Ek Mahanayak – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 7th July 2022 Written Update

Ek Mahanayak – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 7th July 2022 Written Update by Sona

Ek Mahanayak – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 7th July 2022 Written Episode

The episode begins with Meera accusing Bhabi of ruining her family. She pleads in front of her to leave this house. Jijabai brought Bhim Rao in front, said that they talk about justice. They must ask Ramji to question why her Bhabi couldn’t live here when everybody could. Lakshmi replied that Bhabi’s presence was disturbing her. Jijabai questioned Lakshmi for speaking too much. She didn’t want Puranjan and Mangesh to stay in her house but despite her denying they did stay than why can’t her Bhabi. She asked Bhim Rao to answer. Bhim Rao replied that her Bhabi can stay here. Ramji questioned speaking against his decision. Bhim Rao had the same decision as Ramji, but Jijabai talked about Justice hence Bhim Rao couldn’t help. Bhim Rao left. Bhabi said that no once throw her out of this house, she just witnessed how everyone act in this house. She asked everyone to understand that a useless house has a useless daughter in law like Rama. Hitesh and his friends laughed.

Rama calmed Bhim Rao. He refused to bear anyone insult his wife. Rama said that it was called being a woman, since her birth till death women are taught to behave, listen, be patient and make tea. Ram was lucky to have a husband like Bhim Rao who cared about her respect. Rama asked Bhim Rao about his day in college.

Jijabai ordered Lakshmi and Rama to work in the kitchen. Meera asked Jijabai to rethink her decision. The separated house-maintained peace in the house. Bhabi said that she was doing what Meera should have done. She taunted Rama for not knowing how to cut vegetables. She doesn’t know anything, should have learned in all these years of marriage. Bhim Rao said that she would learn in time, Bhabi scolding would do Rama no good. Bhabi called Bhim Rao forward. Rama asked Bhim Rao to leave, she was doing as Bhabi was telling her. Bhabi called Bhim Rao forward. She told Bhim Rao she has 4 sons whom she never sent to school but they ad antiquates which Bhim Rao lacked. Rama asked Bhim Rao to leave. Bhim Rao answered that a house is made by a man and a woman together. Bhabi has taught her son the wrong antiquates and her decision to not send her sons to school is very wrong. He has always helped her mother in kitchen just like he helps his wife. For him husband wife should be like friends. He forbids Bhabi form scolding his wife. Jijabai asked Bhim Rao not to misbehave with her Bhabi. Bhima Rao didn’t mind Bhabi teaching Rama, but she must not yell at her. Bhim Rao left.

Ramji asked Jijabai to stop her Bhabi form creating useless drama in the family. Jijabai asked Ramji to stay out of women matters. Ramji reminded that he was Jijabai’s husband and had an equal share in the Kitchen. What Bhabi was doing would have serious repercussions for Jijabai. Ramji learned that there are two types of wives in this world, one like Bhimabai and other like Jijabai. Bhimabai held the house together while Jijabai was ruining it.

At night, Bhabi awoke Rama. She said that daughter in laws must not sleep for long. She was concerned with fixing the household. Meera, Lakshmi, Bhim Rao woke up. Meera questioned as it was late night. She asked why Rama was being woken up, Lakshmi was the elder daughter. Bhabi asked Rama to sweep the floor. Meera woke Jijabai, asked her to wake up for healthy household. Jijabai questioned. Meera learnt it from Bhabi. Jijabai woke up and left the room. Meera told Bhabi that she knows a lot of games, but her heart was at peace. Bhabi must be careful next time. Meera left. Bhabi asked Rama to sweep the floor. Lakshmi went to store water. Bhim Rao asked why they had to wait here; they can rent another house. Rama refused. Bhim Rao was tired of listening to everyone complaining. Rama said that whenever Bhim Rao’s biopic would be written it must mention his daily life problems, his care for his wife and family so that every ordinary man could live relate with him.

Ramji asked Rama for tea, she told Ramji about Bhim Rao’s incident in college. Joshi mocked him; Teacher didn’t teach Bhim Rao. Ramji considered it the reason for calling Bhim Rao’s fight different. He would have to suffer alone on long paths only then the lower caste would be taught in the same classroom. Bhim Rao had a lot of classes to attend, he would lose if teacher didn’t teach him.

Bhim Rao went to college. on his way he was thinking about what Rama said. Bhim Rao entered classroom. Teacher asked him the same question. Bhim Rao begged teacher not to waste his time and perform his responsibility. Teacher argued. Bhim Rao told that he can do anything to get his right. He decided to pay The Principle a visit.

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