Bigg Boss 17 21st December 2023 Written Update

Bigg Boss 17 21st December 2023 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss 17 21st December 2023 Written Episode

Day 66

6:30 PM

Isha tells Samarth that Abhishek is acting like I am hurt with his words so don’t react to him. Mannara tells Anurag that you never loved anyone. Anurag says if our friendship was fake then why were you fulfilling it? Mannara says you have showed me what real hate is. Anurag says if you are calling me fake then your friendship was fake too. Mannara says you think I am using you because I need your votes? you couldn’t even save Khanzaadi so why would I want any favors from you? I don’t need hate from you.

Ayesha tells Munawar that she doesn’t think he is going good in the game. You will have to see me at least one more week as I am not nominated. Samarth teases them.

Anurag tells Mannara that he always stood up for her but I don’t need a friendship that you take forgranted. Mannara says I won’t give you attention again till the game ends for me. Everyone is watching you, Anurag says it was nominations and I did what I thought was right. You even nominated me by not fighting for me, all the best now.

6:45 PM

Munawar tells Aishwarya that he doesn’t want to talk to her. She says you never approached me to talk to me, you say I misbehave but you never talk to me. You are also not approachable, you are confused and can’t confront people. Munawar says I try to talk to you but you have already made perspective about me. Aishwarya says you are confused and can’t see who is talking behind your back. Munawar says you call people witches and think they will make bonds with you? Your bonds are made only after people fought with Vicky or Ankita. You never made any efforts to make friends. Vicky and Ankita’s enemies are your friends. I am happy that I am not a part of any group here.

Abhishek tells Samarth to keep washing the dishes and mimic others.

7:30 PM

Munawar tells Ayesha that he will keep rice for himself too.

Abhishek tells Anurag that he didn’t nominate Isha as he wants to move on from that.

Isha teases Mannara as Anurag nominated her after she chose him. Munawar hugs her and says you are stronger than his. Samarth hugs her and consoles her.

7:45 PM

Munawar tells Abhishek that I am not conscious about how I am looking here, I will talk what I want to. You should do the same. He says I have no romantic connection with Ayesha. I will do what I feel is right and you should the same.

Aishwarya tells Neil that either one of them is going. Neil says don’t say that. Aishwarya says fight for yourself if I get eliminated. Neil says don’t say that. Aishwarya says stop telling me what I can’t say, Neil asks her to calm down and end this topic. Aishwarya says don’t close my mouth, I don’t like it. Neil says you are stretching things for no reason. Aishwarya angrily leaves. Neil says fine.

12:15 AM

Mannara asks Neil to go and console Aishwarya, she is crying. Anurag comes there and asks Mannara if she threw away his shoes? Abhishek told me that. Mannara says you really think I am like that? go and see.

1:45 AM

Munawar asks Ayesha if she wants food? She says yes, I am hungry. He goes to warm up food. Ayesha says I will beat him up someday. Mannara says I feel pity for him. Ayesha says me too. She says I always wanted a guy taller than me but he isn’t. Munawar brings food there. Ayesha says I am eating with my enemy. Mannara says you can fall in love with your enemy too. Ayesha says never with Munawar.

Day 67

8 AM

The contestants wake up to BB anthem, they all dance to it.

9 AM

Aishwarya jokes with Vicky that she can’t share anything with him otherwise he will pick it up in fights. Vicky laughs with her and says you mimic people so much.

Ayesha tells Munawar that he is energetic today.

Vicky says I want to talk to Aishwarya today. Aishwarya says he wants me on his side because today is about the immunity task.

Aishwarya tells Abhishek that Ayesha is spending time with Munawar and being lovey-dovey. They think people are fools. They are flirting with each other.

10 AM

Anurag asks Ayesha what’s her equation with Munawar? Ayesha says I can’t ignore him here but I won’t talk to him outside. Anurag says how will you ignore him outside? Ayesha says I won’t see him so I will move on in life. Anurag says I can’t believe he is so fake. Ayesha says he never misbehaved with me but he did sins. Anurag says how can he do that with girls? Aishwarya says Munawar was taking Abhishek’s side against Isha so how is he hurt when others taunting him now? if your heart is not clean then don’t taunt others. Munawar hears that.

10:15 AM

Ayesha tells Munawar that people keep talking about our issue with me. Anurag asked me what will happen with you and me outside so I told them I will handle it when the time comes. Munawar says just avoid talking about it, at least for yourself. Ayesha leaves.

Anurag tells Aishwarya that Munawar is very fake.

Ayesha cries alone, Aoora consoles her. She says you are really nice, we are best friends now.

12:30 PM

Isha tells Ayesha that Munawar was saying that if Nazila leaves him then he will be broken but his actions don’t speak that. You spend time with him a lot so it doesn’t look like he cares about Nazila. If you tell him to wear something then he wears it. He seems happy to see you here. He says he doesn’t like you but his actions are different.

Rinku tells Munawar that he has to be clear about his equation with Ayesha. People have started gossiping about you both. Munawar says I can’t stop people, let them talk. If you are telling me to be clear then it means you are doubting my intentions.

Abhishek tells Munawar that he is leaving gym and starting meditation. You got 3 girls and I haven’t got one girl here. Munawar says its not good, don’t be like me.

2:30 PM

Munawar and Ayesha are playing games with fingers. Ayesha laughs with him. She says you can wear a suit too. This shirt is nice.

Aishwarya tells Neil that I didn’t misbehave with Munawar, if I do it then he won’t be able to take it. Why do they keep talking about my tone? Neil tries to console her but she says don’t do this. I know you can’t see me crying but leave me alone. She says I feel Munawar’s side is all acting. People are not fools.

4:15 PM

Bigg Boss tells Munawar that his shirt is nice. All laugh. Bigg Boss tells the contestants that we started captaincy tasks later in the game so Munawar can’t be a captain again now. He says there are apple trees in the garden owned by Munawar. There are two teams and they have to steal apples from Munawar’s garden. When the song plays then Munawar will be distracted and start dancing then both teams can steal apples. They have to pack 10 apples in one box, only 2 inmates at a time can make boxes. Then there will be a quality check manager from each team. They will reject or accept apples from the other team. Whichever team has more apples at the end will win the task. He says Neil and Vicky will choose their teams.

Team A: Neil, Aishwarya, Rinku, Arun, Abhishek, Anurag

Team B: Vicky, Samarth, Ankita, Isha, Ayesha, Aoora, Mannara

Bigg Boss says Aishwarya and Ankita will be quality managers.

Vicky tells Ankita that you have to reject their apples so we have more apples.

The song plays and Munawar starts dancing. Abhishek, Arun, Samarth and Vicky steal apples. Mannara and Isha are making boxes. Rinku and Anurag are making boxes too. Vicky says Abhishek can’t help them. Abhishek tells him to focus on his team. Abhishek taunts Ankita that she can’t be fair in the game. Ankita says you are starting again. Abhishek says you are not even playing individually. Samarth says you can just charge at girls. Abhishek says what’s wrong with you boy? Samarth says you are shameless. Neil tells Abhishek to calm down.

5:15 PM

The song plays again and the inmates steal apples. Vicky steals from Abhishek, he tells him to not push him.

Munawar tells Aishwarya to go and check Vicky’s team’s apples. She says we have to do it at the same time. He says you have to go there first. Rinku asks Aishwarya to go and check. Aishwarya checks their boxes and says their packaging is not good. Aishwarya tells Mannara that their apples aren’t packaged well. Mannara says she is wrong, we packaged it well.

Ankita checks Team A’s boxes, she rejects the boxes which aren’t packaged well. Mannara steals boxes silently and puts them on her table. Abhishek argues with Samarth over the boxes. Samarth tells him to get lost. Isha says Abhishek is crazy. Abhishek says you are cheap, shut up. Aishwarya says Ankita is being unfair. Isha steals more boxes and puts on her table while others are fighting. Ankita rejects apples but Munawar says its fine. Abhishek says Ankita is just a liar. She says yes, go away. Aishwarya says I knew she can’t be fair, they are just liars. I didn’t reject without a reason.

6 PM

Ayesha is joking around with Munawar. Aishwarya says they are cheating with the judge of the task on their side. The song plays and they all run to get more apples from the garden. Munawar gives an apple to Isha. Bigg Boss asks if he should be punished for this? his shirt is nice though. Ayesha says what about my clothes? Bigg Boss says I just know Munawar has nice clothes. All laugh. Mannara says he can have fun now.

6:45 PM

The alarm plays and they have to start a quality check. Ankita rejects applies that she thinks are stale or not ripe enough. Neil says she is cheating so much. Abhishek tells Aishwarya to reject their boxes which is approved earlier. Munawar says the boxes which were accepted before can’t be rejected now. Aishwarya says Ankita is a cheater so I want to check their boxes from start again. Bigg Boss asks Munawar if the quality check is done? Munawar says Aishwarya wants to recheck their boxes which I think is not right. Bigg Boss says his decision is final. Munawar tells Aishwarya to check their new boxes only. Aishwarya rejects their apples. Abhishek taunts Ankita that she is fake and looking bad now. Samarth says let him cry.

Bigg Boss says the task is finished, he asks Munawar which team have more apple boxes? He says Team B has more apples. Bigg Boss says they have won the task. Mannara, Samarth, Isha and Ayesha celebrate loudly. Neil shouts at Ankita that she is a cheater. This is your reality. Vicky says keep crying. Ayesha thanks Munawar.

Bigg Boss tells teams that team B have won the task so they have to choose one person which will be a captain now.

7 PM

Samarth, Mannara, Isha, Ayesha, Ankita and Vicky discuss about the captain. Isha says I want Ankita to be the captain. Vicky says Ankita was strong in the task so I think she should be the captain. Mannara says I have good knowledge about the house so I want to be the captain but other than me, I want Isha to be the captain as she is responsible. Samarth says I want Isha to be the captain too. Aoora says I want to vote for Ayesha. Ayesha asks Ankita if she will protect her if she becomes the captain? Ankita says I give you my word. Ayesha says I am voting for Ankita. Isha says I am not in favour of this. Munawar says you voted for her earlier. Isha says I want to vote for myself now.

Bigg Boss asks Team B if they have decided on a person? they are still arguing. Mannara says I also have two votes. She tells Aoora to support her.

Anurag tells Aishwarya that Ankita is evil and arrogant. Aishwarya says Samarth has no game.

Bigg Boss asks Team B to come to the lounge and says they don’t have a decision. You won the task and had the chance to choose a captain but you didn’t decide on a name. They all agree on Isha’s name but Mannara says I don’t agree with this. Munawar says you gave her name earlier so what’s wrong now? You are being a hypocrite. Mannara says don’t force me to choose her. Abhishek says they are just confused. Bigg Boss asks Abhishek what is he doing here when you were part of the other team? you shouldn’t be influenced by him. He asks Team B if they have a decision? They all take Isha’s name. Bigg Boss says Isha is the new captain. All hug her. Bigg Boss says you have to fight for yourself.

7:15 PM

Anurag tells Mannara that you had no point if you gave Isha’s name above yourself. Mannara says they asked me who I want to choose except me so I gave Isha’s name. She isn’t my enemy. Anurag says Vicky influenced you.

Bigg Boss tells the inmates that you shouldn’t need me to fight your battles. He tells Mannara that she isn’t answerable to anyone to explain why she didn’t take a stand for herself and especially the person who nominated you yesterday. I told you that you people have no clarity in relationships. Mannara says I won’t talk to Anurag anymore. Isha thanks Vicky. Mannara says Isha deserves this.

7:30 PM

Mannara cries alone and sits in a corner. Isha comes there and asks why is she crying? She says I am unable to control my emotions. Anurag confronted me and I started explaining things to him. I was even explaining to Abhishek, I don’t know what I am doing. Isha says you aren’t fake so don’t worry.

PRECAP – Mannara tells Munawar to stay away from her, you have been a hypocrite. Munawar says you were against Isha later on but you took her name before. Mannara says I was taking a stand for myself and I don’t call my friends hypocrites like you do. Munawar leaves from there. Later on, Samarth steals from the house. Bigg Boss deducts time from the kitchen time. Isha tells Samarth to not take advantage of her captaincy as he knows she won’t say anything to him.

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