Iss Mod Se Jaate Hai 14th April 2022 Written Update

Iss Mod Se Jaate Hai 14th April 2022 Written Update by MA

Iss Mod Se Jaate Hai 14th April 2022 Written Episode

Chanda hears Shiva and Atul’s conversation and says she came to tell them that she is happy that they both changed, but they are like a dog’s tail which will never straighten. Shiva and Atul nervously say she misunderstood them. Chanda says she was wrong and a fool to think they both changed, they both are traitors. She tells her husband’s photo that he was right that their children have gone on her and she was covering their mistakes, she will not repeat her mistake and will correct her mistake and do whatever is necessary. Atul and Shiva stand tensed.

Baby alleges Paragi that she acts as loving Sanjay and is taking revenge from them. Sushma tells Paragi that she will forgive her and her mother’s mistakes and will even hold her feet if she spares Sanjay. Sanjay stops her. Paragi asks inspector Mayank to arrest Sanjay. Sanjay warns Paragi that he will divorce her and marry Tia. Paragi murmurs not to overact. Pramod warns inspector that he will complain against him to his superior and get him suspended, so he should leave. Paragi thinks she wants Pramod to get out of control and do a mistake. Mayank arrests Sanjay and Tia take them away. Sushma requests Vinod to stops Paragi. Vinod says he would have if Paragi is wrong. He says they should mend their ways and praises Paragi for her daring move.

Pramod calls CM’s secretary Sharmaji to stop Sanjay’s arrest, but Sharmaji denies to help him. Tia’s father Vermaji tells Pramod that he told divorce is happening with mutual consent, but Paragi created a scene. Pramod says they both should go and stop Sanjay and Tia’s divorce and takes him along. Sushma asks Vinod again to do something.

Chanda throws Atul and Shiva’s bags away and orders them to get out of her house. Atul says this is also his house as he was born and bought up here. Chanda says Paragi studied by herself and is still working hard for her survival, but they betrayed her. Shiva pleads her not to kick them out of house and behave as if they are strangers to her. Atul asks her not to plead maa as she forgot her duties as a mother. Chanda says he is right, she would have followed a mother’s duty if he had followed a son’s duty and orders him again to get out of her house. She pushes them out and locks door saying her daughter Paragi is much better than them.

Paragi meets Batra and says she laid a trap and soon culprit will be caught. Batra asks if she is sure that her plan will work. She says this is the only way to prove their innocence. Mayank walks to them and greets them. Batra says he is the same officer and asks how can she trust him. Paragi says she cannot say anything now and asks him to trust her. Mayank says he put Sanjay and Tia in lockup, what are the next orders. Paragi says they should wait for the opportunity. Pramod walks in with Sushma and others and warns Mayank of dire consequences. His lawyer walks in and says Sanjay and Tia’s bail is rejected. Sushma asks Paragi if she will send Sanjay to jail. Paragi thinks soon Susham will know the truth. Pramod warns Mayank again. Mayank warns them to leave or else he will put them in lockup.

Pramod humiliates Mayank. Mayank warns him to get out of his way. Pramod calls him his wife’s dog and says he took money from his wife and supporting Paragi instead. He accepts what they did and continues to threaten Mayank. Sanjay walks to him and asks how can he defame Paragi to hide their company’s financial fraud, he linked Paragi with her boss. Pramod says he was just asking Mayank to to get him out of lockup and asks Sushma to trust him. Sushma stands silent. Pramod says the issue is something else. Paragi asks him to tell what it is, he defamed a daughter like DIL for his benefit. Batra says its time for action and suspends Mayank for conspiring against SDM and DM and says Pramod will go to jail now.

Precap: Baby asks Paragi to stop his boss from launching FIR, our reputation will be ruined. Paragi says your reputation will be ruined because of you and your husband’s deeds.
Batra says to Dubey before your suspension do a good deed and file an FIR against Pramod and his wife.

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