Bigg Boss OTT 27th August 2021 Written Update

Bigg Boss OTT 27th August 2021 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss OTT 27th August 2021 Written Episode

Day 19 8 AM
Everyone wakes up dancing. Neha says to Pratik Moose was asking why are you happy. Pratik says she also says Raqesh gets horny kneading the flour. Shamita says oh God. Neha says have some shame.

Milint pretends to be Neha and says I am not happy with Pratik. The way you smiled with me and joked with me, Pratik ji doesn’t do it. I feel like it’s a picture. Akshara is asleep. Divya is upset. She is asleep on the sofa. Milint says come eat breakfast. Milint says I will.

Bigg Boss says the task was discarded. Now the audience will decide which connection will be a boss man and boss lady. Divya doesn’t have a connection, she can’t contest. The audience has two hours. Raqesh says it’s fair. Nishant says it doesn’t work like that. Shamita says what did he say? Nishant says he keeps saying you will get it. You will win etc.

11:30 AM
Neha teases Pratik. He massages her hand and says you give me mom vibes. Neha says shame on you. Nishant shouts mommy.

12 PM
Divya sees Nishant. Pratik and Neha wearing golden jackets and say who is the band. Divya says to Akshara you must be feeling bad. Neha says to Pratik how do you have abs. They try to cheer up Moose. She ignores them. They try to make her laugh. Nishant hugs Moose and sings tujhe yaad naa meri aai. He says Pratik you are Shahrukh and She’s Kajol. Neha is Tina. Pratik asks what happened? She says did I say anything? Nishant says Rahul juice..

12:45 PM
Akshara says to Neha I just want you to play with dignity. Neha says I am. Akshara says people can’t be genuine here.

Neha tells Pratik she said something is happening against me in the house. She is talking about that marriage and Pratik. This is so strange.

1:15 PM
Neha walks in a bikini and goes to the pool. Pratik says Raqesh is sighing. Moose says to Nishant I like you the most here. It can change when we go out. Nishant says on this show, we will stay close. Moose says it makes me uncomfortable when Neha tries to come close to you. I can’t be possessive about two people at least. Nishant says okay fine. Moose hugs him.

Bigg Boss says the connections who are chosen by the government are Milint Akshara and Pratik Neha. Everyone claps. Bigg boss says there’s a letter in the store. Divya read it. It has the task for them. Divya says this challenge is a wild wolf. there are two platforms in the garden. Make pyramids from the bricks there and protect them from being broken. The connection with the higher pyramid will win the task. The entire inmate will hear wolf sounds. Pratik Neha and Akshara Milint will stop. Any two contestants will come in the garden and break one of the towers. After that, the two connections can start over again. We wish you luck.

Nishant says to Akshara and Milint it’s about how you make and save it. Akshara says if someone tries to break it I will be mad. Pratik says to Neha we have to be strong. Raqesh says it won’t affect us. Moose says who will we protect?

Divya comes out. She says I am trying to read it out to you. Pratik says you can’t come to the garden. Divya says I am here to tell you the rules only. Divya says I want to go twice. There’s no connection with me. Moose says we want to go twice as well. We will see. Divya says sorry I don’t have a connection. Someone will have to go with me. Nishant says we will see.

4 PM
The task starts. The connections get the bricks. Akshara says don’t provoke us. Pratik says you can only play with him. With me, you only speak a lot. Neha picks the blocks. Milint says you are worth spitting. Neha sas this is his reality. Milint says I pity you. Neha Basil. She says keep speaking. Don’t shove girls. Tell that you can’t play. Milint says don’t play women’s card. She says you don’t know how to be with women. I will keep instigating you to expose you. He says I lose you and became lucky. She says you have no respect. He says look who is talking. He says you are a cow and a mix. Shamita says what is he saying. Neha screams. Milint says don’t moan. She says this is how he respects girls. He says look at you. Neha says speak so much to show your real. Milint stands near her. She says I can feel your body go away. Milint says you came here to feel bodies? First Raqesh, Pratik, and me. Shamita says what are you saying? Have some shame. Neha says you are full of filth. Milint says you said you feel my body? She says you came close.

Shamita says we are going first. Nishant says you have to give the reason. Nishant says don’t be scared. Shamita says I can’t do this. Divya says don’t involve me. You all isolate people. Then abuse people. Plot against one. Nishant says you don’t have a connection. She says I will still go out. He says be logical. you can’t always taunt all the time. Divya says yeah I am not logical. He says everyone has gone through this. She says really?

Pratik says she wants water. I won’t come there. Akshara says don’t come near. Pratik says they will break it.

Shamita says we will break Pratik and Milint’s. Moose says we want to see Pratik and Neha become captain. They are strong. They break Neha’s tower. Pratik says spread them here so we can get it. They spread it all over. Divya says they can’t throw it. Nishant says you can’t throw it out of the house, rest anywhere.

4:15 PM
Neha and Pratik build their power more. He says we are playing with strategy. Akshara and Milinit make their own again. Divya says it should be a well-shaped pyramid. Pratik says it has to be tall. Divya says they didn’t say tower. They said pyramid. Pratik says I didn’t ask you.

Shamita says to Raqesh take one decision stick to it. Shamita says if Divya was in our position, would she think about us? Let’s send her right now. Nishant says won’t let her break theirs. Akshara says to Pratik you can’t distract me. He says good. He says I am also spiritual. Akshara says that’s why we had a connection. Neha says make it again. Akshara says no what’s broken is broken. This is time to move on.

The wolf blares. Moose says we are going next. Neha says to Milint to move aside. I don’t need to talk to people like you. He says don’t shout. Pratik says Neha come and help me instead. Wolf blares. Moose and Divya go out. Divya says I don’t like them. I want to break their block. She breaks their tower. Pratik says you can’t talk to them. You are done. Divya says there is no such rule. Nishant says you can’t do that. It’s done. Come in. Divya goes back in. Nishant says you all stay alert. I will break it. Shamita says to Moose, thrid you and Raqesh. Fourth one Nishant and me.

Shamita says to Raqesh I won’t betray her. You are my partner. You can do what you want. He says can you trust her? She says it’s too soon for it.

Wolf blares, Shamita says I will break Milint and Akshara’s. It’s for my friendship with Neha. Shamita and Moose break it.

5:45 PM
Raqesh says both of them have changed their partners so they are being contested. Divya says I agree. Raqesh says you didn’t discuss it with me. Nishant says I can’t play with him. Raqesh kisses him.

6:15 PM
Pratik says Nishant I need to talk. Divya says you didn’t let me talk to Milint. He says I can go in. Pratik says you couldn’t stay here. Divya says if you come here I will break it. Pratik says were they your friends? She says you can’t decide who is my friend. Milint says you didn’t let us speak. Pratik says Akshara she has spoken against you. She says I know how to play. Moose says it needs to be big. Pratik says it’s based on height. Moose says okay do. Pratik says let me concentrate. You are getting us insulted. He says shut up. It will break. Wolf blares. Divya runs out. Nishant holds her and says you can’t do this Divya. Nishant says go inside. She says you can’t push me. He says one person can’t go in. Neha says this is so fair. Pratik says you are so unfair. Neha touches it by mistake it falls. Neha says he can’t touch now. Akshara says we are not allowed to touch it. Pratik throws a bucket at Milint’s. Milint says don’t do this. Akshara says this is wrong. Divya says they only know this. How is this fair? Divya says it’s not gonna work. Moose says you are wrong Divya. Divya says Neha and Pratik are ruining it for themselves.

Bigg Boss says all contestants can come and break. Akshara tries to protect hers. Nishant breaks Milit’s. Milint breaks Pratik. Pratik says you can’t do this. Divya breaks it more. Neha says you can’t do this. Pratik says to Milint you didn’t do right. Milint says you also did it. Raqesh says make it now. Divya says sit and breathe Gaba. Pratik says it happened because of you Pratik. Bigg boss says the time is over. Don’t make it now. Pratik says ours was higher. Milint says let Bigg Boss decide.

7:15 PM
Bigg Boss says we want the inmates to tell after the fourth wolf, when one connection was broken, which connection’s pyramid was more? They say Pratik and Neha. Shamita says theirs was broken first. Divya says but was still bigger than theirs. Divya says I came after the wolf. Neha says said majority will decide. Bigg Boss asks Milint and Pratik to let the inmates decide. Akshara says it will be unfair. Moose says if it ended when the buzzer blared, Pratik’s was bigger. Nishant says Divya went without everyone’s consent. It wasn’t her turn. Moose says Milint broke Pratik’s not inmates. Akshara and Pratik shout. Pratik says you are so unfair. She says I have the right to speak. Bigg Boss asks Raqesh, tell the decision. Milint says give a reason and justify. Raqesh says I think after everyone’s opinion, Pratik and Neha had a bigger tower. Bigg Boss says then Neha and Pratik won it. They are boss man and boss lady. Milint throws things in anger.

Akshara says I won’t do anything. Why don’t you eliminate us. You should. This is unfair. You can see what’s happening. Divya says to leave this week. I will leave next week. It’s useless. Akshara says I won’t say a word. It has become useless.

Milint hugs Neha and says I didn’t mean it that way. She says you can’t say such bad things about me. Pratik hugs Milint. Neha says I consider you my friend. I don’t care about anyone or this game. Pratik says calm down. He’s a nice guy. Neha says that doesn’t make what he said right.

Milint hugs Raqesh. He says she said I can feel your body. I said you came here to feel bodies? Akshara says you all have made a group and you are unfair.

Neha says Raqesh you can’t keep defending him. You keep saying he’s a good man. He called me a washbasin. Akshara says are we puppets? Neha says he said a lot of things. Raqesh says we spoke to him. Neha says he touched me like this and said I like touching bodies? This isn’t being good.

7:30 PM
Pratik says to Moose you said we are getting you insulted. She says you were mad at me. He says I said it once. You put a cross on my face. Moose says you only think about yourself. You have been shouting at me. He says I don’t say things like I get you insulted. Nishant says why are you so hyper?

Milint packs his bags and says I am leaving the show. Divya says how can you leave? He says I will. Akshara says we won’t let you. Divya says it wasn’t felt right. Milint says I said sorry and explained. I am out. She says you can’t go like this. He says I am out. He packs his bags. Shamita says be practical. Don’t take this shit personally. Milint sits outside and says I don’t wanna play. I wanna get out of it. I failed Zee. He hits his things in anger. Divya says you won’t do all this. He says my self-respect is bigger than any money. Shamita asks Akshara why are you staring at me? Akshara says I am lost. Raqesh says Milint is important.

Pratik says to Neha will go the fifth week. Shamita comes there. Divya says why are you here? Shamita says you can’t tel me what to do. I am here for Milint. Divvya says you only come when something happens. Don’t do this drama. Raqesh says are you serious? You can say all this later. What is wrong with you.

8 PM
Divya says you can’t say anything you want as a woman to men. They also have respect. Men also get uncomfortable. Raqesh says she says stupid stuff. She is getting on my nerves. Shamita says she I know what you are trying to say.

8:15 PM
Nishant says I will talk to him. But I can be irritated. Moose says they didn’t let me talk. Pratik says I know you guys wanted me to become captain. I played smartly. Pratik says all blocks were different. I had to play smart. Moose keeps saying weird things. Moose says I said right. He says I didn’t ask you. She says you are not my relative. You can say what you want. Theirs was better. Neha says why are you fighting. She leaves. Moose shouts. Pratik says I was fighting. I know what to do. You don’t know how to become a friend yourself.

Divya says Neha knew that making Pratik on her side will get everyone on her side Bigg Boss says gas supply is on now. Divya says they will torture me all the week.. Shamita and Raqesh cook. Bigg Boss says the audience is happy with today’s performance. So there will be no effect tomorrow.

10 PM
Nishant says to Milint are you upset about the game or Neha thing? He says I said sorry to her. I also felt bad about what she said. Can she say all that? She can be wrong too. Nishant says don’t be bothered by her.

10:15 PM
Raqesh says there’s food. At least value food. Divya says we wanted fresh food. I ate what was cooked all day. Raqesh says this will be wasted. Raqesh says this will be wasted. She says, everyone cooks. Raqesh says only one group worked. Why? Divya says have I never worked? He says I am talking about everyone. Akshara says we will stop eating. He says di waht you want. Don’t get emotional in everything. It can’t work like that. Divya says only you are here to play. He says everyone is here to play. Divya says I have told them I don’t want to play. Raqesh says don’t waste food at least.

10:30 PM
Nishant says Shamita is a witch. Divya says I had been keep saying it. Akshara says her sister is very nice. that’s why she is known my her name. She thinks we stare her, now I will do that. I will annoy her all night. divya laughs.

Neha says it’s been days. It’s not only about connection. Akshra has been talking for a while. Raqesh says everything that was said to Milint that he isn’t seen, he got a chance. He isn’t out spoken. He is confused. I know such people. when they get chance to attack it gets jumbled up. They are not used to it. Neha says that doesn’t make it better.

1 AM
Divya says I can’t play now. They have sidelined me. Akshara says we should break it. Divya says no don’t. It will not get us anything. It will be out. You wanna play, right? This is a game. Play this game and I can play through you. Only if you agree to this. Drown him emotionally. If he asks you to work you say yes but be emotional. Tell him you feel bad that you feel bad seeing him a boss man with someone. I miss that. He will do your dishes. Akshara laughs.


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