Bigg Boss 17 26th November 2023 Written Update

Bigg Boss 17 26th November 2023 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss 17 26th November 2023 Written Episode

Weekend ka vaar
BB tells Ankit and Vicky that some people are here to pull your ears because they do not like what you’re doing. They wonder who it is. It’s their moms. They get emotional. Vicky’s mom says don’t cry. Ankita says we love you. Vicky cries. Vicky’s mom says how are you both? Ankita syas we’re fine. She says tell me the truth. Ankita says we’re fine. She said let me ask Vicky. She says Vicky why are you crying. Ankita hugs Vicky. Vicky’s mom says you’re so wise Vicky you make us all smile. You’re crying today. Vicky cries. She says you tell us all good things and now we’re asked to make you understand. Vicky cries and says everyone is getting me wrong. Ankita wipes his tears. Vicky’s mom says don’t you like us here? He says everyone is getting me wrong. She says you’re using your mind, which is good but use your heart too. You have a perfect heart. No one knows you wrong. No one is your family here. Don’t make so many relations. Whatever happened, did. She says forget what happened.

Ankita’s mo says let past be gone. And you both have to play together. Vicky’s mom says we’re called here to make you understand. We never lessoned you, Vicky. Today I am called here to do that. Ankit says don’t cry. I am here amma, I will handle him. Vicky’s mom says you’re not handling it. He’s crying a lot. Vicky’s mom says you say what you want. He says everyone gets me wrong. I do everything with heart. Vicky’s mom says this isn’t your family. Focus on your relationships. Even if it’s Ankita’s mom, clapping is done by both hands. Forget about the past and fights. You’ve given Ankita a free hand. Ankita says what free hand? She says to play as you want. Ankita told you the same play as you want. But now when you both meet, meet with love. Don’t fight. We don’t like it when we see it as a family. You both never fight at home. And here you’re fighting so much. Ankita is kicking you and hitting you with a slipper. I beg you both don’t do that. We don’t like it. Ankita says what? Vicky says when you do it in play. Ankita asks how the is game going? Ankita’s mom says when you both go out keep your love there. Ankita says love is still there. Ankita’s mom says to spend time together. Don’t forget your love and romance for the game. We all know how you’re at home. We can’t see that. Control your things. The world is seeing outside. It hurts us when we see you like that. Vicky’s mom says please fix your game, it insults us. Vicky says it hurts me when I miss you. I suffer so much. Vicky’s mom says you work so much here. You consider everyone your family. Don’t care about them. Ankita says I tell him the same. Vicky’s mom says don’t get into other people’s problems and fights. Keep your mind cool. Vicky says I will fix things. Vicky’s mom says we told them our kids aren’t like that. You have to take care of your relations. Ankita says when we came here I felt like Vicky got involved with everyone else. I started becoming angry. It increased pressure on him. Vicky’s mom says Ankita we sent Vicky for you. We knew you’d handle him. You’re so smart. but things are not being handled here. You’re very wise and so nice. Vicky is nice too. Vicky says so much is happening here. Ankita’s mom says you both are doing well. Play your game, you’re both strong. Ankita says we are sorry. I know my mistake. Vicky says it’s a mistake by both. Vicky’s mom says it’s from both sides. both handle it.

Munawar says to Abhishek I Vicky I don’t want to do what you want me to. You can’t force your way on me. BB asks Vicky’s mom which one of Vicky’s behaviors hurt you. She says Vicky’s fight with Ankita and his words for her. We didn’t like it. We came here to make him understand. He’s not like that. BB asks do you think Ankita is responsible for it? She says both are responsible. Both used the wrong words. Not one. These aren’t our manners. Ankita cries. BB asks Ankita’s mom which of their behavior hurt you? She says I just want them to not fight. Just control your words. Show love. Ankita says there is so much pressure. She cries. Munawar says to Neil and Aishwarya I asked Manara to not trust Ankita. Aish says she doesn’t like her. Munawar says Vicky yes I made her husband. Ankita’s mom says let the past be. When you both talk with love, we love it. Vicky’s mom says the whole world is watching. BB says Vicky’s mom let Ankita’s mom speak. Vicky says she’s my mom, she does that. Ankita’s mom says to be strong when you come out. Ankita says our relationship became much stronger. The best achievement is that I can say my things. We’re fixing our communication gap. Ankita’s mom says Ankita is very strong. She falls into emotions. Vicky says don’t worry. We’re fine here. Ankita thanks BB for sending them. They both go.

BB asks Vicky and Ankita did you both understand? Ankita says our relationship is being shown wrong here. We are doing something wrong, hence. BB asks who’s doing things wrong? She says Vicky. That’s because he’s only using his mind, not his heart. He’s a very pure heart. BB asks Vicky what did you understand? He says I can bet you didn’t understand at all. Vicky says no I did. I know I’ve made mistakes. I don’t understand things Ankita tries to make me understand. We’re both on different tracks and we’ve to make ourselves understood. BB says Ankita your mom said an individual identity here is very important. Vicky has it for sure. Ankita says I will focus on taking my stands. Vicky says I need to focus on my relationship. BB says you have 17 more relationships here. They’re all the same.

Day 41
1:45 AM
Music plays in the house. Everyone dances. Orry comes in. He hugs Ankita. Everyoen welcomes him. He says hello I am Orry. Tehelka welcomes him. Samarth asks what do you do? He says I live, I am a liver. Everyone claps.

Manara huags Khanzadi. She says only I can heal you in this house Orry says open washroom concept? Manra says to Khanzdi I am not feeling the vibe. I am concerned about your health. Khanzadi says everything is always my fault. Abhishek says Orry, I am sorry. He says I am Orry, not sorry. Orry says are they bullying? Ankita says no they’re joking. Manara hugs Khanzadi. She says I shouldn’t have walked out. Manara says you always do it on weekends. Khanzadi says I just couldn’t control. Manara says so much was said about me. Khanzadi says you change statements and you’re very possessive about your friends. Many people said it and I feel it too.

2:30 AM
Anurag asks Abhishek why he lives such a life. Abhishek says he’s very rich just doesn’t have an identity. I don’t know what he does. Anurag says he won’t be able to change the game. Orry has coffee and his food. Manara asks are you allowed to share these things? Orry says I didn’t ask. Isha takes a soft toy from Orry. He says one of them is called Sunny. Everyone boos Tehelka.

Day 42
11 AM
Everyone wakes up singing to the theme. Orry says I slept well. Khanzadi says to you all said Abhishek doesn’t get aggressive? Sana says he doesn’t. Khanzadi says he fights and shouts with me all the time. Sana says you have a separate equation with him.

Rinku asks Orry what do you do? He says Chilling, vibing, breathing, surviving. He says I do a lot People overlook what you do beyond a job. Neil asks but what’s the job? He says you can define a job but a job can’t define you. Neil says very nice but what is that job. sorry to say it’s complicated. Anurag says to Sana I was never given a chance to speak. I didn’t give any auditions. I was called here by them. People ask me to just say sorry to him so he talks to me. Why should I? I am part of this show. I can’t beg anyone to talk to me. Abhishek asks Orry did you do makeup early morning? He says I am anti-makeup. Abhishek says so am I. Aish says I did his makeup.

Abhishek says give us protein. he says I can’t. Abhishek says you came to steal from other houses. He says I am Orry, not Chori. Abhishek says it’s a good deed to help the poor. Orry says but no one is rich or poor in this house. Abhishek says I am poor. Orry says poverty is a mindset.
Sana says you can’t keep getting triggered. Anurag says I’ve supporters what’s my fault? I am being taunted about bro sena every day. I hurt it when it was used as a joke. I said I’ve 7m fans. I was told the real would be 7k. He says it’s all organic. Sana says take it lightly. Khanzadi says people who go through this know how it feels. Sana says you don’t even let sir speak. You walked out yesterday. Major disrespect. Anurag says she’s suffered and she was triggered. Khanzadi says I expect to not let personal things come in between. Instead, I was portrayed wrong. I just want to quit. Sana says we can nominate you. Anurag says I’m not interested anymore.

12:15 PM
Abhishek asks Orry did India win the World Cup? He says isn’t it next year? They laugh.
Khanzadi asks Munawar did I go wrong yesterday? He says you’re an idiot. If you wanna go, sleep the entire week, get nominated, and then leave. You’ve damaged yourself so much on TV. People will be scared to work with you.

12:30 PM
Alarm blares. Isha and Ankita are asleep. Ankita says BB it’s Friday. Did you forget? Aish says to Manara if you know you won’t mingle with someone why are you wasting someone else’s time? Manara said she was coming to me. Rinku says Khanzadi and I are in one room, we don’t talk. Manara says what if I am left alone? Aish says we’re here.

1:45 PM
Khanzadi says to Arun and Tehelka to nominate me. He says are you crazy? She says yes. Why wasn’t Abhishek called out? It’s so unfair. Sana says you disrespected sir. Is that fair? Khanzadi says I am not tlaking to you. Sana says don’t keep crying all day. Okay, we will nominate you if you wanna go. The host told you you can go. San says she keeps saying the same thing. Arun says she was talking to us. Khanzaid says what’s her problem? Arun says so people can’t talk? You can leave. Are you BB? Khanzadi says you can go from here. She wants attention only.

2:15 PM
Orry says to Arun and Tehelka you’re both so cute. Khanzadi says to Anurag I was talking to Tehelka. Shouldn’t I clear that? It’s my problem. she goes to people for validations. Anurag says you do too. She says not like her. Sana is Sana.

Manara says to Munawar that Vicky makes so many mistakes and Ankita forgives him. If I have a friend who makes mistakes? What should I do about it? What if he breaks my heart in the future? Munawar says to keep your guard up. She says my conscience isn’t allowing me to ahead like others are.

4:45 PM
Manara cries in the powder room. Anurag asks are you okay? She says I am done. I wanna go back home. I can’t be a part of anything like this. I am not here to get insulted. I can’t play divide and rule. She says you’re not getting anything. They want all my people because I don’t wanna go to their room. I can’t ruin things. I can’t keep validating myself. Anurag says you shouldn’t be living for their validation. Manara says they surround everyone. Look at Orry.

Orry says I buy my almonds from Madala. Abhishek says I buy my diamonds. Orry says I don’t buy diamonds, I don’t believe in diamonds. It’s a stone. Manara says whoever I sit with, gets questioned. Do I feel something? Anurag says I get it. Manara says I was told my way of speaking isn’t right. I don’t get anything. Manara cries. Anurag says please calm down. Manara says her husband is doing conspiracies. Anurag says he came to me as well. Manara says he’s shoving bond on us. We don’t talk to such people. You talk to them. We’re looking bad eventually. We don’t respect seniors. If Ankita is a senior so is Neil. so is Rinku.

Ankita sits alone and says I cry because I cry. Manara says to Anurag I am not used to this. No one scolds me at home. He says I know you’re pampered. She says no but I am not used to this.

5 PM
Anurag says to Isha I will take a stand. I can’t stop the repercussions that happened outside. People are asking me to apologize to Salman. How many people should I? Isha says you started a wrong action and blamed BB and Salman for it. You should say sorry for that. He says I didn’t introduce myself to bro sena. Isha says you kept saying that they’re based towards people of TV. You’ve people who stand behind you and they can get upset about things you mention on TV and then take action. They listen to you. Anurag says was it wrong to say what I feel? Isha says no but what you thought was wrong. Stan won he wasn’t an actor. Anurag says BB is based this season. Isha says he said he’s biased for people who do good here. Not for TV. You said it very clearly at the start.

8 PM
BB asks Munawar and Vicky how was their day? Munawar says you’re throwing salt on our wounds. BB says each house will throw a housewarming party for Orry. Orry will hop between the parties. It will go on for an hour. The house Orry likes the most will get something special.

Everyone starts planning for the party. They decorate the rooms. The buzzer blares. Orry goes to her house. They become paps for him. Samarth dances with Orry. Samarth shows Orry written on his stomach. Vicky says to Sana you’re the girl in the club who’s very seducing and does massages. Just keep him engaged. Munawar sings for Orry. Orry comes to the next house of mind. Tehelka performs for him. Sana dances. Vicy dances with Sana. Vicky says I am a married man so Anurag you dance. He comes to confidence house. Sana says to Orry I feel so shy, you’re such a cutie pie. She dances with Orry. Samarth does Dharamendra’s acting. Tehelka says to Vicky let us plan something as well. Abhishek takes off his shirt and dances for Orry. Orry gets shy. Anurag says to Sana Orry got so happy when you said cute. Vickys says a boy will fall for a girl, not 4 boys.

BB asks Orry which house party did you like the most? Orry says the one with paps. House of hearts. They all dance. BB says House of Heart will have dinner from me today and they can take anything they want from House 2’s grocery. They all dance happily.

1 AM
Abhishek says to Vicky Salman said You were using Khanzadi to move on from Isha. It wans’t like that. She had it in her mind. I didn’t care about Isha. Maybe I was unintentionally doing that. Ever since I moved away from Khanzadi I started liking Isha again. I have all the feelings back. I care about her food. She said you’ve started coming after me again. She was right.

Sana says to Ankita sleep with your best friend. Ankita says I will keep a distance from her. I will have to protect my self-respect too. I was trying to resolve it. She has her issues and insecurities. She’s problems with me for I don’t know what. Ankita asks Vicky are you coming there to sleep? he says yes I was coming after brush. She says it’s okay if you wanna sit. He said no I was coming. She says we’ve not spoken since yesterday. You came and sat with Khanzadi. You don’t discuss things with me. He says we can sit right now. She says I can’t keep asking you for time. He says you always blame me. Let’s sit now. She says I don’t need your favor. He says let’s sit and talk now. He says please don’t do this. She says I need to sleep. Vicky says please don’t do this. She says I need to sleep. You come to the room.

Ankita says to Vicky I stay here because of you. I don’t want to force you. I will sleep in my room. He says when did I deny. Vicky says let’s go sit and talk. She says now you got the time. He says when we came in Orry came. Ankita says I called you there to sleep. Vicky says there’s one bed less now. Vicky says why are you making it difficult for me? She says you thought we didn’t need to discuss it. Vicky leaves. Ankita says good night. She says I want to sleep. When you have time in the day we will talk. Vicky hugs her. he says please don’t do this.

Manara says to Abhishek Vicky gets so much scolding how does he stay strong? Abhishek says he knows he’s doing something not like you. Everyone laughs.

Day 43 9 AM
Alarm blares. Anurag says it’s partiality. No one blares alarm for Ankita and Isha. Arun says stop saying that all the time. Anurag says they had a video call with their moms too. Just give them the trophy directly. Vicky comes in. Anurag says Ankita also has it in her contract that she can sleep. He says we spoke to moms. We’ve some marriage issues going on. So they had to make it clear to us. Anurag says my family’s photo was also removed. Vicky says why are you here if you think it’s unfair. You’ve so many votes and fans. Do I? Is it partial then? Perform and prove.

Abhishek asks Orry are photos photoshopped? he says yes. all my photos are fake. Photoshop made me. Arun says to Vicky Anurag keeps saying BB let them sleep. Vicky says he thinks he can say whatever he wants. He won’t apologize. He will keep complaining. Anurag comes there. Arun says grow up.

Manara says to Vicky would you like it if your words were twisted and turned? I tried to link up with you Ankita. Ankita says listen to me. Manara says let me speak. Ankita says you called us to speak so let me clear it. Noone wants to fight with you. Manara says I don’t care if you’re in the house or not. Ankita says we don’t want to force a bond on you. It’s all over for me. I have no benefit from you. You called me fake. I don’t do friendships for animations. Vicky says people in your room are saying you don’t clean.

3:15 PM
Manara asks who said it. Manara remains untidy. Samarth says don’t come and tell us things in our room. Manara asks who said it in my room? Tehelka says now he won’t say the name. Isha says this is a provocation. Ais says you say things from one place to another. Samarth says why do you come and say things? You were trying to instigate her against my girl friend. They both fight. Manra says I wish I was like Vicky. He knows how to cover up his wife. samarth and Vicky fight.

BB asks Manara to come to the confession room. He says you wanted to talk. She says first time in life I got scolded like that. I was low. I am okay now. samarth says he only provokes people. Manara says they’re playing divine and rule. BB asks who’s your friend? She says I do. I’ve Anurag and Munawar. BB asks her to bring Munawar too. Samarth and Abhishek fight with Vicky. Munawar and Manara come to the confession room. BB says did you get hurt when Jigna left? Munawr says yes I felt so bad. BB says it’s time for you to get some clarity in your relations. Munawar says I thought I could plan or strategize things. BB says you didn’t question when Jigna was nominated. People want you to take a stand for them when needed if you’ve clarity in your relations. He says Abhishek and Manara are my friends. BB says it’s high time to prioritize people. It’s your decision who you want it to be. Munawar says I get it.

Arbaz and Sohail come to the house. They have swords and say let’s have a real war here. Sohail says Jigna looks different today. Arbaz says he’s Orry. Light of all the kitty parties. He says you live so you’re a life. Sohail says when I was a kid I used to nap, so I was a kidnapper. Sohail says we got to know Sana promised Neil if you do anything in the game I won’t nominate you. Arbaz says who will ask Sana to do something? She held someone’s hand now she will go forward. Sana says all the guys are friends here for me. He says poor Abhishek can’t even have one set done.

Sohail asks Orry to bring all the complaints from the store. He reads Manara looks like she’s hiding a secret. Sunny, I wanna call him Sunny but he says call me Thepla. Vicky has a big heart and it’s easy to break. Ankita is giving me too cool energy. Neil needs to take a chill pill. Orry goes and meets them. Orry tells everyone he will come for one day only. Orry leaves the house.

Manara and Isha are mad about Vicky.

Episode ends

Precap-Ankita and Neil fight over nominations.

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