Bigg Boss 17 19th December 2023 Written Update

Bigg Boss 17 19th December 2023 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss 17 19th December 2023 Written Episode

Day 64

Samarth argues with Abhishek. Vicky says you are ill-mannered, Abhishek tells him to get lost. Ankita tells him to stop provoking others, Abhishek charges at her and says you are a *****. Vicky pushes him away and he falls down. Abhishek pushes him back. Munawar pulls Abhishek away. Abhishek says he pushed me first. Vicky says you charged at my wife. Samarth says Abhishek was charging at Ankita. Vicky tells the camera that I didn’t push him, he charged at my wife and then tripped, I didn’t push him. Abhishek says he pushed me first. Vicky pulls Ankita away and tells her to calm down. She tells Abhishek to get lost. Abhishek says this is your true face, you can just show off your body as you have no brains. Abhishek says I will, he takes off his shirt. Ankita tells him that she didn’t say anything to him, you have gone crazy. Vicky tells Ankita to not interact with him. Ankita says I won’t be silent anymore. Isha tells Abhishek that he is a liar, get lost. Aishwarya laughs at the fight and says Vicky bhai lost control.

3 AM

Munawar tells Abhishek that he shouldn’t force people to push him and then make a scene. Ayesha comes there and says I don’t make useless issues and fight like you. Abhishek says I am not here to listen to you ma’am. Ayesha says you should be a man but it will take time for you. Abhishek says you are crazy. Ayesha says what language is this? Abhishek says you started conversation with me. Ayesha says I can sit anywhere I want, I don’t want to fight but you should check your language. Abhishek says you shouldn’t have talked to me then. Ayesha says you are calling me crazy which means I am mentally not stable? you just want to fight to be seen on the show. Abhishek says you are doing the same. Ayesha says I was brought in to be seen, you don’t have topics to discuss so you just fight brainlessly.

3:45 AM

Mannara tells Abhishek that this Ayesha girl is very smart and strong. Aishwarya says someone else took Munawar’s limelight.

Ayesha tells Isha that there is trauma if someone approached romantically and he is already talking to other girls. Isha says so you were not casual with him? Ayesha says no, I told him that I don’t want a fling and he gave me so much hope and said he loves me. Ayesha says I got to know Nazara, she is such a nice girl, she is an angel and he did wrong with her too.

Mannara tells Abhishek that she thinks Munawar has many girlfriends outside. Abhishek jokes that if your nature is good then you will find girls.

4 AM

Munawar sits with Ayesha, she says you can say what you want to. Ayesha says I had so much rage against you when I entered the show but when I saw you I was just disappointed and hurt seeing you. What wrong did I do that you did with me? Munawar says I told you that I wasn’t good. Ayesha says its not ethically right if you were involved with Nazara then you approached me. Munawar says I wasn’t double timing anyone. Ayesha says people are taunting me so why did you do that with me? I don’t want to cry and gain sympathy. People might think that I came here for fame but if that was the case then I would have been in your favour, you know I am not lying about anything. You have been lying to people and they all are affected because of that. I was in a rage outside, how could you lie to me and two-timing me. Munawar says I was wrong and I am sorry for that. Ayesha says I can never forgive you, I always trusted you. What wrong did I do with you? Munawar says nothing, I just didn’t have guts to tell you that I wasn’t over Nazara still. I am sorry. Ayesha cries and says I can’t do this right now, you will never understand how hurtful I was. She goes from there so Munawar brings tissues for her. She says you have made me a joke, what wrong did I do? its your issue if you couldn’t get over another girl then you tell on national TV that you have a girlfriend, people taunted me so much. Munawar says I am sorry, I want you to forgive me. I am the reason behind all this, I should get hate for all this. Ayesha says you can say sorry but I can’t trust people in life anymore. You have said sorry but you have done the damage already. Munawar says you will realize that I am repenting all this, I am sorry. Ayesha says I can’t take your apology right now. You have spoiled lives, you have spoiled her life too, people are hating her because you called her your girlfriend but she is actually your ex. This is not a joke, she leaves from there. Munawar cries silently and prays to God.

Day 65

8 AM

The inmates wake up to BB anthem. They all dance to it.

8:45 AM

Rinku asks Munawar if he talked to Ayesha? he says yes, its difficult to find peace here.

Mannara tells Isha that Ayesha really likes Munawar but he realized that he likes Nazara more. Isha says Munawar takes care of Ayesha too, I have seen him looking around for her. He even asked for spray for her hand. She even said that there are other women involved with Munawar whose lives are destroyed too. Mannara says I can’t believe this about him.

Munawar cries and tells Rinku that this is all a burden for me.

Ankita tells Mannara and Isha that Munawar used to talk about his girlfriend on TV and call her a baby and whatnot. Isha says Ayesha isn’t wrong. Ankita says he is cheating on his audience by lying.

9:15 AM

Mannara asks Munawar if he is okay? he says yes. Mannara says don’t think soo much, you are in too much style. Munawar says you don’t know what I am going through. I have no words, how will I survive this thing? Mannara says this is not a game, its your personality that you don’t give closure to others. I am your friend but you don’t act like a friend somedays, you have to express your feelings. You need clarity in life.

9:30 AM

Aishwarya tells Munawar that people haven’t washed dishes. Rinku says Ankita acts so righteous. Mannara says that girl is crazy, she is immature and insecure, she is so stupid that Munawar was going through so much and she was asking Ayesha how she was looking. She thinks this is a TV show. Ankita says you can talk in my face. Mannara says you are so stupid. Ankita says talk on my face, don’t talk behind my back. This is your reality. Mannara says your friend was going through so much but you were asking Ayesha how she was looking on TV? Ankita says you were crying about your issues too. She tells Munawar to not listen to her, you are double faced, you have no right to give character certificate to others. Mannara says you are so self centered, I am never going to be like you. Apply lipstick and ask others how you are looking. All laugh.

10 AM

Ankita tells Vicky that Mannara has b*t*hed about me so much, she does drama of being nice. I was just talking to Ayesha and now she is provoking Munawar against me.

Mannara comes to Munawar and says Ankita is crazy, she is crying to Vicky about me now. Aishwarya tells her to talk Ankita on the face, she thinks she is strong but why she keeps asking others how she is looking?

Ankita tells Vicky that they are torturing me about that, I just asked how I am looking so what’s wrong? this group is targeting me. Vicky says they are not a group, they have no stand so just ignore me. Vicky tells her to stop trusting others. Ankita says Id didn’t think Mannara would back bite about me but she did.

Mannara tells Arun that Ankita is looking so self centered.

10:30 AM

Ankita tells Vicky that Mannara is dumb. Vicky says just ignore her. Ankita says I will not ignore it, Vicky says don’t misbehave with people. Ankita says stop schooling me. He says can we talk? Ankita says if I am fighting with others then why do you pull me back? you should back me up but you say that I am wrong in fights. Vicky says you want me to not tell you anything, Ankita says you pick your battles so let me pick mines.

12 PM

Ankita comes to Vicky and hugs him. He gives her kisses. Vicky tells Munawar that seeing your situation made me go back 10 years in my life.

Isha tells Samarth that people shouldn’t lie to girls like that. Munawar have involved many girls in his life at the same time.

1 PM

Mannara asks Ayesha if she still wants to clear with him if he still have feelings for her? She says I don’t want that. I saw him crying so I went to a different zone.

Vicky laughs and tells Munawar and Isha that this show has broken your souls. Isha laughs and says its painful. Isha says now Salman would say someone will come for Munawar. Isha tells Vicky that Ayesha is being cautious with Anurag.

Ayesha tells Mannara that he talked to me before going to the show. Anurag says he said Nazara knew about you. Ayesha says I don’t know. She might have seen my chats with me and she knew that he talks to others girls because of his behaviour in the past. She called me and told me that she is Munawar’s girlfriend. I was so shocked. Then he told that she’s toxic and psycho ex so I shouldn’t listen to her. Then I met her and I saw how sweet and soft she is. That girl is so nice, the girl who people would be proud to have. She is beautiful, well-mannered, soft-spoken. She has everything so why did he involve me? I didn’t have a fling with him, it was serious. Abhishek says but you weren’t in a relationship with Munawar so he was allowed to talk to his ex. Ayesha says but you shouldn’t use me and lie to me. Anurag asks what did Nazara say? Ayesha says Nazara said they were broken up but Munawar wanted to get back together with her. She told me that he cheated on her before also. You know when people were linking Mannara and Munawar then he lied that he has a girlfriend to clarify his image.

Abhishek tells Munawar that you have to make Nazara believe that you still love her. Munawar cries and says I can’t even eat or sleep. Nazara must be in so much pain, I don’t know how she is coping with all this. Rinku, Mannara come there. Rinku hugs him and asks him to calm down. Abhishek says just cry and take it all out. Mannara brings water for him. Ayesha sees him crying and gets emotional. Mannara goes to fill water and gets emotional too. Neil tells Ayesha to let him cry but go and talk to him. Ayesha goes to him so Abhishek and Rinku leave. Ayesha takes Munawar from there.

Munawar cries so Ayesha tells him to calm down. She says you have to understand that I will not speak about this topic anymore, I can’t forget in a day and take your apology easily. Munawar says I will try to repent. I know you are well-mannered then why did you do that? Munawar says its not your fault. I was at fault. He cries and says I got so much honour and respect in a bad place but today I am in a good place but without honor and I am responsible for this. Ayesha consoles him and says if God forgives you then its okay. Munawar says I want to sort things with Nazara, I just want her to forgive me. Ayesha says just apologize and leave her alone, she deserves better in her life.

Mannara is crying alone. Aishwarya asks Abhishek why is she so affected? Abhishek teases her and starts singing dil jude bina hi toot gaye. Mannara says behave yourself, why are you singing like this? Abhishek says why are you sad? can’t I sing? Mannara says fine but at least look at a girl’s situation. Abhishek says I wasn’t singing for you. Mannara says please don’t do this over-acting. She leaves from there. Abhishek says she taunts me so I can’t?

Ayesha tells Munawar that I hope Nazara is mentally fit to talk to you. Munawar cries and says its all my fault. Ayesha tells him to calm down and leaves.

Mannara tells Isha that Abhishek is taunting and singing while all are silent? Isha says you know how Abhishek is, he is an idiot. Mannara says this is the kind of a friend he is? he has no sense. She tells Neil that you should have stopped him. I am feeling bad for Munawar as he is my friend. Isha says don’t expect anything from Abhishek. Mannara says he calls himself as Munawar’s best friend but he is an ass. Samarth says he can’t be loyal to anyone.

Mannara and Samarth console Munawar as he is crying. Munawar says I have lost her. Ankita comes there and says its okay.

Aishwarya tells Abhishek that Ankita taunted me that I am jealous of her but I put her down.

Ankita consoles Munawar and says its okay, you will make things right by facing it.

Aishwarya tells Abhishek that what’s Munawar’s game? he has no standing. Abhishek says he has good stands. Aishwarya says not strong ones. Neil says he always fights with his friends so he can sort it later on.

Ayesha tells Munawar that its important how you repair things when you go back to the outside world. Mannara stands there and listens to them. Munawar says I promise I would never do this with another girl. Ayesha says that’s my motive.

Isha tells Samarth that Mannara should let them be, Munawar gets awkward in front of her. They have to sort things with each other but Mannara is not leaving them alone. Arun says she should leave them alone. He calls Mannara but she doesn’t leave Munawar and Ayesha.

Ayesha tells Munawar to focus on what you have come here. If you are nice with me then it makes no difference here. You have to win the trophy and I want a tough competitor.

Isha tells Ankita that Ayesha is sure that Nazara is very nice girl. Ankita says Munawar portrayed her differently. When I broke up with Sushant, I never told anyone because I still had hope that we can get back together but the news broke out and everything was finished. Maybe Munawar was embarrassed that he broke up. Isha says I never even accepted that I was dating Abhishek as I didn’t want that tag of a break up. Ankita says I had a relationship of 7 years so I was hiding everything when we broke up. Isha says Vicky replaced him and he must have seen so much hatred. People would taunt that Sushant looked better with you. This Mannara is crazy, she is not letting Ayesha and Munawar talk.

Ayesha tells Munawar that you have to understand that you can’t hurt people. People love you, they are still consoling you after seeing what wrong you did.

Ankita tells Isha that Vicky has supported me a lot, he has faced a lot for me after Sushant’s death. Isha says I know people would be cursing him so much. Ankita says I had moved on from Sushant before his death only but people were taunting Vicky that he took the chance after Sushant’s dance. Isha says you would feel bad too that Vicky was taunted because of you. Vicky comes there so Ankita says I love you. Vicky says I had a dream that I pushed Abhishek from the building.

3:30 PM

Munawar tells Ayesha that you are Bigg Boss material, I told you before. Ayesha says I am real, what does that mean? Munawar says I would want to watch you on TV. Ayesha says people are not fool, play for the trophy. We will compete now. I will snatch the trophy from you. Munawar laughs.

Vicky tells Samarth that the game has started now. Samarth says Munawar is laughing with Ayesha now.

Munawar tells Ayesha that he won’t give her the bracelet she gifted. She says I want it back but I want ration as a bribe for now. He gives her an tomatoes and says this is for you. She laughs and hides it. She tells Samarth to not tell anyone about it. Munawar says I will give you tomatoes in bracelet’s place.

PRECAP – Neil nominates Isha as she has no humility. Isha nominates Aishwarya as she has no identity except Neil. Ankita nominates Aishwarya too. Later on Ayesha chooses clothes for Munawar. Samarth teases Munawar about Ayesha. Aishwarya tells Neil that Munawar is still into Ayesha, people are not fools.

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