Bigg Boss 17 10th December 2023 Written Update

Bigg Boss 17 10th December 2023 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss 17 10th December 2023 Written Episode

Scene 1
BB asks Aruun you got sad seeing a new person? e says no I am very happy seeing a new face. I learned Korean in school so it made me happy. I think he’ll come to the brain room. BB says where is the smiling and funny Arun gone? Arun cries. Arun says when I see friends I get emotional. I miss Sunny. BB says you had a genuine bond for sure but you need to start new. Arun says yes the show must go on. Munawar says we showed him the whole house and he’s saying he wants to go. Arun says I know the language. BB asks how to say hello to Aoora. BB says to Aoora, hi in Korean. He’s shocked. Arun brings him to the confession room he says you can talk to BB here. BB says Arun Aoora is saying this is wrong. Arun says my classmates said it’s right. BB says Arun taught me. Arun says I had some Korean classmates. BB says why don’t you become his translator? Arun says sure. BB tells Aoora.

1 AM
Arun shows Aora the room. He shows him the bedding. Aoora takes his things inside. Isha says if you live in this house you’ve to do a duty. He said I would do the washroom. Isha tells him he’s my boyfriend but my ex is also here. He asks if is it comfortable. She says yes. Samarth says Sing for us. Munawar asks Aoora to sing. Aoora sings. Lights go off. They tell him you’ve to wake up at 8.

2:30 AM
Neil caresses Aishwarya’s head and sings Happy Birthday to her.

Day 56 9 AM
Music plays everyone wakes up. Aoora dances with everyone. He asks Arun to teach me English. He teaches him how he is. He says I know Namoona. Samarth teaches him some words too. Vicky says to Khanzadi you should try to patch up with Isha. You were getting along with her. Samarth enjoys being with Aoora. They play fight. Vicky says to Khanzadi that he’s not talking to Isha anymore. Since he’s speaking to you. I can give you that guarantee. Samarth says I am Chintu he’s Manku. Vicky says to Khanzadi whatever you said is also on camera. Samarht tells Aoora this dragon has been here for 18 years but it grows every year. You sit on your knees and wish for what you want.

12:15 PM
Abhishek says to Manara I came to tell you milk is here Khanzadi. Mannara says yes thank you. Munawar says whoever sleeps with you Khanzadi gets eliminated and the week no one slept with you there was no elimination. Mannara and Khanzadi laugh. Aoora dances with Arun and Munawar. Isha says I won’t’ clean on an off day. Ankita says how is it off for cleaning? Aoora jumps in the pool. Isha says he’s so brave. Aishwarya says to Ankita you do your duties after 5 days. Ankita says you can keep saying that. Aishwarya says do you never clean your home? Ankita says no I don’t. Isha says I won’t clean on off day. Ankita says we will rest for one day at least. Isha says off day means off day. Aishwarya cleans herself. Vicky says to rest for one day. Aishwarya says you back out of your words all the time. he says it’s an off day.

Arun cleans with Aishwarya. Arun says he’s scared to do work. Vicky says don’t show me the broom. Neil says he’s not showing it to anyone. Abhishek says everyone is the group leader here. Vicky says I wasn’t sleeping like Arun. Arun says we’re not useless like you. Vicky says Mr. Brinjal.

5 PM
Aoora comes with a face mask. Everyone asks what is it. He gives everyone cards. BB asks Aoora to wear the ask. He gives masks to everyone. Isha says to Ankita Abhishek isn’t loyal to anyone. He’s using Khanzadi. Ankita says I told him you can’t speak bad about her and then be with her. You suddenly go to Isha while talking to him. Aoora tells Arun and Samarth about Korea.

Champrasht comes to Brian house. Aurn says it’s given to us because we’re using our brains. Vicky says it’s sent as a hint to start using your brain. Manara hugs Muanwar and says looking handsome. She says you spell well. He says it’s oud. She says I will gift you one. He says I have many packed ones. Mannara says I will give you an open.

Vicky says whose dirty cap is this? Arun says to Vicky wear your vig. Is it your special service time? Vicky says I am special. Ankita says Arun you fight but don’t body shame. Don’t say such things. He says I am talking to Vicky. Ankita says don’t shame people on personal things. He says it’s wrong according to you. ankita says I respect you. But this isn’t right. He says I didn’t expect this from you either. She says this is so low. Your’e getting personal. Ankita says BB asked to not talk about it. Vicky says let it be.

7 PM
Arun says sorry I said it in anger. Abhishek says why do you come at me? He laughs. Arun says sorry to Vicky too. He says it’s okay. Ankita Sas it’s fine. He says it’s apart from the fight. Aishwarya says wash your spoons. Aoora says I only eat 2 eggs all day. Aishwarya says you will fall sick. Arun says to Vicky Sardar mandali that doesn’t exist. Vicky says your game started two days ago. How were the two days? Arun says people matter not you.. Vvicky says then talk to the camera only. Aishwarya says to Vicky you guys didn’t come to take groceries on time. I do not expect from you. Arun says to Vicky you made us lose it. Aishwarya says don’t touch him. Vicky says to let two sensible people talk Arun. Arun says yeah sensible. Abhishek says Neil has to handle her mess. Aishwarya says you can then keep waiting. You think you’re great with everything. Vicky says don’t expect. Aishwayr asyas who will keep expectations from you? You don’t deserve it. You backstab people. Munawar and Abhishek laugh. Aishwarya says to Vicky what can you do? Vicky says you talk like this only. Aishwarya says yeah this is how I talk. Vicky leaves in anger.

Arun says to Vicky drink water. Ankita says you’re fighting everywhere Arun for no reason. He says you can’t tell me the reason. Aishwarya says Vicky wants power all the time. He can’t even be spoken to. Ankita says to Vicky look at people you spent all the time lecturing. He says I didn’t lecture them. Ankita says don’t always go against what I say. He says it wasn’t lectures. It’s her fault. I can stay silent. Ankita says Carry on. Aishwarya says to Neil why didn’t you speak? He says I didn’t want to cut you off.

11 PM
Munawar says to Isha I don’t know what to expect from Mannara. She’s so tangled all the time. Isha says she’s distracted with her bond with Anurag. Munawar says she had two friends and then one deceived her so she came to the other. I don’t want to be that person. Isha says you do things with maturity. You should see how people return you. He says I don’t know how to even question this. You’ve to do these things as a friend. Isha says to be expressive about your emotions. She sorts things with Anurag. Munawar says I see her condition, I care, there’s no one else for her. Isha says the intensity you take the word friendship with, Mannara doesn’t take it that seriously. It’s just a word for her best friend is a casual term for her. Munawr says I don’t know why am I doing this. I am always loyal to my friends. I can never fight with them. Isha says you can’t always be flexible for other people’s tantrums. He gets teary. Isha says don’t cry. I know you’re stuck in emotions. I’ve been taken for granted so much so I know. Munawar says they were both in the wrong positions. How can I stay dup at this point? Isha says you can question and make people realize. Don’t fight but you can say.

12:15 AM
Vickys says to Munawar in your and Mannara’s relationship I see no fault of yours. One person is always giving and one is always taking. Munawar says I had to change a lot to be this mature. I stand loyal to my friends. I stand for them. Vicky says you’re a hero but care for yourself too. You can’t always give. That’s always taking. He says your friend should add value. Munawar says I saw so much so the patience became larger than it should have. Life has become let go. Vicky says people use your nature. You see it but you let it go. Keep it that way in life but stand up for yourself here. Munawar says you’re right. Vicky says say what you deserve. if you take a stand for others, take one for yourself too. Munawar thanks him.

Mannara asks Munawar how was our day? he says nice. Mannar says it was easy breezy. He says did you like sitting in the groups? She says yes. Does he ask who did your connect with? She says Vicky, weirdly. Munawar says I feel something too. I was told many things too. Mannara says so you’re losing patience with me? He says I need to figure it out. She says tell me what you feel in my face. I will be grateful. Do you wanna keep it close? He says I don’t want anything. She says don’t be rude. He says I am not rude. Munawar says you get proof of what I don’t see. She says so you need validation from outside? He says my internal feelings were right. I didn’t wrong anyone in this house. You can ask anyone. Mannara says what are you saying.

Day 57 9 AM
Aoora asks are you two best friends? Mannara says good friends. I don’t like that word, good friends. Munawr says sided best friend. Mannara says one-way traffic. He says which way?
Khanzadi says to Ankita you get agitated about everything. Ankita says I don’t give such statements about me Don’t cross your limits. Khanzadi says you’re making nonsense. Ankita says you’re crossing your limit. Vicky comes. Khanzadi says take your tea. I don’t want it. Ankita says no one is talking to you. You’re so self-centered. Khanzadi says yeah you’re mother Teresa. K

11:15 AM
Khanzadi tells Anurag and Abhishek Ankita saying I make tea for everyone. Anurag says she asks everyone. Khanzadi says I don’t want to eat with you. Anurag says I can have opinions. Don’t be rude. Munawar says to Aoora that Rinku has long hair. Khanzadi cut her hair. Aoora says what? Aishwarya says yes she’s psucho. She did it. Anurag says she got angry. Khanzadi says I got mad. They mock her.

1:15 PM
Ankita says to Kahnzadi I told you to not say such things. Khanzaid says you called me selfish as well. Ankita says you called me mother Teresa. Khanzadi says that’s a compliment. Ankita says you said Mannar is always right. Ankita says if you fight the respect ends? I fight with my sister. Khanzadi says you say so much.

1:30 PM
Ankita says to Mannara you have a very innocent heart. I never hated you. You have your friends. If you want their time, that’s fine. Ankita says I always had that connection with you. I kept trying to sort. Not for animations. I have no plan against you. Mannara says you’re correct in your place but I don’t like certain things about you. So I made distance. Khanzaid tells Abhishek Ankita hugs hugged me. He says she wants to make a family here. Ankita says you can come and talk to me Mannara. I am always available for you. Mannara says my word choice isn’t as bad as you labelled like with hate. Ankita says it’s fine. She hugs her.

Samarth and Arun play a movie scene. Sohail comes to the house to dance on Dabbang. Arbaz says show energy. He says you cast the wrong people. We’re chill people. Arbaz says I’ve to shout every week because you’re so chill. Arbaz says to make your style. Hero has an Aura. Sohail says Aoora just came to the house. Arbaz says I feel like munawra. All expectation is from me and no one takes a stand for me. Sohail says you are not Mannara. Sohail says why don’t you make a film with them? He says they don’t listen to BB, they won’t listen to me either. Sohail and Arbaz speak with Aoora.

Arabz says to bring things from the storeroom. One of you will reveal our title. Khanzadi does it. Arbaz says the film is called okay be dhoka (Decive Right at Time). He says we’ve to cast for it. This film is about a villain, not a hero. The villain wants to be a hero but his friendship status in the house is zero. He skips friend-like ads. Sohail, he gets very angry. But he cries too. He’s romantic too. Arbaz says but his love doesn’t love him. Who fits the character? Most people say it’s Abhishek. Arbaz says to wear the lead title. But negative lead. our heroin is very angry too. She’s always crying. People say Kahnzadi. Sohail says what if she leaves in mid-film? Arbaz says Abhishek will find another girl. He’s always after the lead villain girl. The girl says w’r just friends. Sohail says girls and guys can’t be friends. Arbaz says husbands and wives are friends here either. Right, Vicky Ankita? Arbaz says we’ve big cast. The lead’s dad thinks she’s everyone’s dad. Everyoen says Vicky. Arbaz says he keeps saying I can do this, do that. Sohial says the hero’s mom was strong but now she’s become a game for someone else. Everyoen says Ankia. Abhishek says maa. Arbaz says the two families meet in the story. Heroin faked love for a hamper and footage. The whole house is against her. Then Herosin’s best friend enters son a bike but he falls because he doesn’t have a stand. Everyoen says Anurag. Sohail asks what is Chintu’s role. Arbaz says he’s the heroes hero will go on for his barat. Social asks what would be the dance like. Anurag and Aoora dance with Samath.

Arbaz says there is a bua who doesn’t like heroes and heroin. She asks people to jump in the pool. Rinku says yes. me. Arbaz says the girl has a brother who loves his wife. When sister and wife fight he always takes wife’s side. But she fights with him for taking a side. When he doesn’t, she still fights. Everyone says, Neil and Aishwarya. Arbaz says Ankita and Khanzadi will fight as sister-in-laws.

Aishwaryaa says to Neil they’re trying to show you’re scared of me. Please clear it so I will also acknowledge it you’re scared of me. He says od you want to fight? Why should I clear? She says I feel like I overpower you? I am being portrayed wrong. You’re doing this. He says no husband calls her husband with love. It’s wrong to love your wife it makes her a villain. She says in their eyes. Aishwarya says I know you love me. But am I that bad? I don’t care about people.

Anurag says Mannara can’t be a good friend to anyone. Aishwarya says I love you and I know you very well. You can keep your opinion. He says I am. You don’t do this, please. It’s egttig irrtaitng. I won’t shout like others. don’t tell me this line.

Arbaz and Sohial come back. Arbaz says we will play a game now for the fizz cans. Isha, Samarth. Neil and Ankita will come and play. Isha and Neil will make a puzzle and Ankita and Samarth will challenge them. We will make Isha and Neil wear a shock band. You’ve to give them shocks. They have to complete the puzzle with shocks. Isha and Neil start. Ankita gives Isha shocks. She says it’s hurting. Neil completed it. Ankita wins the next round. Ankita and Neil competed in the last round. Neil wins. Aishwarya hugs Neil.

Day 57 11:45 PM
Ankita and Abhishek talk. He says don’t talk like this. BB asks KZ not to whsiiper. Abhishek says don’t do this. Sit there. She says you’re so rude. I was shouting? KZ leaves in anger. Vicky says this isn’t anger. Abhishek says this bad habit. Abhishek says I give myself priority. Ankita says friendship is nothing for Abshhek. Vicky says then how is it a relationship. Abhishek says I am here to show my personality. I don’t wanna be in a shell. Vicky says it’s useless to talk to you. Abhishek says then don’t.

Mannara asks Rinku how many boyfriends you had. She says 3 or 4. 2 were good. Abhishek and Vicky argue. Abhishek says to go and ask people what they say about you. I fight but I don’t backstab. Vicky says now this drama. Abhishek says what can you do? The audience saw how fake you are. I am playing my game at least not looking for followers. icky says you stared talking to me. Abhishek says you came to my room. Ankita says Abhishek would do anything to be seen. Abhishek and Vicky fight. Abhihsheks asy wwe saw your bonds. You got both people who were with you eliminated. Vicky says see yourself. Vickys asy go see your face. Abhishek says ” If I show you your face you won’t be able to see the mirror. Vicky says e’s the most disgusting character here. Ankit says he fights with Icky for footage. Abhishek says get lost.

Episode ends

Precap-: Vicky says to Abhishek doesn’t fight with me. Abhishek asks who are you even? Vicky says fight then. icky says do your duty. Abhishek says at the age of 40 you are nothing and useless. Vicky says at least I am successful. Not failure like you. I will see where you are in 40 losers. BB says the animation tasks start today. Samarth nominates Abhishek and says he’s the same pattern, fight and stoop low. Aoora nominates Khanzadi. He says she wants to go home. Abhishek says Vicky, my bond can’t be repaired with him.

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