Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 23rd November 2023 Written Update

Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 23rd November 2023 Written Update by Tanaya

Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 23rd November 2023 Written Episode

Vibhu and Tiwari are grabbing David. Anu comes downstairs and asks what happened to David. Vibhu tells Anu that his back is stiff and aching a lot. Tiwari tells Anu that only a person who got birthed upside down can fix him by walking over him. Vibhu asks Anu to walk over David. Anu denies and says that she cannot do it. Now, Vibhu asks her to kick him. Anu starts rapidly kicking him and David screams in pain. Now, Vibhu asks Anu to jump on him. Anu jumps and David gets stunned because of pain.

Vibhu tells Tiwari to tell Angoori that will call her after checking on Anu. Vibhu checks Anu inside her bedroom. He spots her sitting in a dark room with a flash light on saying that she will kill everyone. Vibhu gets scared and leaves. Anu was practicing her script and revises her lines.

Tiwari is praying to god to help Anu. Vibhu shows up and explains everything to Tiwari. Tiwari asks if Angoori’s remedy didn’t work? Vibhu denies. Angoori shows up and tells them that they didn’t completed the remedy. Vibhu says that he saw that Anu jumped over Anu, and it didn’t helped. Angoori says the technique which was used went wrong.

Angoori says that she will tell the solution after sitting on her seat. Everyone settles down. Vibhu tells Angoori that Michael’s father told them that Michael used to ride his bicycle and was very attached to it.

Saxena is getting electrocuting himself and starts sipping on his cockroach soup. He checks is bicycle’s live footage and fails to connect it. Vibhu and Tiwari brought the bicycle in front of Angoori, and everyone also gets accumulated. Angoori reads her Mantras and Saxena accidentally rings the bicycle’s ring. Everyone gets shocked. Angoori asks Michael that why is he after Anu? Saxena presses different buttons and the chain from cycle gets launched at Vibhu and hits him. Angoori asks Vibhu to stay calm. She asks Michael’s spirit what will he take to leave Anu’s body? Saxena turns his controller and Cycle also moves horizontally. Angoori says that Michael is saying that Michael will not leave Anu. Saxena breaks the controller and the wheel from cycle gets detached and hits Tiwari. Teeka and Tillu starts singing. Tiwari goes upto them slaps

them. Angoori orders everyone to shut up! She says that she will ignite the cycle and Michael’s spirit will also die with it. Tiwari and Vibhu brings kerosene and pours it on the cycle. Saxena restarts his laptop and gets the live footage. Saxena rushes to save his bicycle. Vibhu tells Tiwari to take out matches. Tiwari says that he’s not carrying matches. Tiwari asks Teeka and Tillu. Tillu gives him matchbox. Saxena shows up at Tiwari’s house and Anu also goes outside her house. Saxena asks Anu for help. Saxena goes inside Tiwari’s house and Anu follows him. Vibhu ignites the matches and throws it on the bike. Saxena shows up just in time and catches the matches. Saxena asks that why are they burning his cycle? Anu also asks the same. Vibhu says that they are killing Michael’s spirit. Anu gets confused. Vibhu explains everything to Anu. Anu tells everyone that she’s doing a documentary film and it’s all according to spirit. Anu explains everything. Angoori asks that why is this bike possessed? Saxena says that this cycle is not possessed it’s his remote controlled bicycle.

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