Bigg Boss 17 7th December 2023 Written Update

Bigg Boss 17 7th December 2023 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss 17 7th December 2023 Written Episode

Day 54

8 AM

The inmates wake up to BB anthem, they all dance to it. They find thrones in the garden.

9:15 AM

Samarth and Isha are doing PDA, Abhishek tells them to go to their room. Khanzaadi tells him to let them be, he says I am just joking. Vicky asks them to come for cooking. Aishwarya tells Vicky to come as she has to divide ration. Abhishek tells her that she is being rude, Aishwarya says I called you but you didn’t come on time. He says what time? I will come when I want to. Arun tells him to get lost. Aishwarya tells him to get lost, you just want footage. She tells everyone that she is going to divide ration right now only. Abhishek says this is wrong. Aishwarya says its my responsibility so I will do what I want to. Arun says he is just a monkey. Abhishek tells him to get lost. Khanzaadi tells Aishwarya to not be egoistic if she got power. Aishwarya says I am trying to be reasonable but I will put you down in your place. Khanzaadi says you can’t be seen, you are small. Samarth tells Khanzaadi to not body shame her. Aishwarya tells her to get lost. Khanzaadi says you are flying in high. Khanzaadi says you are ill-mannered. Isha says Khanzaadi is just jealous. Abhishek says Khanzaadi didn’t body shame her. Vicky tells Arun that if we took 5 minutes to come then we are wrong? Aishwarya says you don’t tell us what’s right or wrong. Khanzaadi says she is just gone crazy. Aishwarya tells her to leave, I am not talking to you. Khanzaadi says I won’t go anywhere.

10 AM

Aishwarya tells Rinku that I was about to divide ration last night only. Rinku says you should have given us more time to decide. Aishwarya says I will do what I think is right. Munawar tells Aishwarya that I am requesting you to let us cook in peace. She says don’t teach me what to do.

Abhishek tells Arun that you have no guts to give me food. Arun says you can’t do anything. Abhishek says I already sent your friend away, you have no guts. You hippo. Munawar tells Abhishek to stay out of the kitchen as they are cooking. Isha says he just wants to fight and has no real relationships here. Abhishek says you want to fight? Aishwarya tells him to go from here. Isha says he just has fake relationships. Abhishek says you are fake. Samarth tells him to get lost. Munawar drags Abhishek away but he tells Isha to look at her antics, I won’t be silent anymore. Isha says you are an animal. Isha says you are an animal. Samarth charges at him and says you won’t find anyone because of your attitude, your life is lost. Abhishek tells Isha that she is a *****. Isha says you can’t handle girls, this is your reality. Abhishek says you are a ******. Isha says you accepted that you go for one-night stands. Abhishek says you have boys coming in your life every other month. Isha says what else? Abhishek says the whole of India is seeing what you do with boys. Isha tells him to get lost, you don’t have control on yourself. Samarth says he is a crybaby. Isha says he thinks everyone is jealous of him. Abhishek says you are a liar. Isha says you are a liar, you fake everything. Aishwarya tells them to leave the kitchen. Abhishek charges at Isha and says I can expose you easily. Isha says you are a crybaby, keep crying. Abhishek says you trap boys. Samarth says he has no one to support him. Khanzaadi tells Samarth to shut up. Abhishek shouts at Isha. Samarth says no one will be with Abhishek. Isha says he can just get one-night stands.

10:45 AM

Abhishek sits beside Isha, Vicky tells them to not bring up personal issues here. Isha says I will do it if he brings up past. Samarth comes there and sits beside them. Isha leaves from there. Abhishek tells Samarth that he will cry, you were scared today. Samarth says really? Abhishek says you are a *****. Samarth says you are a liar, you won’t find love because of your antics. Abhishek says your family is watching, keep an eye on Isha as she likes to party a lot. Give her beauty injections to make her cute. Isha says I was always cute. Abhishek says Isha is looking cute. Isha takes Samarth from there and says lets not talk to him.

11 AM

Munawar tells Aishwarya that I was requesting you only but you blasted on me. She says I am sorry, I was charged up.

Abhishek tells Anurag that I didn’t want to bring up outside things but when I fight then I lose control.

Mannara tells Munawar that they shouldn’t have fought like this, Abhishek is not able to accept Samarth here.

Abhishek taunts Isha about her beauty injections and parties. Vicky takes him aside and says to be careful about his words, it’s a family show. Isha says let him speak, it shows his reality. Samarth tells Abhishek that you started this. Abhishek says she brought up personal stuff and talked about one-night stands. I will expose her now. Isha says yes, expose me, I am ready. I wanted this only, it shows your reality. She says thank God Samarth isn’t like Abhishek. Abhishek taunts that she looks pretty after getting injections. Isha says I didn’t even have money for injections. Abhishek taunts her that you left me which made me sad. Samarth says you deserve to be left alone because you are cheap. Isha tells Abhishek to stay away from her.

12:15 PM

Samarth tells Isha that if I am talking to Abhishek then don’t tell me to stay away from him. Isha says okay. He asks her to come and sit with him. He tells her that if Abhishek’s level is low then don’t go low, he is lying and assassinating your character but since you stooped to his level then no one else is taking a stand for you. I have to stand up for you but if you stoop on his level then what can I do? he crossed limits but you did too. He is taunting me because of you. Isha says I had to answer him and defend myself. Samarth says if you become friends with him again then it won’t be good. If you stoop low then I can’t defend you. Isha says you always take everything on your ego.

Abhishek tells Munawar that he is feeling okay. Munawar says then don’t cry about her now.

Samarth tells Isha that she stooped low with Abhishek because of her ego. Isha says stop shouting at me. Samarth shouts that you were wrong when you taunted him, stop showing me ego. Isha says you are not wrong, she cries but Samarth angrily leaves.

1 PM

Arun reads the message on the screen that the power will be divided today.

Munawar tells Samarth that I told Abhishek if he is satisfied with what he did then he shouldn’t cry later on. I am also telling you that you shouldn’t take his side later on, this is all looking fake if Isha takes his side later on. Isha says I don’t keep grudges. Munawar says even after listening to all that, if you take his side then you are not standing up for yourself.

2 PM

Bigg Boss tells the inmates that we have divided houses and ration but what about immunity? You can’t get power without support. let’s talk about who should get immunity. Bigg Boss tells the housemates to choose one inmate from their house who they think deserves immunity. Munawar asks about Neil. Neil says I want this immunity. Bigg Boss says then he can be a contender too.

Khanzaadi tells her housemates that she wants to choose Vicky. Sana says I have fought to make a place here. Vicky says I don’t think you need it.

Vicky tells his housemates that he thinks he deserves and I was in the bottom too. Ankita says I think I need this immunity too. Abhishek says you have a strong game and good fan following. Ankita says I want to fight as a contender, I want to get immunity. Anurag says I need immunity for my fans. Abhishek says you have a strong fan following so you don’t need it. Khanzaadi says Vicky was in the bottom two.

Samarth tells his housemates that he is a complete package. Isha says I had growth in the game. Mannara says I have good relationships but I am upfront so I deserve immunity. I also think what happened with Neil was wrong so I want to give him the chance. Munawar says I have observed the game, I didn’t do any injustice but I am also active in the game so I deserve it. Neil says you people don’t know if you will be nominated next week but I am nominated next week, I deserve this.

Arun tells Aishwarya that people hate me here so I need this. She says they have issues with me too. Arun tells her that she can take it.

Bigg Boss tells them to announce about their decision. Arun and Aishwarya both want immunity. Bigg Boss asks if they have mutually decided? Arun says no. Aishwarya says don’t say that. Bigg Boss says I don’t think you can mutually decide. Arun tells Aishwarya to let him play this. She says fine and gives him her vote. Bigg Boss Arun is contender now.

Bigg Boss asks about house 1, Rinku says we couldn’t mutually decide on one name. They all agree on Neil’s name. Bigg Boss says so Neil will be contender for immunity.

Bigg Boss asks house 3 if they have mutually decided on one name? Vicky says the majority is supporting me but there is no mutual decision. Ankita asks Abhishek to give chance to Vicky as he was in the bottom 2. Abhishek says I might be in the bottom 2. Bigg Boss says they have 10 seconds, Abhishek says I want this immunity and I don’t have much fan following. Vicky says we all have agreed on my name except Abhishek. Bigg Boss says you people couldn’t decide mutually so there will be no contender from house 3. Khanzaadi tells Abhishek that you wanted this right? He says I wanted it for myself.

4 PM

The inmates come to the garden and see it decorated as a king’s palace. Bigg Boss asks Arun and Neil to sit on their thrones. He says house 3 has no contender for immunity. He says there will be a war to win this immunity, they have to capture more area on the map board present in the garden. There are cardboard soldiers for both of them. Neil has blue soldiers and Arun has red soldiers. When the song plays, the inmates will put soldiers on the map of the contender they are supporting and others will try to remove it. There will be 2 supporters at a time on the map. At the end of the task, whoever has more soldiers on the map will win. He says Khanzaadi will be the judge of the task and her decision will be final.

The song plays, Abhishek and Munawar start playing the game and put soldiers on the board. Otherside Rinku and Samarth start playing too. Samarth throws away Abhishek’s soldiers.

4:15 PM

Samarth tells Munawar that they are hiding soldiers from us. They are supporting Arun. Khanzaadi tells Abhishek that he can’t hide soldiers. He says there wasn’t a rule like that? Khanzaadi says I will make them winners if you don’t put them back on board. Abhishek puts them back and says we are just protecting our soldiers. Rinku and Abhishek support Neil. Khanzaadi tells Rinku that she can’t hide soldiers. Abhishek says she is protecting soldiers from others, our soldiers are sleeping. Khanzaadi says you have to put them upright. Abhishek says they are not even putting their soldiers down. Bigg Boss says Abhishek has taken off his shirt to play the task so clap for him. all laugh and clap for him. Abhishek says they are cheating. Bigg Boss says Abhishek was dying to play in tasks. Arun hides some of his soldiers.

4:30 PM

Rinku changes place with Vicky for Neil, Khanzaadi tells Isha that she can’t jump on the board. Aishwarya tries to protect Neil’s soldiers. Samarth says she can’t come on board. Aishwarya says don’t touch me, Samarth says she is hiding the soldiers so I had to touch her. Abhishek tries to take soldiers from Munawar but he tells him to go away. Abhishek says Samarth was doing the same thing. Samarth tells Aishwarya that she can put soldiers in her shirt then what? Abhishek shouts that Munawar is doing the same thing, get lost. Khanzaadi says I will decide who will come on map, you can’t play like this. Neil says Samarth was wrong. Khanzaadi says Aishwarya came on the map without informing me. Ankita comes on the map but Khanzaadi says I will decide who will come on board so please leave. Vicky asks her to leave. Ankita says it wasn’t said that Khanzaadi will decide who will come on the map board. Khanzaadi says I will decide who will come on board. She takes Abhishek aside and says this is extremely wrong, he asks her to support them. Khanzaadi asks Abhishek to go off the map and let Anurag come on. He says okay and goes off. Ankita says Khanzaadi didn’t have power to decide. Abhishek says you didn’t have this power to decide who will come on board. Khanzaadi says I will decide who will come on the board. Neil tells Khanzaadi that she can’t deny anyone coming on the board. Khanzaadi says I will do what I think is right. Anurag is protecting Neil’s soldiers but Samarth kicks them. Anurag says don’t kick me. Khanzaadi says I don’t want to call girls on the board because boys are getting physical, Aishwarya even complained. Ankita says this is wrong, girls can play if they want to. Rinku says you are saying that girls can’t play? you are crazy. Ankita tells Khhanzaadi to calm down and you can’t say no to girls if they want to play. I want to play. Khanzaadi says I will decide who will play. Ankita tells Khanzaadi that she can’t do this.

4:45 PM

Rinku says this judge doesn’t want girls to play? Ankita tells Khanzaadi that I want to play. She says don’t enter the board. Ankita says who are you to decide that girls can’t play? are you crazy? don’t do this. Khanzaadi says I am the judge so I will do what I want to. Munawar shouts that Abhishek is entering the board when others already are, this is wrong. Ankita shouts at Khanzaadi that she wants to play. This is wrong. Aishwarya shouts at Khanzaadi that she is cheating, you are supporting other team easily. Neil asks Khanzaadi to change Munawar’s team too. Abhishek says she is Munawar’s follower in the game, you are doing what he is saying. Isha says look at who is talking about being a follower of others. Abhishek says I have exposed you already, I will not spare you now, get lost. Isha tells him to get lost, you are shit. Khanzaadi tells Ankita that she shouldn’t have misbehaved with her. Ankita says you should let me play.

Isha shouts at Abhishek to not misbehave with her, she pushes him away. Abhishek shouts why did you touch me? Samarth pulls him away and says stay away from her. Neil tries to break them apart, Samarth says don’t go near her. You are a *****. Abhishek says Isha pushed me.

Ankita tells Khanzaadi that you can’t do this with us. You have to let us play. Khanzaadi says if you get hurt then don’t cry about it. Ankita says I won’t cry. Khanzaadi calls Ankita on the board.

5 PM

Ankita is protecting Neil’s soldiers. Aishwarya says I want to play too. Khanzaadi says you blamed Samarth for touching you but he didn’t so I won’t allow you now. Aishwarya says she is a fool. Rinku says no one is touching girls deliberately. Aishwarya shouts that she is crazy. Arun goes to get water. Abhishek says their king already left. Samarth tries to throw away Neil’s soldiers but Ankita protects them.

Neil tells Khanzaadi that I want to respect your decisions but you can’t influence the game.

Isha tells Abhishek that you wanted to expose me so show your real face, you are not loyal to anyone. Abhishek says you are a *****.

Neil asks Bigg Boss to clarify what the judge can decide and can’t. Munawar says I am playing fairly. Neil says we can see how fair you are.

Bigg Boss says only 10 minutes are left in the game. Neil tells Khanzaadi that she didn’t let his supporters play. Khanzaadi says no one is supporting Arun except Munawar and Samarth. Neil sees Arun hiding his soldiers and says heis cheating. Munawar tells Khanzaadi that the winner will be who has more territory, not the number of soldiers. Abhishek says Khanzaadi will nominated for the whole season like this. Munawar says the king is begging people to support him.

5:15 PM

Bigg Boss says only 10 seconds are left in the game. Isha and Ankita try to attack Arun’s soldiers but Samarth and Munawar protect them. Bigg Boss says the task is done. Abhishek throws away Arun’s soldiers but Munawar pushes him away. Abhishek shouts that you pushed me, Munawar says you tried to push soldiers are the task is done. Abhishek says you put the soldiers down after the time was up. Neil asks Abhishek to calm down. Khanzaadi tells them to stop fighting. Munawar says why did Abhishek come on board and throw them after the task? Khanzaadi says Abhishek was wrong. Samarth tells Khanzaadi that Munawar put them down before the task ended.

Neil thanks Abhishek and Anurag. Arun thanks Munawar and Samart and taunts Vicky for not supporting him. Vicky says it was because of your attitude.

Bigg Boss asks Abhishek if he still wants to play? Abhishek says we played like sportsmen. Bigg Boss says Abhishek feels like his journey is complete, Isha laughs. Bigg Boss says you all played like it was a sports day in school. There was no show of loyalty and relationships, it felt like kids playing in a field. You all forget that people watch you 24/7 and you chose contenders who have no emotional connection in the house so you all played like it was a sports day. He asks Khanzaadi who won the task? Khanzaadi says Arun’s team won because they have more territory and soldiers. Neil’s team cheated too.

Bigg Boss says Arun won the task so he gets immunity, will he use it this week or next week? Arun says I will use it next week. Bigg Boss says he will be immune from nominations next week. Samarth congratulates him. Anurag tells Vicky that Khanzaadi was very biased. Vicky says we didn’t follow rules as well. Neil tells Khanzaadi that she never understood the rules. Khanzaadi says you are deaf so you don’t understand things. Aishwarya says she is a puppet. Khanzaadi says you want to fly when you just came out of shell?

Neil tells Rinku that Khanzaadi didn’t even know the rules of the task.

Munawar tells Arun that we defeated them with 2 people only.

Abhishek tells Rinku that Isha pushed me for no reason. Rinku says what about boys pushing girls around? Khanzaadi was wrong to not let girls play. Khanzaadi says why did Aishwarya cry that she was touched by Samarth? Mannara says girls get to know about the intentions of boys from their touch. Khanzaadi constructs stories for no reason.

Ankita tells Isha that no boy would touch us intentionally, who was Khanzaadi to decide that girls can’ts play?

Aishwarya tells Khanzaadi that you said Abhishek physically assaulted you but if I say he touched me then its a big issue. Khanzaadi says I said that he could have physically assaulted me. Rinku tells her to get lost, you are a ****. Khanzaadi says you are a liar. Go to hell. Rinku says you have no identity. Khanzaadi says she demands respect but look at her talking like this.

Isha tells Abhishek that you said you had connection but then you said you wouldn’t care about connections in the task so what’s real about you?

Munawar tells Arun that no one was supporting you so we had to do it.

PRECAP – Salman tells Abhishek that if we can give an award for the most fake contestant then it would be him. You said to Isha that she used to go out at night to party, if he had said it in front of me then I wouldn’t have spared him. He tells Isha that next time if he cries, have a meltdown or needs support then don’t you go and console him. Later in the task, Munawar tells Ankita that you try to keep a balance with everyone but you are trying to be too nice which is not real. Ankita tells Mannara that we have seen many contestants before who acted cutely and I feel like you just copy them.

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