed when Kinjal doesn’t return home at 10:30 p.m. Vanraj says Dholakia must have given her extra work, she must have not got cab at this time and hence he will go and pick her up. Kavya yells if he is out of his mind. Vanraj asks if he cannot go and pick his daughter up. She yells they both will argue if they cross each other and then Dholakia will not give her a job. He says Dholakia will not give her a job anyways. She walks away yelling. Baa asks him to inform when Kinjal returns. Anu and Vanraj walk out of house hoping everything is fine. Kinjal gets out of cab crying. They both ask why is she crying, if something happened in office. Kinjal says she had an argument with Toshu on the way and hugs Anu. Vanraj says he will speak to Toshu and sort out their issues. Kinjal says sorry to discuss her problem with them and trouble them. Anu says parents get tensed if children don’t discuss their problems with parents. Kinjal walks in. Vanraj thanks god that Kinjal is fine. Anu says Kinjal is not fine and there is some issue. Vanraj says her instincts are always right and she should speak to Kinjal then. Kinjal gets tensed when she gets a voice message and relaxes hearing Toshu’s message. She then gets more tensed seeing Dholakia’s message next.
After sometime, Kinjal weeps lying on bed. Anu brings milk for her. Kinjal acts as asleep. Anu thinks she must be tired, something must have happened for sure, and she will speak to her in the morning. She pampers Kinjal and walks away.

Next morning, Anu goes out to bring milk in Bapuji’s absence when she sees Samar and Nandini arguing on road. She takes them in and questions them in front of family. Kavya comments, and Baa shuts her mouth as usual with her counter comment. Nandini says Samar has a big offer from an International event management company to choreography high profile weddings and other events, but he doesn’t want to go. Samar says he doesn’t want to go away from his family for 1 year. She says people go away from family to gain success. Kavya says he should if he is getting a good package and career growth. He says he has seen people going abroad and leaving their parents alone. Vanraj says he may regret later. Anu asks Samar to tell the real reason and explains that they both dream about their dance academy’s success and Samar doesn’t want to leave his mother’s dreams midway. Kavya arrogantly asks for just a small dance academy. Samar says all big things start from small, a small company started in a garage can become an multibillion conglomerate. Kavya yells those who succeeded were well educated and not jumping like him. Samar says problem of people like her is they don’t encourage an artist and ruin their life, when his family and mummy is supporting him, why shouldn’t he succeed. Vanraj reminisces discouraging and humiliating Samar. Kavya says if he is so worried for the family, he should accept the offer and repay his family loan. Vanraj warns her that Samar will take the offer only if he wishes, neither of his child will take an decision under pressure, its his and Anu’s loan burden and they will bear it. Kavya yells why. He says its parent’s responsibility, when he could take up a responsibility being a son he cannot let his children under a responsibility pressure, he will not burden his son. She says he used to humiliate Samar. He says that was his mistake. She says let Samar teach dance to children and collect 500 rs fees, they are all emotional fools.

Precap: Kinjal informs family that she left her project and office. Kavya says Dholakia selected her as project head. Anu asks Kinjal if Dholakia did something. Kinjal says he used to lustfully eye on her. Anu determines to teach Dholakia a lesson.

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