Bigg Boss 17 13th December 2023 Written Update

Bigg Boss 17 13th December 2023 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss 17 13th December 2023 Written Episode

Day 60

8 AM

The inmates wake up to BB anthem, they all dance to it.

8:30 AM

Aishwarya tells Arun that she won’t cook, Arun says I need to eat so I will cook. Neil asks Aishwarya what is she eating? Arun says she is not even cooking. Aishwarya says you don’t need to force me. Arun says we have to make something as we have nothing to eat. Neil tells Aishwarya that we have nothing else so you have to make veggie sabzi. Aishwarya says don’t force me, why are you talking to me like this? Arun says let it be.

Abhishek asks Rinku if Isha said bad thing about him? she says no. Abhishek says Isha’s PR team was my team before, they told me that Isha wanted to expose me, she and her mom.

Mannara asks Arun why was he fighting with Aishwarya? He says Aishwarya is not cooking and making an issue. Aishwarya comes there and says you were forcing me so I had to say no. Arun says stop making a scene. Aishwarya says go and tell others to do their duties.

9 AM

Munawar tells Samarth that he should comfort Isha. Samarth says she says that I don’t do anything for her, whatever I do is wrong. Munawar says we can’t challenge girls. Samarth says she wants to play individually but I can’t so what’s my fault? Munawar says just say sorry.

10 AM

The alarm plays so Arun asks Ankita to wake up, she says my head is hurting. Arun asks Anurag to wake up. Anurag says I did my duties so let me sleep. Arun comes to Vicky and says Anurag is tired so he is sleeping. Anurag comes there and says you want his acceptance, you could have talked to me nicely. Arun says I was trying to wake you up but you people don’t care, he leaves. Vicky says he makes issues for no reason.

10:30 AM

Anurag tells Arun to stop arguing with him. Vicky says if he did his work then let him be. Arun says the alarm played because he was sleeping. Anurag says he could have told me nicely. Arun says he is crazy. Anurag says you are misbehaving with me. Vicky tells Arun that you are gossiping here and there. Aishwarya says Arun is nominated so he is doing all this. Vicky says even you said that Arun is gossiping around. You are nominated too so you are making issues for no reason.

10:30 AM

Arun gets emotional so Aoora consoles him.

Khanzaadi taunts Abhishek that he was doing a time pass with her. He says I didn’t. Khanzaadi says even you were passing time with Vicky.

Arun tells Aishwarya that Vicky has no stance. She says I know that.

11 AM

Vicky tells Arun that you are going crazy because you got nominated. Arun says you are a crybaby and just gossip around. Aishwarya tells Vicky to just do his work, you don’t have much time left. Vicky tells her to get lost. Aishwarya says you keep changing your stance, get lost. Vicky says this is your real face. Aishwarya says you are a crazy man. Abhishek tells Vicky that he is a businessman and can’t have good relationships. Vicky says so what if I am a business man?

Abhishek taunts Vicky that he is in bottom two. Neil tells Vicky to not fight in the kitchen. Vicky says don’t interfere in my matter. Neil says then go in a corner and cry. Vicky says if you can’t take my side then leave, you can’t be loyal. Abhishek laughs at Vicky. Arun says Vicky is a crybaby. Vicky tells him to get lost. Neil tells Vicky that I didn’t want to fight with you. Vicky says then you shouldn’t interfere in my matter or at least take a side. Neil says I was not arguing with you. Aishwarya says I feel pity for Vicky, he has become Sana 2.0. Arun says he is a crybaby, he wanted to make a mandli but can’t.

12:15 PM

Munawar says everyone tries to understand Mannara but can’t. She hugs him and says its okay.

2 PM

Mannara tells Munawar that efforts should be from both the sides, you don’t put in efforts for me. He says I do. Mannara says I can’t understand those. Munawar says I have been good to you. Mannara says I put in more effort. Munawar says I won’t say anything to you but don’t cross a line. Mannara asks which line? she runs to grab him but he runs away. Mannara asks what line are you talking about? he says you need to understand yourself. I was warned before as you talk to others about me. Mannara says I don’t do that anymore, I do things unintentionally. Munawar says you need to be careful if you are friends with me. She hugs him and says its okay, I will take care of it.

Aishwarya reads the message on the screen that something new and big is coming up.

Abhishek asks Aishwarya if Isha talked to her? Aishwarya says I told Isha that you didn’t move on from her. Abhishek says just be careful about your words, she says okay.

3 PM

Rinku reads about the captaincy task to the inmates and says the captain can run the house and doesn’t have to work in the house. In the task, there is a big eagle and she gets hungry from time to time, all inmates will have meat for it. When the buzzer plays then the first 3 inmates to enter the red box can feed that meat to the eagle by writing one inmate’s name on it. Whose name is written on the meat then that person will be out of the task. The person whose name is not written on the meat in the task will become the captain. The judge will be announced after first round.

3:15 PM

The first eagl buzzer plays and all run to enter the box. Ankita says I entered the box first. They take votes and choose Vicky, Abhishek and Neil. Abhishek says I don’t think Samarth can run the house so I am eliminating him from the task. Vicky says I am eliminating Aishwarya as she is irritating and bossy. Aishwarya says you are immature. Neil says I want to eliminate Vicky from the task as he can’t run the house, he is not deserving. Aishwarya says he is power-hungry.

Bigg Boss says Abhishek will be the judge of the task now.

3:30 PM

Ankita tells the inmates that she can be a good captain. Aishwarya says you don’t even wake up on time and just hide behind your husband. Ankita says I am a strong personality unlike you. Aishwarya says you are sleeping the whole day so what are you talking about? Ankita says I am playing individually unlike you. Aishwarya says I don’t care. Ankita says she is just hiding behind her husband. Neil says don’t drag me into this. Arun taunts Vicky that he would cry the whole week now. Abhishek tells Ankita to stop talking, he will disqualify her, she says wow.

The buzzer plays and they all run. Aishwarya, Mannara and Rinku enter the box. Aishwarya says I want to eliminate Ankita from the task she is not an individual personality. Rinku says I am eliminating Khanzaadi from the task as she doesn’t deserve it. Mannara says I am eliminating Isha from the task she is my competition. Ankita says Aishwarya is undeserving so this is wrong. Aishwarya says I don’t trust you so I eliminated you. Ankita says I never fought with you so why did you eliminate me? because of Vicky only? Isha tells Mannara that she shouldn’t have eliminated her. Mannara says I thought you were strong so I eliminated you. Isha says you think strong contenders shouldn’t become captains? I would have never eliminated you. Mannara laughs at her and says wow. Isha says you are playing a game, you have to convince me to not eliminate you now. Mannara says please don’t.

The buzzer plays and Isha, Arun and Aoora enter the box. Isha says I want to eliminate Abhishek as I don’t want him to be a captain. Arun says I want to eliminate Anurag as he doesn’t deserve it. Aoora says I am eliminating Rinku.

Isha and Vicky steal food from the house. Bigg Boss asks them if they stole something? Isha says I am sorry, we stole some coffee. Bigg Boss says its out secret so don’t worry. Aishwarya takes coffee from them.

The buzzer plays so Anurag, Munawar and Ankita enter the box. Anurag eliminates Arun from the task. Ankita eliminates Neil from the task as he is not taking the game sportingly, he doesn’t even speak when Aishwarya is wrong because he is scared. Neil tells her to not cross the line now. Vicky says they are just jealous. Aishwarya says you are brainless. Munawar says no one would listen to Aoora and he doesn’t need it, he eliminates him from the task. Aoora says its okay. Aishwarya says Vicky is a loser.

The buzzer plays so Samarth enters the box. Mannara says don’t eliminate me. Samarth says this is good opportunity, Mannara says you can give it to Munawar. Munawar says its okay. Samarth says Munawar is deserving so I am eliminating Mannara.

Bigg Boss says Munawar won the task so he has become the captain. He asks Aishwarya, Arun and Aoora to leave the brain house as Munawar will live in that now.

Ankita tells Isha that I don’t understand Neil and Aishwarya’s game, they are playing husband and wife. She tells Vicky to not give importance to Aishwarya. She is hurting me for no reason. They are so not sporting. They are not playing individually.

Arun and Aoora shift from the brain house.

Mannara tells Vicky that I told Samarth to give it to Munawar but he didn’t say the same for me. Vicky says that’s the thing about relationships.

Neil tells Aishwarya that Ankita crosses the line everytime.

Ankita tells Abhishek that Neil has no guts to speak up against Aishwarya.

Isha tells Neil that Ankita said you should play your game individually. Ankita says Aishwarya interferes in Neil’s matters but I don’t do that with Vicky. Aishwarya says you have gone crazy. Ankita says you never talk to me nicely. Neil tells Ankita that he is not here to take a stand for her, you are shouting at me for no reason. Ankita says sorry but I had hopes from you to at least speak up.

5:45 PM

Aishwarya tells Rinku that Ankita is targeting us for no reason. Neil says don’t give her attention. Aishwarya says Vicky has lost his mind.

Ankita tells Vicky that Aishwarya and Neil aren’t even nice. Vicky taunts Aishwarya and tells Munawar to not follow Aishwarya’s footsteps.

7 PM

Neil tells Samarth that people give strength to Vicky by discussing things with him. Samarth says Isha does that. Isha says I don’t like when Samarth is giving attention to other girls so I shared that with Vicky. He doesn’t even compliment me. Samarth says you are being jealous. Aishwarya tells Samarth that she needs your compliments which isn’t wrong.

9 PM

Rinku tells Mannara that Isha didn’t like you and Samarth joking around, they fought over that. Samarth said that you don’t cross any line with him. I am just telling you to not make any angle with them. People are joking about you and Samarth but don’t entertain it. Munawar comes there and says don’t make this an issue. Rinku says Mannara is being tagged as a villain between them. Mannara says Vicky must have done that. Samarth comes there and says Isha shared everything with Vicky. Munawar says Isha have some hopes from Samarth but it isn’t about Mannara or Vicky. Rinku says I am just making her aware.

9:30 PM

Isha tells Munawar that I feel down when Samarth fights with me, I do so much for him but he doesn’t even compliment me. I told him to not joke around too much with Mannara. Munawar says don’t make a scene about it.

10 PM

Isha is crying so Ankita consoles her and says Samarth loves you a lot, don’t think too much.

10:45 PM

Isha is sad so Samarth tries to console her, she says I don’t have any issues, I just want your attention. Samarth says then sort it out. Isha says leave me alone. You come to me after others tell you that you are wrong.

11 PM

Mannara tells Isha that Samarth is like a bro to me. Isha says I know that, I am not that girl that would be jealous of my boyfriend talking to other girls. I have issues with Samarth because he is too casual with me.

Arun goes to sleep on the floor and tells Aoora to sleep there too.

Isha tells Mannara that I feel like Samarth is getting detached from me which I feel bad about. He doesn’t even care what I am wearing but he remembers what other girls are wearing here. Mannara says he is a fool. Isha says he doesn’t care about me too much. Mannara tells Samarth to give her attention as she is a girl. Isha says he is ill-mannered.

Munawar is hiding coffee and milk behind his bed and says I won’t let anyone break the rules. Samarth comes there so Munawar tells him to not steal it.

Mannara hugs Munawar, he tells her to miss him but I will have a good night’s sleep. She leaves. Samarth tells Munawar that Isha was bad-mouthing about me with Mannara. Munawar tells him to sort it out with her.

12 AM

Samarth tells Aishwarya and Neil that Isha is talking to everyone about our issues, she even cried to Mannara about it. She made everyone awkward. Why did she discuss it with Mannara?

PRECAP – Bigg Boss tells Munawar that I will play an audio clip for you which we haven’t shared with anyone. Munawar hears it and says its unfair. Bigg Boss asks if he thinks Ankita is taking undue advantage of the favors given to her? He says yes. Bigg Boss says you can take any decison you want. Munawar tells Vicky and Ankita that they meet up with doctors which I think is unfair as you discuss other things with them. Abhishek says I don’t know what Munawar heard. Ankita cries.

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