Bigg Boss OTT 17th August 2021 Written Update

Bigg Boss OTT 17th August 2021 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss OTT 17th August 2021 Written Episode

Day 9, 8AM
Everyone wakes up dancing.

8:45 AM
Nishant says she’s irritated with everyone. Moose says she tries to be over-nice with everyone. He says I know her character. I don’t care about her. She has a lot of egos. Moose says he acts like a kid.

Neha says to I don’t judge anyone. Ridhima and Pratik have fought and there have been bad things. The only difference between her and me is that I can’t abuse like her. Then she says sorry. Karan says abusing isn’t right. Neha says she says very disgusting things. That’s not the way to talk. We didn’t judge you.

Nishant says I want to talk to you. We are 12 people. And we eat twice a day. We cook twice a day. How will 12 people eat with this less vegetables bigg boss? Moose says it’s too less.

Pratik says it’s too hot. I can’t open my zip. Moose says what’s happening here bigg boss? He says there’s no wax on this apple. He rubs it on his stomach. Moose laughs. Neha says I don’t want this apple. He says I am gifting it. She says I can buy it. He touches Neha’s hand on his stomach and says there’s no wax on it. Moose says she will decide later.

2:15 PM
Ridhima reads there will be BB panchayat today. Raqesh and Shamita will be safe from this and will be the judge of this panchayat. You will all gather in the garden. Bigg boss will name a connection with each accusation. They will decide who deserves that accusation the most. You have time till the next bell. After that hearing, the judges will decide who deserved the accusation the most. But if the audience is not happy with the decision, the people with Raqesh and Shamita will be nominated. Nishant and Muskan will be part of this activity like everyone else. Good luck.

Everyone gathers in the garden. Raqesh and Ridhima sit on the judge’s seat. Bigg boss you have to decide which connection works the less. Everyone laughs. Bigg Boss says Zeeshan and Divya.

Milan and Neha say Karan has worked more. So we nominate them. Ridhima and Karan nominate Nishant and Moose. Karan says they haven’t worked much. Karan says I asked him to do work. He said no we still have to ask him to clean and he says he works as per his timelines. Pratik and Akshara say according to us, Karan is stuck. Ridhima says don’t need extra comments. I can start the fight. He says I can decide. She says I won’t sit silently. I can also talk whatever I want. He says they haven’t worked. Ridhima says he keeps fighting. Everyone tries to calm them. Pratik says give her medicine. Shamita says we heard.

Nishant and Moose say have worked whenever asked. Neha says I am looking at Raqesh whenever he asked. They take Ridhima and Karan’s name. Nishant says there’s not only one kind of work. Ridhima says can I speak now? I saw Nishant not working at all for the first two days. He says he will decide himself. I won’t do this or that.

Ridhima says I am being ganged up against. Zeeshan says no one is doing that. Pratik says don’t lie. Karan says no one is talking to you. Pratik says I am talking to her. Mind your own business. Ridhima says play your own game. You are an idiot. Go to hell. You says you don’t work. Ridhima says what do you work? She touches him. Pratik says she touched me. Is she mad or what? Raqesh says we have to do the veto. They decide it’s Nishant who has worked the least. Shamita says they are part of the couple so we have to think. Pratik says to learn to respect. Ridhima says I don’t care. I am so disappointed. Shamita says calm down.

Ridhima says how will I prove myself if he keeps shouting. He keeps speaking. Pratik says the world is seeing you. Ridhima says yeah I can see that. He says get your medicine. Ridhima screams. She says who are you to say that. She cries. She says why is he after my life. Raqesh and Shamita try to calm her down. She says can’t you see he’s torturing me? Raqesh hugs her. Akshara says everyone can see it. Karan says he doesn’t matter. Pratik says she touched me. Raqesh says stay quiet now. Not a single more word. Ridhima says get me out of this house. Karan says shut up Pratik. Pratik says will you stay quiet if someone attacks your family? She spoke against my family. Moose says to Karan so she has the right to talk about the family? Shammita says let’s get water. Everyone can see.

Ridhima says he keeps talking about my medicine? Moose says you also keep calling me crazy? Ridhima says he also spoke against my family. If he can stoop low I can do that too. Nishant says you spoke against his family. Ridhima says why are you taking his side? He says I am not. Look at your health. She says I will shout. Ridhimi shouts I am not wrong. He says calm down. It’s a task. Divya says give her space. Karan hugs Ridhima.

Pratik says is that how you talk? Akshara says to Pratik calm yourself. Neha says I think there’s one person who shouts when you get angry. You say whatever you want. Shamita says she has anger issues. Neha says I was ignoring her work. Shamita says she said you don’t work. Neha says that’s her decision. Neha says Divya will speak against me. You are the judge you will decide. Shamita says according to me. It’s Nishant.

Moose says she’s not worth it. Pratik says who are you to say against my family? Why did you bring my dad in it? Do you have midn? Idiot. Akshara tries to calm him down. He says Karan I won’t hear a word against my family. Do you feel bad? I felt the same. Talk to her. They try to calm him down. Zeeshan says calm down. He says get what she’s doing. Karan says we get it. She has stopped why are you starting again?

Shamita says we have decided. Nishant says I am speaking for 7 days. We all have worked. I said I can cook. When I was given chance, I proved. I wasn’t given chance to show off. But when I got the chance, I cooked, cleaned, and did everything. So I don’t think I didn’t work. Divya says let moose work as well. Moose says whatever we were asked me did. I don’t know cooking so I did all the help I could after chopping and everything. Nishant says we have worked more than we were asked.

Zeeshan says Karan and Ridhima haven’t worked much. Karan was doing all the work. Bell rings. Shamita says we have done a veto after discussion and we decided that everyone has worked but in comparison.. Nishant has worked less. The way we were working. You said openly I will only do this much so it influenced our decision. Nishant says I completely disagree. The reasons you are giving are not real at all. I will ask the people as well. Shamita asks did you clean the washrooms? Nishant says people will decide but I will prove that I work. Shamita says Ridhima and Karan worked yesterday. Zeeshan says I am speaking as a couple. We are talking individually? Or as a couple. Nishant says we have to see the work and decide. This is wrong. Raqesh says everyone is working. It’s a collective work. Nishant says not everyone is 100% capable. But if it’s about connection, it’s 50 50 for everyone. I have worked more anyway. Shamita says according to you, not us. Moose says you’re saying he didn’t do the bathrooms? Nishant says the bedroom was dirty, the kitchen was dirty. Shamita says let the audience decide.

Bigg Boss says the time to decide is over. Shamita says we have decided.. Nishant says to speak on the facts. Shamita says we have decided that Nishant and Moose have worked less as compared to others. Nishant says if you can’t see it I can’t do anything. Shamita says Bigg Boss has asked me. We have seen what Ridhima has done. Moose says you can’t see, she didn’t work. Zeeshan says we are not done. Raqesh says shut up Nishant. He says I won’t shut up. Nishant says these are your personal grudges. Shamita says we have decided it will go on Nishant and Moose. Bigg Boss says you have decided now the audience will decide if they agree with it or not. That will decide will Nishant and Moose will be nominated or Zeeshan and Divya.

3:45 PM
Karan says you didn’t even say I worked. Neha says I did. So much was happening. He says you should have supported me. I supported you. Neha says so you wanted a return? He says no I thought it was wrong. Neha says I also think Ridhima is wrong.

Shamita says I find it difficult to tell them that the washroom is dirty. We decided it. It was everyone’s input. Divya was in another zone. Divya says Neha hasn’t worked for a dirty. Zeeshan says then her name should have been taking. Karan says everyone was ganging up on her. That’s why she was hurt. Zeeshan says if people were taking names, they should have taken Neha’s.

Neha comes to Pratik. He says she keeps calling my family useless. She gets anxiety attacks then? If she’s out of control take her from here. Should I stay quiet then? Raqesh is a good man but he’s an idiot. If he does this he will lose his respect. Neha says they feel I am your friend, so they aren’t even listening to me now. I am treated differently now. Pratik says it’s not my or your fault. Neha says I don’t want to fight.

4:15 PM
Shamita says I feel like she is waiting. You have to ignore it. Shamita says as a woman if I know that man won’t think before speaking to me, I will try my best to avoid him. It’s like she is waiting to fight with him. You can’t do that. Why do you expect that Pratik won’t say this or that? Why do you expect respect from him? She’s wrong Karan.

Ridhima says I am gonna cook my own food. Shamita says don’t be unreasonable. She says I can’t eat it from double-faced people. Shamita says it’s getting difficult for you. Ridhima says this is madness. I would rather leave. How can people be like that? Only overreacting doesn’t help. Cry in front of the host and think that you did a lot. I am the one who’s getting bullied. No one can see that. My partner doesn’t think I make him work extra.

6:15 PM
Neha hugs Pratik and says breathe in love and safety and exhale hate and all the feelings that I am not safe. Breathe in self-approval. He says thank you. Akshara hugs him. He says we will teach them a lesson.

Pratik says I feel like talking to my mom. Neha says when you are unsupported you miss your family the most. Akshara says when we win they will be the happiest. 6:30 PM bigg boss says before starting the second hearing, let’s see what the audience has decided for the first one. The audience has decided that they disagree with the decision of the hearing. Nishant says thank you Bigg Boss. Bigg Boss says Zeeshan and Divya are nominated now because they have decided wrong. The second accusation is.. the most unhygienic connection. Ridhima and Karan will be judging it with Raqesh and Shamita.

Ridhima coughs. Pratik says give her water. She’s getting an attack. Karan says shut up. Shamita says Ridhima you don’t do it either. you are instigating it. She says I am not. Raqesh says you can speak in your turn. You have to be quiet. Pratik says don’t show me your finger. I will be quiet when they are. Ridhima keeps coughing. Shamita says I am getting irritated now.

Milan says I have it against Nishant. When he came from the loo, it was messed up and not clean. Nishant says but there was no water. Unhygienic is a personal thing. It’s not my fault. It came up so I can’t do anything. Neha says according to me, there are a lot of people. But because of connection, you have to a couple in people. So it’s Nishant and Moose who have done it the most. People leave their dirty clothes. It’s not an attack. Nishant says you can say whatever you want.

Zeeshan says Pratik and Akshara. I would say about Pratik, that he opens the door and goes to the living area. He doesn’t wash his hands after coming from the loo. That place is full of germs. Divya says I agree. Pratik says I use disinfectant. Ridhima says that’s surface cleaner. He says I am not talking to you. She says I am the judge.

Moose says I slept with Neha. Her socks and shoes are always out. I fell on her shoe once. Her cups are here and there. Neha says I couldn’t walk much. So I kept my shoes out. The first few days were difficult for me. If you want to attack a handicapped person, you can call it unhygienic but I was getting used to it. Pratik says it’s true that I have seen Neha being unhygienic. Neha says it’s emotional and biased from him. You are speaking about the cup. It was water only. Pratik says I am being clear only. Neha says do you agree Akshara? She says I didn’t see the cup. Neha says because we have to decide together. People have blamed Pratik but then took both of our names. If he has seen it, I can’t disagree. Milan says we have targeted both. We have reasons for Moose and Nishant. Kitchen and dump. Nishant says my only point is, it doesn’t make sense. Neha says you don’t know what’s wrong or right. Moose says we are speaking. This is a task. Neha says I was still talking. Moose says clothes were a one-time thing. I picked those clothes. Shamita knows it. I picked them and dried them. Neha says after two days. Shamita says it was the next day. Neha says 24 hours. Moose says I did it immediately. Pratik asks Akshara do you think it’s right? Neha says why are you controlling her mind? Akshara says I said I will be with Pratik. I am there for his decision.

Shamita says should we do Veto? Raqesh says I think Pratik and Nishant are the same. There were cigarette buds by both of them. I don’t know who left them. Shamita says ask them once. Ridhima says they will keep arguing. Shamita says we should know. They won’t own up. Ridhima says if he doesn’t clean his hands, he’s dirty. Ridhima says Pratik and Akshara. Shamita says because of the fight? Ridhima says no. Not at all. It’s because of the task only. Raqesh says Neha has a body odor too. Shamita says but Nishant and Moose both are unhygienic. But not Pratik. Ridhima says I get what she’s saying.

Milan says to Neha look at how they are sitting. Neha says you didn’t stand up for me. You were with Akshara not me. I got mad. Shamita says we have decided. It was a tie-breaker between Pratik Akshara and Nishant and Moose. I am pleasantly surprised that Pratik cleaned the counter. I felt it was good. So we did a veto. It’s Nishant and Moose. It will look like we are attacking.. Nishant says it is. You don’t have a reason. He says yeah you are spineless. She says who is finalist? Be specific. I am offended. Who are you saying this for? He says I am just saying a word. I don’t need to name. Do whatever you want to do. He says you speak. She says you can’t use such words. Who is spineless here? he says I can say whatever we want. Moose says the decision. Shamita says it was a long discussion here. It was decided on the mutual decision. Raqesh saw the cigarette buds. Raqesh says I saw them. I asked Muskan and she said those were Nishant’s. Shamita says and your clothes were found here and there. Third, one of us has highlighted the body odor. So for us, it’s Nishant and Moose. We are not being unfair. Nishant says unfair. She says it’s your perspective. Nishant keeps shouting unfair. He says the audience will decide. Bigg Boss says you have decided now the audience will review and decide.

7:45 PM
Pratik says to Neha I had one point about the cups. Listen.. Talk to me. don’t do this. Neha doesn’t talk to him. He says listen.. I had a point. I was being honest. It was on that basis. Say something. She’s silent. he says you don’t want to talk. Why are you ignoring me. Don’t be like this. She says get out of my way. He says I will give you some time.

8 PM
Neha ignores Pratik. He says what you are doing isn’t okay. The whole country is watching. Don’t do this. the cup was a genuine reason. She says I don’t want to talk to liars. You are a liar. He says that’s your preconceived notion. He says okay. behave that way. She says think about yourself. He says I can’t do anything. She says I am unhygienic. Don’t talk to me. He says I am your friend. She says don’t do this drama. This is hypocrisiy. He says what would I do? She says for just for first two days. He says I only saw that. He says I was being honest. She says what about Moose’s deo? He says I didn’t smell it. You think I am biased, it’s okay. She says my instinct was right. He says I will prove you soon. Akshara says if she can’t understand, let it be. Neha says you don’t even have a mind of your own. Let it be. Akshara says I am asking him not to explain to you. Neha says you have no point of your own. If this was an individual game you won’t even be with Pratik. Liar.

Nishant says I am upset with you. Neha says we can talk later. Nishant says this is between you and me. Neha says I didn’t target you. I accepted what you said. Pratik says then I didn’t target you either then. Neha says leave it. I feel so bad looking at your face. Neha says stop doing this drama of being nice. We know who is what. Milan says to Akshara we didn’t take your name. We didn’t nominate you. Neha says it’s over. You don’t use your mind. Akshara says after some days you will know what I did and why. Pratik says if you disagree on everything, it will be dangerous. Neha says I wish one of you wins. Let us be.

9:15 PM
Akshara says this kitchen is of all of us. Shamita says you have been asking me all day. Akshara says I have been working since morning. Shamita says you keep bouncing. You always take it in the wrong direction. Akshara says that’s not true. Shamita says kitchen duty is yours. Akshara says how would I know where is what. Shamita says it’s not my duty. Akshara says helping won’t harm you. Shamita says open things and check. Akshara says if I asked you where is what, what’s such a big deal. Kitchen was yours. You could tell me. Shamita says stop irritating me. Akshara says asking something irritates you. Shamita says we are all equal in this house. you are wrong. You are lazy. Shamita says what’s the big deal with asking? Shamita says yes it’s a big deal. I am not your servant. You don’t look around. You only ask. Shamita says how can she talk to me like that. Akshara says you make issues out of nothing. Don’t let your anger on us. Shamita says I am not interested.

Divya says Akshara only asked where is salt? Shamita said look yourself. Akshara said please tell. Shamita says don’t do this drama. Akshara says I only asked you. Shamita says why do you keep asking me. Akshara says I only asked you. She made such a drama on it. Shamita says she creates issues out of everything. Akshara says the way she sees everyone, she is seeing me the same way. Shamita says I don’t see anyone anyway. I appreciate what everyone is doing. Shamita says you take it somewhere else. Akshara says you dominate everyone. Shamita says, aren’t you? Akshara says I am not. the audience is seeing you. Raqesh says calm down. we wil talk about it.

10:45 PM
Bigg Boss says time to see the audience’s decision on the second round. The judges said Nsihant and Moose are the most unhugeienic. The audience has decided that they disagree with this decision. So Ridhima and Karan are nominated. So today’s task ends. The third round will be tomorrow.

11 PM
Bigg Boss says time for today’s report card. The audience is happy with your today’s performance.

11:30 PM
Akshara says I had no personal intentions. I think very broadly. Milan says it’s about taking a stance. I don’t wanna hurt you. Akshara says you don’t get it. He says it’s okay. I want all of us to move ahead. That’s what we are here for. He says what had to happen did. Nishant says it’s bothering her. Milan says don’t cry. He hugs Akshara. He gives her water.

12:15 PM
Neha says he keeps coming back to me. What’s his problem? Milan says I don’t know. Neha says he looked sensible. But he’s egoistic. Milan says maybe this is the only way for him to look great. Neha says let them play. Milan says don’t expect people to like you. She says they made us. She says you are overthinking. Let this matter be. Don’t plot so much. People who played against everyone also won.

Day 9, 12:15 AM
Pratik says it’s building up. People who trust me and I trust them, I can’t betray them. She says don’t judge me. He says you also don’t judge me. Everyone says why am I talking to you. you are my friend. I consider you close to me. You understand me. So I should speak to you. Neha says I trusted you and you broke my trust. I don’t want to change your opinion. He says I know you felt bad. She says you can be selfish. It’s your choice. I extended my hand. You could target anyone. He says I didn’t have any other options. She says okay let’s leave it then. It doesn’t matter. Get over with it.

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