Bigg Boss 17 11th November 2023 Written Update

Bigg Boss 17 11th November 2023 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss 17 11th November 2023 Written Episode

Scene 1
Salman welcomes everyone to the weekend ka vaar. Salman says by now you know the grocery, brain, and manners are missing from the house but no less blasts. We will have a Diwali special with Tiger and Zoya. Let’s see what has happened so far.

Mannara tells Khanzadi to hurry up with ironing. She says I’ve been waiting for a long time. What’s this behavior? Khanzadi says I came first. Mannara says people are waiting, don’t you have manners? Navid says so many people are waiting. Mannara says you’re so dominating. Khanzadi says I am dominating. Your dress is heavy. Mannara says you’ve to wait for your turn. Go and do your makeup while I do it. Khanzadi says I will do it first. Mannara says you have this habit. Khanzadi says I don’t, I didn’t know you were waiting. Mannara says yeah sure you didn’t know. Mannara says we all know how you are. Khanzadi says shu up.

Khanzadi says to Jigna that she’s so rude. I didn’t know she was waiting. Mannara says shut up. Khanzadi says shut your mouth. Mannara says she doesn’t respect the queue. Khanzadi says I didn’t know. Mannara says you’re abusing. Khanzadi says yeah I said it, do whatever you want. Samarth says it was Mannara after me. She left so Khanzadi didn’t see. Khanzadi shouts and says she is also misbehaving with me. Samarth and Abhishek asked her not to do it today. She says she was abusing me as well. She shouts. Abhishek calms her down. Khanzadi says she threw my clothes. Mannara says I didn’t. She started abusing. Khanzadi shouts shut the f up. Everyone asks her not to abuse.

Salman says now time to go in and roar like a tiger. He meets everyone. Everyone wishes him a happy Diwali. Salman says half of the house is nominated. Isha is confident someone would come. She says Samarth why did you say boyfriend? What did you say? We’re just friends. Why did you say it? Isha laughs. Salman says how could I say it in front of Chintu. He asks Isha, Abhishek, and Samarth what’s the status today. Samarth says it’s clear. Salman says Abhishek and Samarth have a romance. Abhishek says when it’s about to sort, he comes up with Isha’s point. Salman says you have experience, share it with your bro. He can tell you the next move. He says wow, Samarth and Munawar have such cute chemistry. They bond over waxing. Salman says Isha’s next one is coming as well. Don’t worry. She says no sir. there’s no one else. Salman says we’re doing the negotiations. Everyone laughs. Isha says don’t say that. Salman says they’re joking, what are you saying Salman sir? Don’t listen Chintu. Salman says Isha all the best.

Salman says Aishwarya you imitate someone, would you do it to us? She imitates Ankita saying I’ve such a good heart. I make real bonds. I don’t why people don’t understand. Salman asks Ankita would you do reverse imitation? She says no sir. Salman says you also do it. She shouts and says that’s it. Salman says let me recap this week. Hey, you get lost. You get lost. Get out. You go. You go. Don’t spit. I will show you who I am outside. I can blast. Get lost. Salman says this was an eloquent and wise fight. He says Aishwarya if you’re here, that’s because two people are tolerating your tantrums. If these two people get done, they will also ask you to get lost. Who are these two people? She says Bigg Boss. Salman says correct. She says you, sir. Salman says wrong. There are two couples here. They were doing well outside but BB has given them many challenges. Discussion, fights they are all normal. What’s not right is disrespect. It escalates and never stops. It doesn’t stop if it starts once. The person keeps giving you chances but one day they tired. Disrespect can be done to men as well. The same disrespect we saw happening with Ankita, you’re doing the same disrespect to Neil. What happens with Neil and Ankita is not okay.

Salman asks Neil don’t you think it’s disrespect? Neil says in anger. Salman says disrespecting in anger isn’t allowed. He says yes. Salman says in front of the whole world? We will get blamed for this. Salman says let me explain what you wanted to say. The person who has nothing to say and wants to extend a tantrum does these things. You push the person who listens. The day you get someone who shouts back and asks you to shut up you will know your place. If you want to push him to that extent that’s so wrong. He’s such a nice man who even in utmost anger calls your babu and bacha. Never disrespects you. Don’t push him that much. How much patience will you test? He’s been saying for a while, he will blast. It will be you he’ll blast on. No one will blame Neil. Ever since he came here we saw his patience, his mannerisms. He was never angry. I don’t know if you’ve had similar fights before. Neil, did it happen? Neil says it happens between all couples. Salman says this is about disrespect but if one keeps taking it, he’s taken for granted. The fact is, that the one who tolerates disappears. It’s human tendency. Ankita has been through this. You go through this. If you do this on TV Aishwarya, I wonder what you do at home. Neil says I said this to BB as well. We’re not like this in our personal life. There is a pressurized environment here. Salman says being disrespectful to others is something but to you too. You said you would hold BB responsible for this. Even now Neil is justifying Aishwarya. He must do that. But has Aishwarya said anything? After all the fight and mocking she does, you always carry her and hug her. Make up for it. It won’t end if you always do this. Both of you need to end this. Neil you need to take a stand and Aishwarya you need to stop it. Neil says we will work on it. Aishwarya says yes sir. Salman says it will become a toxic relationship if you stay like this Aishwarya. Aishwarya says it doesn’t happen every day. Salman says it happened 5 times in one week. Salman says one of you will get done. It’s happened to me. Aishwarya says I understand, I am very sorry.

Salman says your volume increases when you don’t have anything wise to say in your fights. Salman says you will go home with Neil. We’re talking about it as a couple not others. I wish I could explain this to you off-air. Aishwarya says it’s not about being seen. I let out other people’s anger on Neil which I know is very wrong. It happens in real life too. It’s my fault, I accept it. Salman says it gets out on Neil because he’s tolerating it. He’s putting up. But there’s a limit. Aishwarya says you Neil you’ve to say it you’re not putting up. Neil says I am speaking up. Neil says I am not putting up sir. Salman says so you like this? Neil says no. But when I get angry she’s there to take it. When she gets angry I am there. We shouldn’t let it out on others. I understand what you are saying and how it looks. It happens between all the couples. I am there for her to let her anger out. So no one else has to tolerate that disrespect. I understand what you’re trying to say but I also get where she’s coming from. Salman says I know where you are coming from and where she’s coming from. I also see where you guys are heading. This is the formula for disaster. Aishwarya says thank you sir for this. Salman says you stop taking this, and you stop doing it, Aishwarya. Salman says Aishwarya you said are were here to get insulted? if you talk to someone in one tone, it will be returned the same way. In nominations, BB asked if you understood? You were so rude and you said should I explain? She says I was just being funny. Salman says that’s how you cross the line. If you understand better than anyone you can leave. We all want you both to go ahead. But I can claim if you don’t win, you will blame BB. Aishwarya says no I’d never do that. Salman says you’ve done that so many times already. She says I was hurt. Salman says you’re the winner in your mind. Aishwarya says I want to win but I know I can get eliminated as well. Salman says if you get nominated you know fans can let this anger out on you. It goes for both male and female. It looks bad on Neil as well what kind of man is he who’s tolerating this. People question everywhere how she talks to him and how he takes it. Aishwarya says to Neil you’re quiet in front of the camera. Neil says no. Salman says if you need help, seek its help. Aishwarya says it’s not like that. Neil says we understand it loud and clear. Salman says I did my duty as the host. I am not your mentor or friend, but I saw it from a third-person perspective. This is all coming from the audience. It’s your choice how you wanna get seen.

Salman says whatever I said, the same thing applies to Vicky. The same thing Aishwarya is doing to Neil, Vicky is doing the same with Ankita. I can guarantee you this will fire back. Not talking about the game. You are playing well. The way you behave with your wife isn’t right. You think you’ve arrived but no. Who talks like say sorry to me and go ahead. In your mind, these things don’t come. Fix your things.

Salman says we heard floods are gonna come from Mannara. She says no sir. Salman says you have complaints you start then we will speak. Mannara says I’ve nothing to say. What’s happening can be seen. Salman says we can’t see. You tell us what’s happening. Mannara says there’s so much shouting and pressure. I’ve never seen such situations. My personality is shattering. I feel bad, if I respect someone they don’t return it. Then it goes out of proportion. People call you dual-faced, then dumb at the same time. I don’t belong here. Some people try to explain but I am not like this. I can’t manipulate people. I should have understood better before coming. Salman says have you never seen BB? She says not too much. Salman says people who see the show run in a format. It’s a disadvantage. People who don’t see are more real. Who are you talking about? She says when I got nominated, I felt bad. About Jigna and Rinku. I was always real and respectful to them. Some people were disrespecting them from the start. How can you say we went blank? Did you choose me then? You nominated Navid as well because you thought you could make up with us in 15 minutes. Salman says this complaint is right. Don’t cry when you know you are right. You don’t need to cry over such people. People say a lot of things about me. I just laugh because I know who I am and what I do. You should know who you are. BB, me the whole team is here to help all of you. Mannara says thank you. He says the questions you raised this week, were all valid and right. But instead of confidently confronting you look for validation. You look for it from someone who has no point of his own. Name it. She says Anurag. Salman says he speaks everywhere. Anurag says I never get her negative or one-sided validation. Salman says let me tell you. Manara comes to you and says I want to leave the house and go out. She said the same thing to Jigna and Rinku. Correct? They said you can’t leave the house because of things that happen here. You rather say everyone wants to leave this house. Manara said I feel like I am being targeted. She said the same to Munawar. Munawar said you’ve to be strong. People do target you here. You said yes I know you’re being targeted. Where were you then? Why didn’t you stand for her then? Because you can’t put yourself in her troubles. Why mess with Ankita? If my friend I know is being targeted, should I stand for them or just say yeah I know. He says I never gossiped with her. Salman says Anurag also sparked a fight between Munawar and Tehelka. He throws petrol on small things. He says you need validation from such a man?

Salman says no one stood up for the words Munawar said. Arun says other people didn’t know the meaning. Salman says if Manara said the same there would have been a blast. Mannara says I would get lectures. Salman says Munawar you know what’s happening in the house. You’ve to set your priorities. There should be some boundaries. He says Manara you get irritating. She says I know. Salman says no one wants to see a girl who’s always crying. Don’t be that girl. She says they come after me. Salman says then you must have some quality right? She says I know. Salman says that doesn’t mean you go all crazy after this. Like Aishwarya and Vicky. They thought I gave them a blank certificate to do whatever they wanted. Manara says now you will see me smiling. Be confident. You listen to everyone and change your course of action.

Salman says Ankita, you must be very happy today. But there’s also pain in this happiness. Like Neil is. Happy from the inside but sad from the outside. He says Aishwarya until he doesn’t take a stand, do this every hour. She says it’s not like that. Salman says he wants to show his patience so test it to the full. Shout don’t interrupt me when I am talking. Do this until he doesn’t break a few things. Salman says Isha who is coming? Samarth will thank him the way Abhishek thanked Samarth.

Anurag says to Mannara this made me look bad. I never provoked you. Mannara says to always take a clear stand. Neil asks Aishwarya to sit. She says I am not sitting. He says I don’t want to raise volumes. She says I am not, I am talking. I will talk to you nicely only. You’re very different at home and here you’re different. Don’t we fight at home? Don’t you shout? He says of course I do. Neil says I am not saying that. She says you get silent here because there are cameras. people can’t you shouting at me and I am looking the villain here. Neil says it’s not about shouting. Aishwarya walks. Neil says let me speak. She says I am sorry I fight a lot with you. Neil says you are still not understanding. Fights are normal. I know where your anger is coming from. She says I am looking like a villain here. He says that’s why I was explaining sir. She says so if the husband is silent, he’s right. She says you stay silent in front of cameras. You get conscious. I remain myself. You can’t be seen shouting. Haven’t I seen your level? How do you shout? Neil says I still maintain respect. He says I don’t want to talk in front of people. It’s between us only.

Ankita says Manara this was my problem. Just ask me directly. Manara says I don’t want to talk to you. Ankita says you run away from things. Neil says sir what you want to be seen as on TV is in your hands. Aishwarya says what about mummy papa? Does Neil say? She says what must they be thinking? Neil says they must be proud we are sorting it out. Does she say like you don’t fight in front of them? It’s looking bad here. Like their DIL is only wrong. Like I am evil. Neil says mymmy papa the DIL isn’t wrong. There are differences between all couples. You’re not wrong. She says I am wrong. I am the viallin always. He says don’t go in that mode again. she says I’ve felt the same thing at home and here too. He says you always go in that zone. She says yes I am like this. I am so idiot. i say things as it is, that’s my fault.

Abhishek says to Manara don’t cry anymore I will kiss you on forehead. She says I will make you say that outside. Abhishek says Munawara is getting angry. Manara hugs Munawar and says I am sorry. Aishwarya says I said what I felt, I am sorry. He caresses her face. Aishwarya says don’t do this. Don’t do anything for now. Whatever I do I look bad.. I will move your hand it will make me look evil. You know when I am angry, don’t touch me. She cries. I requested you thousand times to not touch me when I am angry. if I move you away I will look evil. He says I get it. Aishwarya says I am sorry. I talk rubbish sometimes. I am sorry. I didn’t like that educated thing. It’s not sarcasm. How many things should I change? Neil says you don’t need to change my wife. I fell in love with this. Please stay that. She says people are getting it wrong. Neil says we’re not living for people.

Vicky says to Ankita my comparison is being done with Aishwarya. Do you think I’ve disrespected you in any form? If it was that level you can tell me honestly. Ankita says he was just correcting you that at some points you said things in anger it doesn’t look good outside. I am not saying. i know you correct me or I could become like Aishwarya too.

Abhishek says to Anurag if they want they can take a stand. You don’t need to provoke people. Or you take a stand yourself. Anurag says let me explain. Arun says I was gonna let it go. Anurag says I only repeated what he said. Arun says I would have stood in first place if it mattered. Anurag and Arun fight. Arun says we all know what phones you made to come here. Anurag says the way you’ve flipped. He called me through another person and said I will play with you bro. Arun says Tehelka and I were never with you. Abhishek says you poke people.

Vicky says i am just requesting you as my wife, if you little respect me you’d know what triggers me. Ankita says I respect me. He says try to maintain those triggers. Ankita says I will be careful. He says even if you don’t try I will not respond because it feels like I can’t ever say anything. Ankita says it’s not like that. He says that’s what was said. he leaves. Arun and Anurag fight. Arun says I just said to the other guy if we’re YouTubers we can be with each other. Ankita says you were also wrong at some places. Vicky says I am sorry for all the time. i just want to be silent. I don’t want this blame on me. Ankita says don’t say that. He says no I will have to tolerate it. Ankita says you’re handling it very badly. He says I will do it this way. This is how I am. I am not any of what I said. Ankita says okay fine.

Anurag says you said we will be against tehelka but now he found a person who listens to him. Now tehelka is everything because hI told you even outside don’t be loud with me int he game. Please don’t fight with me here. You’re very particular but I don’t get it. he says yeah I am sorry about everything. Ankita says you are behaving very imaturely. he says wow now I am immature. i am sorry that’s all I can say. Ankita says I am sorry I know my words triggered you sometimes. He says no you are the wife so you’re always right. Ankita says I never play wife card. I know it won’t work here. He says that’s how I feel. There are people who will give you advice, take that. I want to keep that distance of respect. I can’t take that blame. I tried all my life to respect people. Now I am being judged because of my wife. If I barked on other people i would been okay. Ankita says I listen to you where needed. He says you have many good people you can listen to them like Munawar. Ankita says why would you bring him? He says because you understand when he says it. He’s very sensible. I keep explaining to you for hours but that doesn’t work. His advice is so important in you life. Ankita says he speaks for my better. Vicky says that’s amazing. That’s what I want. I will maintain this, no advice, no talk. Ankita says what are you saying. he says you have him and other people. Ankita says I don’t need his advice. He says I can’t explain that nicely. I am a husband. She says there is no comparison. Ankita says he’s not you. He says I wanna keep that comparison. She says he’s my friend. You also have 10 friends here. He says they’re not creating differences between us. She says you advise Abhishek, Isha, Khanzadi. he says i stop speaking to them when i get a difference with them. She says please. You have always been with Abhishek after all the differences. You bring Muna in this? He’s not such great friend. He just asked me the truth. He says I can’t even say I don’t like you being loud like this. I am speaking politely. She says you are pushing me to this point. You are saying we won’t talk there will be no suggestions or advice. Are we husband and wife? He says no we’re not. Husband and wife don’t talk like that. She says okay.

Anurag and Arun fight. Arun says your hair have more weight than your body. Skeleton. Anurag says come punch then. Aishwarya asks Neil to leave him alone for a while. neil says do you want water? She says no. He leaves. Aishwarya cries. Isha tries to console. She says do you feel bad about what was said about Neil? That he has to put up? Aishwarya says yes. If he’s to put up then he shouldn’t. Isha says I know that’s hurtful.

Ankita hugs Vicky. She says I know I get too much, I accept it. Let’s end it. He says this made me so much small. Ankita says a lot of limits are crossed. We have never been like this. Aishwarya says to Samarth since the wedding happened a lot of people are after me. Samarth says they didn’t like you? he says yeah. Aishwarya says I was opposite to Neil. It happens, it’s a lesson. I will learn here.

Salman comes back on stage. He welcomes Katrina. Bharti and her husband came as well. Bharti says Tiger 4 is releasing in 15 minutes. Bharti and Harsh dance with Salman and Katrina. Salman meets with the in-mates again. Salman says Isha yours didn’t come but mine did. Yours is still doing negotiations. Zoya from Tiger. Kartina says you all look so beautiful. Happiness diwali. Munawar sings a poem for her. Samarth says you look so pretty. Salman says you already changed your number. Vicky Kaushal won’t like this. Katrina says there are couples in the house and there are some work in progress as well. Salman says some singles are mingling. Salman says they’ve prepared some performances for you as well.

Ankita and Vicky dance on kala chasma. Neil and Aishwarya perform as well. Manara and Munawar perform as well. Anurag, Arun, and Tehelka performed as well. Katrina says wow what energy too good. Salman asks them to come to the garden area. He says our film is releasing this week. One of you will get a chance to watch it in the cinema. He shows them the trailer. Salman says the house will be divided into two teams, team Tiger vs Team Zoya. Katrina says from Team Zoya, Samarth will come and Salman says Team Tiger will be represented by Anurag. Salman says you both have to tell why you have more swag than other people and why you deserve to be here more. Samarth says I have a style, I am very natural. Salman says natural from 1920. He says I am still natural. I can vibrate my cheek. Salman says wow what a talent. He says I made a style to meet people as well. Salmans says this was Krishna and Sudesh’s style, you copied it from there. He says no my friends do it. Salman says the same way Okrurr isn’t Navid’s, he copied it from Kardashians. Salman says just show us one talent, stand straight. He says that’s difficult. Anurag says when I came here I was never perfect but I try to perfect myself. And everyone no one can dance like Babu bhaiya. Salman asks them to dance off. They both dane funny. Everyone votes for Team Zoya. Katrina says Samarth you will get a special message. She shows his family’s video. Samarth gets emotional. Samarth says I never stayed away from my family for so long.

Katrina says now we will ask you deep personal questions. Salman says Manara is on my team. Katrina says Isha is on my team. Salman says don’t lose Manara, reveal all the secrets. Katrina asks if Khanzadi and Abhishek’s relationship is real or for the camera only. She says it’s fake. Khanzadi can always lie. She taunts him, talks behind his back, and then goes back to him. He’s been through a breakup. We also try to joke around with him and be nice to him but she takes that seriously as well. It is scripted. Khanzadi says you always lie. You’re insecure. Manara says sure I am insecure about her. She always looks for attention. Salman says Ish will someone come now or not? She says no sir no one is left. He says sure? She says yes sir sure. He says no more stock. She says yes all over. Salman asks is Manra acting an idiot and getting all the footage? She says yes sir. I told her she looked fake in the start but I understood this is her nature. But she’s not that innocent. She acts innocent but she understands everything. Manara says yes I am not dumb. Katrina asks Manara if is Vicky controlling Ankita. She says I don’t get into anyone’s life personally. But Vicky is opinionated. But when Ankita is doing anything wrong, Vicky tries to stop her. but I don’t know what happens in their room so I don’t want to form an opinion about it.. Katrina asks Isha does Ankita still has any feelings in her heart. Isha says yes. I nominated her. I expected there would be a huge fight after that but she didn’t say a word. She was genuinely hurt. She has a strong bond with me so I won’t deny it. Isha wins. Salman says isha we have a message from him. It’s his parents. They wish her Diwali and well. Her mom says if you play solo you will do better. Salman says your family approves. Katrina says both of them played with heart so Manara also deserves to see the message. They show her a message from her mom. Manara cries. Manara gets emotional. Salman says you all made me lose. I noted who voted for team Zoya. I saw Munawar voted for Tiger first and then changed it to Zoya. Munawar says she’s your guest. Salman says I will take my revenge.

Salman says there will be an inauguration of the house. Katrina will do it herself. Katrina says we will open Tiger’s den today. Salman says Abhishek and Tehelka get ready in your gym wear. Khanzadi says you’ve disgusting thoughts, Manara. Manara says we all know. Stupid girl. Khanzadi says you can see it’s not for the camera. We’re ignoring each other to avoid being serious and you keep talking about it. Manara says you are dumb. Sana says don’t fight, it’s Diwali today.

Episode ends

Precap- Salman says Khanzadi are you in this house to fight only? Katrina is here for Diwali and you keep fighting. That’s rubbish. Khanzadi says she’s talking behind my back. Salman says forgive me Khanzadi now you’re fighting with me as well. You never stop. Are you like this at your home too? Don’t cross the line and limit here.
Harsh says Neil is so nice his wife keeps scolding on tv I think she gives him blues at home.

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