Ek Mahanayak – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 1st July 2024 Written Update

Ek Mahanayak – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 1st July 2024 Written Update by Sona

Ek Mahanayak – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 1st July 2024 Written Episode

Bhim stops the people from leaving seeing which Meghnath and the officer also come along with Rama who stands beside Bhim who says they all can leave if they desire but should just open the glass jar to return the jewellery of his wife Rama after which they can go anywhere they desire, everyone standing is stunned looking at Bhim. Jokhu asks if Bhim would even make them do these foolish things while he should open it himself, Bala also says that this would be a new trick of Bhim, the students agree they donot want to even talk with Bhim but he quietly takes a step back saying he said they can leave if they desire but should not leave the jar like this as if they all think of him as someone respected then should just open the jar and leave, Shoba says it will surely have some secret, Bhim replies it is what it is and they can leave after opening it, Jija Bai asks what should they expect from them both as his wife asked them everyone to come and have tea while now Bhim came wit the jar, Bhim swears on Rama that if they are able to open the jar and give him the jewellery then he is not going to stop them from leaving, the students agree to this condition so one of them picks the pot which he tries to open but is not successful even after using all of his strength. The officer along with Meghnath is also looking at him, everyone is waiting when Bhim remembers how he put the ear ring in the jar and asked the person to glue it so no one can open it, Bhim is smiling while the others person takes it in his hand trying to open the jar but he is also not able to do it, seeing this the third person takes the jar to try and open it but even if two of them work together still they are not able to do it, Bhim thinks this pot and ear ring would stop them from leaving here. Meghnath says that he knew Bhim Rao would play some game, Shishupal asks what game is he playing when Bhim wants them to just open the jar, Bala says he is going to show the way and so walking to the front whispers something in the ears of the people, Rama says she cannot understand what is happening and would he be able to stop them all from leaving, the people agree that they are going to give him the ear ring and so he breaks the jar on the floor seeing which Jija Bai and Karuna start smiling.

The person the picks the ear ring handing it to Bhim asking if this is what he desired, he says now they would leave as they donot have the strength like him to pass all of the exams like him. Bhim says they broke the jar when they were not able to open it and he is the one who had it jammed just like their minds so they cannot understand any new thing, Bhim says he broke the jar when it did not open after which they got the ear ring and the ways never end but they just have to find it, Bhim says he used little force at the start but at the second time broke I on the floor. Bhim requests them to use a little more force if they desire to study and something which they have not even thought about will happen, but even then if they donot want to accept his words and leave then can go, but should understand that what was in the glass jar were not the ear rings but their self respect which is locked in their brain and it is up to them if they even want their self respect, Meghnath asks what is Bhim Rao talking about when it is all a lie, he says if they hit their head against the wall then they would get injured and not have any self respect. Meghnat says it is something else to study and pass the examination, warning Bhim to not show them these fake promises but Bhim replies he is himself the prove of what he keeps telling them when he was born in the village then no one had eaten the sweets but he is still moving ahead in life, and ever since his childhood everyone would say he cannot study but he is still educated and what can be more of a dream that Shishupal is now his student and Meghnath comes with the desire to ruin them and make efforts so they donot fight saying it is still a wining notion for them and he is also going to prove Meghnath wrong even in this fight, Meghnath says they all are not idiots like him to make a fun of them.

Bhim says it is up to them all to decide either to fight this battle or leave after accepting defeat which in the eyes of Meghnath is a good thought, Meghnath asks them all to go and not accept the words of Bhim Rao but leave this place. They refuse to leave and are adamant to fight seeing which the supporters of Bhim are smiling, they say it is not a fight of class but to reach their own self respect and then they tell Bhim they would fight and study after which even give the examination. They all hug each other seeing which Bhim starts smiling while the people are joyed but Jija Bai along with Karuna and the enemies of Bhim are tensed, Bhim asks Meghnath and the officer to leave while they would decide on the day of examination if their foolishness proved good or made fun of them all, he says education would break all of the walls of class and make them all one. Bhim says that if this education spreads then it will really be a good thing for them all, Meghnath tells Bhim Rao he is saying a lot but vows to see how they all pass the examination so he leaves with the officer.

Rama praises Bhim who asks her to see that he managed to stop her students and it is now her work to make them ready for the examination, Shoba goes to Bhim asking how is he able to do it all and wins even when they are certain of being defeated, Bhim says they are fighting between wining or losing which is the life of Bhim Rao. Ramji asks Jija Bai to take the tea as it would have surely gotten sour, she walks away while Bhim and Rama are worried, the lady says they have decided some thing and mention they were leaving from their house but are now going to stay here and go back after giving the examination, Karuna questions where would they say when the people say the men would stay at once place while the women in the other section, Bhim says then they would make the food together so they decide to setup the poles for shade, Bhim is smiling.

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