Devon Ke Dev… Mahadev 12th March 2014 Written Update

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Devon Ke Dev… Mahadev 12th March 2014 Written Update by kalyani_shiva

Devon Ke Dev… Mahadev 12th March 2014 Written Episode

The episode begins with Mahadev telling Ganesha of how discrimination is going in the world due to lack of knowledge. The wise people are taking advantage of common people, purity of soul is gone. If everyone has knowledge about the Vedas and other holy scriptures, then there would be indiscrimination. All the holy scriptures are misused by people who have knowledge about them.
Ganesha asks on what should be done by me? Mahadev tells him that you do duty of spreading knowledge to the whole world. The more knowledge you spread, the less would be discrimination. Ganesha agrees. Mahadev blesses him.
There the king is lost in thoughts thinking about his people, the queen notices this and ask as in which thoughts he’s lost. King tells to her that he was thinking about the injustice he has done to his people. He thinks about the injustice he has to that father and his son. The queen tries to comfort by saying that rules are rules and no one can break them. But the king wants to change as he thinks he is doing injustice, but the queen tells to him that Mahadev knows everything and Mahadev knows that you have done nothing wrong.
As the king was talking and thinking, queen notices that this husband is caught with leprosy. Seeing the signs of leprosy the king is shocked, but he tells his wife that he has to bear the results of what he has done to his people. He makes up his mind as he has to bear and live with this disease. The king also forbids his wife not to touch her and decides to leave. His wife is shocked with his gesture, but he’s king and if king will not follow the rules, what will his people thinks.
His wife asks him to stop, but he decides to leave the palace and spent his remaining life with the disease. His wife asks God as to why he’s punishing her family, what wrong have they done? Mahadev is watching this.
There at Indralok, Brihaspati disagrees for helping Indra. Indra asks for a solution for the last time, but Brihaspati is firm on his decision. He doesn’t believe in Indra’s promise. Indra tries to convince Brihaspati by saying that he is a student of you, if you do not believe in me… no one would. Vannrani asks if Indra will stay in Indralok, but Brihaspati tells her that it is a Brahman curse and it will come to reality. Brihaspati also adds that when there is no solution, there is one solution… Mahadev. Hence Brihaspati asks Indra to go to Mahadev’s place and follow all the instruction which Mahadev tell. Then only Indra will stand a chance.
There people are cursing their king by saying that when they wanted support the king throws them out of the state, the king will be punished. Hearing all this, the king disheartens as he has no place in his people’s heart.And finall the king decides to end his life. The king goes near the cliff, people warns him before.
There the king is standing on the cliff to end his life, he remembers what his vaidya’s said to him that such people are a burden on this earth, and even god will not help them, and how much injustice he has done to his people and he has no guts to say sorry to them. He cannot leave with this guilt and he prays to Mahadev to accept him.
As he was about to jump, he sees a person too deciding to end his life. He stops that. He introduces the king as Shambhu and how much injustice he has done to his son, when ther was no fault in his son. It was my fault and I am responsible for this and hence I am going to end my life.
The king stops him by saying that what you are doing is foolishness. If you are feeling guilt, then say sorry to your son your entire burden will be gone. Shambhu feels that the king has opened his eyes.He feels that the king is great and you have stooped me from doing, and if I would have done that what benefit will it give my son. I would be a coward if I had done this. I cannot run away from my problems, I have to face it and do paschattap.’ I’ll stay with my son.
The king remembers of what he was doing. Shambhu asks the king whether he was there for the same thing, but king asks Shambhu not to touch as he is suffering from leprosy, but you (Shambhu) have given me a new life, now I will spend rest of my life in serving those people. Shambhu says those people need love, care and respect.
But the king feels that all those people hate me, but Shambhu tells him that if you don’t go that hate will not automatically get converted in love. Shambhu says to king you are afraid of yourselves, but if you accept your reality no one can defeat you. The king asks Shambhu to come with him as he’s nearing his end, but Shambhu tells him only time will tell that it is end of your life or a new start of your life.

Precap: – Indra comes to Mahadev, Mahadev tells him that curse will become a reality. There people are angry on the king, starts throwing stones, but Shambhu stops them.

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