Bigg Boss 17 6th December 2023 Written Update

Bigg Boss 17 6th December 2023 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss 17 6th December 2023 Written Episode

Day 52

9:30 PM

Aishwarya comes to the storeroom and cries about losing coffee.

Munawar says to himself that everyone is charging at Sana and proving her right. This is her personality and everyone is going crazy because they are losing items and Ankita wants to earn brownie points from Sana. What is wrong with Mannara? what’s my fault if people come and talk to me? Everyone who is against Sana today will be with her tomorrow if its convenient for them. Bigg Boss calls Munawar to the storeroom. He goes there and all ration items are there. Bigg Boss says this is the remaining ration from last week which you people didn’t use. Munawar says exactly, we waste so much stuff so its not a big issue. He goes to the garden and says Bigg Boss did the right thing. Mannara comes there and sits with him. He ignores her. Mannara says its okay. He says I am sorry if you felt hurt. Mannara says I don’t have many friends and I felt I am losing you. Munawar says you will lose me because of your behavior, some things are not in my control and you have to respect that. I even notice when we sit together then Sana comes and sits with you. Mannara says I have an issue with one person. Munawar says Abhishek never interferes between us. Mannara says you have new friends but I have expectations from you as a friend. Munawar says you can come to me anytime.

11:45 PM

Abhishek and Munawar sit together. Abhishek cries so he consoles him, Munawar says its okay. Abhishek says Isha affects me so much. Munawar says the problem is you and not her, you have to move on. Abhishek says I thought I did. Munawar says then why are you crying because of her? Abhishek says I can’t talk.

Isha tells Samarth that I have expectations from you but you just don’t care about me. Samarth says I hate when you misbehave with me, you said that I was taking Abhishek’s side like he is my best friend. Isha says your ego is too big and you just care about the game. I feel bad when you ignore me. Samarth says I always get hurt because of your words, you say that I don’t love you, you are killing my love. Isha says your actions say otherwise, I didn’t talk to you for 2 hours and you just don’t care, you can at least pacify me. Samarth says please just leave me alone, whatever I do is wrong in your eyes. Isha says I can see that I don’t matter to you. Samarth says we will talk outside. Isha says fine.

12:15 AM

Mannara tells Munawar that we never discuss about the game. He says I team up with others but we have unspoken things between us, I like your way of life. I don’t mind discussing the game with you but I don’t know how you will take it.

Isha tells Ankita that if Abhishek is painting me wrong then I won’t let it happen. Ankita says to draw a line with Abhishek and focus on Samarth.

Munawar tells Mannara that I asked you to sit with me but you said no, it hurt me a lot. Munawar says you don’t spare people if you get angry, I am sorry for hurting you.

1:30 AM

Ankita tells Anurag that Vicky has an issue with Mannara but he didn’t nominate her. Anurag says Vicky is looking weak, his words are strong but his actions aren’t. Ankita says I agree, Vicky is not putting his point across.

Samarth asks Isha to take a blanket and sleep on the floor. Isha says I don’t want to sleep with you. She leaves.

Ankita tells Vicky that you don’t put your point across when it’s about nominations, we have expectations from you but you are playing it safe. Anurag says we saw you in the top 5 but you are not playing like that. Vicky says I don’t want to discuss it but I will take action when I think is the right time. Ankita says you are not making an impact like this. Vicky says I want freedom of doing things like the way I want, you shouldn’t influence me. Ankita says this is your problem, you never listen to me, she angrily leaves.

Day 53

8 AM

The inmates wake up to BB anthem, they all dance together.

9 AM

Abhishek asks Vicky if he has any regrets in the game? Vicky says I was disappointed with you in diwali task. Abhishek says you should learn to take a stand, you don’t even give good reasons for nominating people. Vicky says if you are not convinced then I don’t care.

Anurag tells Vicky that Mannara is upset with me because I didn’t nominate you. Why does she have expectations from me when she doesn’t do anything for me? I told her to play her game and make fake relationships.

10 AM

Munawar, Sana and others are sleeping so the alarm plays. Vicky asks Sana to wake up. Sana says I am awake now, you can go and wash the dishes that you wanted me to wash. Vicky says you are so shameless. Sana says go and wash the dishes, you used to give me orders but now you can’t. Munawar tells Ankita that they are fighting like a couple. Ankita tells Rinku that Vicky trusted this girl so much but she is just two-faced. Sana tells Vicky that you tried to suppress my personality but it won’t happen. Munawar tells Ankita if she thinks Sana is wrong then she should tell it to her face upfront. Rinku says she should stick to her stand at least. Ankita tells Sana that you will come running to me and apologizing to me. Sana says you will see what happens now, you are feeling bad about that angry man Vicky? Ankita says he is my husband and I will support him. You don’t deserve my friendship.

12 PM

Mannara tells Sana that she shouldn’t answer people, you are sorted. Ankita says keep provoking her.

Khanzaadi tells Abhishek that at least Sana could have apologized. Aishwarya says we always gave you food but you also disrespected us. Khanzaadi says I always tried to help with duties.

Mannara and Munawar are cooking in the kitchen.

12:30 PM

Anurag tells Khanzaadi that she shouldn’t discuss issues with Aishwarya and make it about her, it was about Sana. Khanzaadi says Aishwarya taunted me so I had to answer her. Anurag says don’t make things about yourself, you are wrong. She says you are wrong, she cries and says Aishwarya taunted me that I eat their food without doing duties. Anurag says you are wrong Khanzaadi. Ankita tells Anurag that she wasn’t wrong. Aishwarya tells Ankita to not support her when she is wrong. Ankita says I know she doesn’t do duties on time but don’t taunt her.

2 PM

Mannara asks Munawar where is Anurag? he has to clean the garden. Munawar says go and talk to him. Mannara says I don’t talk to him much these days.

Sana apologizes to Ankita and says I didn’t want to fight with you. Ankita says don’t apologize to me but you shouldn’t misbehave. Sana says sorry to her.

Vicky finds plant pots on a table, Isha says Mannara put it there. He goes to her and says you shouldn’t do that Mannara. Go and take it from there. Sana says he wants to give orders for no reason, I will take it from there when I want to. You are filled with ego. Vicky says you are just ill-mannered.

3:45 PM

Bigg Boss calls everyone to the lounge. He asks Vicky if he was about to fall? Vicky says Sana had put the pot on the table and I could have tripped because of that. Sana says he is just a liar. Bigg Boss says its time to open houses again but who will go to which house will be decided mutually. I will talk to you people and we can decide together which house you want to go in. Bigg Boss says lets start with heart house and calls Ankita to the therapy room.

4 PM

In the therapy room, Bigg Boss asks Ankita if she doesn’t like living in the lounge? She says no, I want to have my own room. Bigg Boss asks which house you want to go in? Ankita says I like heart house but I am confused. Bigg Boss tells Ankita that she can own heart house with her group but she has to nominate Vicky for the whole season. Ankita says I can’t do that. Bigg Boss says what would Vicky do in your place? Ankita says he would never nominate me for the whole season. I want to play individually so I don’t want to share a room with Vicky. Bigg Boss says you didn’t agree to our offer, you can go. She leaves.

Bigg Boss calls Vicky to the therapy room and asks which house is his favorite? He says heart house. Bigg Boss says you can own it but you have to nominate Ankita for the whole season in Neil’s place. Vicky says I can’t do that, I can’t hurt her. Bigg Boss says then we can’t do anything, who would you want to nominate? He says I think Anurag should have been nominated for the whole season. Bigg Boss says you can leave.

4:15 PM

Bigg Boss tells the inmates that we gave the same offer to Ankita and Vicky. We gave offer to Ankita to nominate Vicky in Neil’s place for the whole season but she said no. Then we gave the offer to Vicky to nominate Ankita for the whole season but he said no, he did come up with a counteroffer. He wanted to nominate Anurag again for the whole season. Anurag says wow.

Bigg Boss says they rejected the offer so powerhouse will have Vicky, Ankita, Sana, Khanzaadi, Anurag and Abhishek.

Anurag tells Vicky that I didn’t expect this from you. Rinku tells Anurag that what goes will come back to you. Vicky says I gave an offer that I thought was right. Mannara says he just keeps playing a game. Bigg Boss asks the powerhouse people to go to their house. They all go there. Anurag tells Ankita that I trusted Vicky but I am hurt. Vicky tells Anurag that I regret my decision because Neil didn’t deserve it. Bigg Boss says Vicky wants to share a bed with Abhishek. Ankita says fine, I will share it with Khanzaadi then. Munawar comes there and jokes there is a driver and a rider in the house now. Vicky laughs. Mannara says he got backstabbed by people he trusted. Anurag says I don’t need anyone to play my game.

Samarth taunts Khanzaadi that there are 2 couples in powerhouse now. Khanzaadi says there is only one couple and that is Vicky-Ankita. Don’t cross the line.

Bigg Boss tells the inmates that we called brain house as runner of the house but those were dreams only and you people didn’t utilize its potential. He says whoever didn’t go to house 2 can put up their case on why they should go there. Come to the archive room.

4:45 PM

Neil is in the archive room, Bigg Boss asks who is his biggest competitor? Neil says its Munawar but I am still figuring him out. Bigg Boss says then I can’t accept your proposal.

Samarth goes to the archive room, Bigg Boss asks who is his enemy? Samarth says I thought it was Vicky but he is already down. My friends are important to me. He requests Bigg Boss to send him to brain house. Bigg Boss says your request is on hold.

Ankita asks Vicky if he gave the offer to Bigg Boss about nominating Anurag himself? He says yes. Ankita says this is not done. Vicky says I said what I wanted to say, I am a human being so I can’t say what I want to? Ankita says you never talked to me that you regretted nominating Neil in Anurag’s place, why are you angry? Vicky says why do you keep questioning me? Sana says why is he shouting at her? Vicky says why are you getting involved in our matter?

Isha comes to the archive room. Bigg Boss asks if friends or enemies are important here? Isha says I think its enemies as they try to put you down but it can make your personality shine. Bigg Boss asks who would try to temper with her game? She says its Abhishek and I want to take a stand against him if he tries to put me down. Bigg Boss says you have to give one word to each inmate. He asks about Abhishek, she says diplomatic. He asks about Mannara, she says wannabe, he asks about Munawar, she says smart. He asks about Ankita, she says dominating. He asks about Khanzaadi, she says fake. He asks about Vicky, she says intelligent but not intelligent. He asks about Sana, she says confused. He asks about Rinku, she says sharp mind, he asks about Arun, she says introvert. He asks about Anurag, she says casual. He asks about Samarth, she says over-expressive. Bigg Boss says you can have more enemies, who would they be? She says Ankita, Anurag, Munawar and Vicky can be my enemies. Bigg Boss says I am putting your request on hold.

Vicky tells Ankita that I get hurt when you question my decisions, its my game and everything is a game for me. Ankita says are you using me as a game? I am trying to talk. He says I don’t want to.,

Aishwarya comes to the archive room. Bigg Boss asks if friends or enemies are important? She says both, I have controlled my anger now. Bigg Boss says can you take responsibility of running the house? She says yes. Bigg Boss says your request is on hold.

Vicky tells that Ankita I feel suffocated when you question me in front of Sana. Ankita says I am trying to understand your point. Vicky says I don’t want to talk.

Bigg Boss tells the inmates that the most clueless request was from Aishwarya. I never pushed Aishwarya to become center of discussion and maybe that’s why her individual journey couldn’t be started so Arun and Aishwarya will live in the brain house and run the whole house. They will decide how ration will be used. He says Munawar, Mannara, Isha, Samarth, Rinku and Neil will live in the heart house. He says people change their houses at the night time so I hope Aishwarya and Arun don’t let it happen. She says sure. Ankita congratulates Aishwarya.

5:30 PM

Arun asks Khanzaadi to come and put her stuff away. Abhishek says he is talking rudely.

Anurag tells Mannara that when I was down, you weren’t there but Vicky was there for me. Mannara says Vicky is playing a game, he was with you but then he wanted to nominate you for the whole season? Anurag says its a game point. Mannara says its not, its jealousy of Ankita against me, her snooty behaviour irritates me.

PRECAP – Bigg Boss tells the inmates that there will be a task for immunity. Neil tells Munawar that he is breaking rules. Abhishek shouts at Isha that she is looking like Munawar’s follower, Isha tells him to get lost and don’t shout at her. Abhishek says I will do what I want. Isha pushes him away. Abhishek charges at her and says don’t push me. Samarth pulls Abhishek away.

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