Jodha Akbar 12th September 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 12th September 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 12th September 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
all are coming in court, hamida says I am worried for jalal, salima says I pray that solution to this problem come out soon otherwise distance will be created between jalal and ruks, ruks comes in court too and thinks that its time to get reward of my deadly plan, jalal comes in court, he says I have taken decision on ruks plea and this will be my last decision and I wanna tell all this is not my decision alone, PRECAP, jalal says I don’t accept ruks’s plea, jalal says but jodha said that she will give her child to ruks stubbornly so that your lap doesn’t remain empty, she has taken a great decision but remember first child will be of jodha’s only and he will be the heir of throne only. ruks says to jodha that thank you very much, I am very happy, its true, you are not a common person, you are great, because of you I will become mother, jalal ask todar to make papers ready, ruks says to jalal that I have one more thing to say, jalal says everything is happening according to your wish, what you need now, ruks says that child will be mine only, nobody infact you and jodha will not have right on her/him, what if you or anyone else takes child from me, jodha says don’t worry ruks, this child will be yours only, ruks says this child who will have blood of jalal and jodha will be called ruks’s child only, jalal ask todar to enter this point in agreement too, the official agreement is ready, jalal comes to ruks and gives it to her, he is angry on her, ruks says thank you jalal and jodha begum and takes the agreement.

Scene 2
jalal is sadly sitting in his room, jodha comes to him and sits beside him, she ask is your head aching? I will massage it, jalal lies in jodha’s lap, jodha massages it head and ask why are you worried? jalal says I am worried that one side is you who gets happy by helping others and otherside is ruks whose unjustified wish is fulfilled even then she is not happy, jodha says no, she is very happy, jalal says either you don’t wanna see the truth or cant see it, jodha says for the thing which I am not worried, why are you worrying, its fine, jalal says you are not understanding matter, jodha says ruks asked right on child as every mother wants to protect her child, jalal says then why aren’t you worried about your children, jodha says I could have not given her child and my children would have called her bari ammi only, would ruks be ok with that? she also have feelings to have your child, you nourish your blood related kid, jodha says ruks asked the right as she has fear that anybody can snatch back child from her, ruks is your friend and friend can ask anything from her friend, I am giving this child as gift to your friend and I am sure ruks will be great mother and will give proper upbringing to our child, I know you are showing that you are angry on her but you are worried for ruks from inside, don’t worry, everything is fine, jalal is tensed and says I will come back, he leaves.
sharif is talking with his father, he says I had beaten bakshi, father says you are an idiot, you are a good warrior but that does not mean you will beat your wife, you are brother in law to jalal so be careful before doing anything, jalal insulted you and you bear it, sharif says I feel like killing jalal, father says soon we will take revenge from jalal, you will get the throne but we have to take steps carefully as anybody can have doubt on us, we have to plan something different, sharif agrees.

Scene 3
ruks is reading the agreement, she says I am going to be mother of jalal’s child, hoshiyar claps for her, hamida comes to her and says you have hurt jalal, ruks says I agree but time and emotions can change at anytime so I have asked jalal to make an agreement, jalal can take back his decision too, jalal comes there and gives her another agreement, its empty, she ask why it is empty, jalal says you will write on it, jalal says deal is never one sided, what you were saying? that if jalal can can u turn once then he can take u turn again but I fulfilled my promise, I gave you jodha’s child and gave you agreement too and now you will write an agreement in which you will write that if you don’t fulfill your duties as mother, if don’t become a good mother then my earlier order will void and jodha will get her right back on child, hamida says this is right, they gave you child so you can give them asurrity too, jalal says what you are waiting for, write, ruks is tensed, she writes on agreement with heavy heart, ruks reads the agreement that “I Rukaiya begum, the wife of Mughal king jalal, promises that I will fulfill every duty as a mother, I will take care of jodha’s child and will fulfill my responsibilities.” jalal says you didn’t write what I told you, it was that if you fails as a mother, if you fails to do your duty than my order will become null and void and you will have to written the child to jodha begum, write it down, ruks write it again on the agreement, ruks reads it again that if am proved to be a bad mother then jodha can take her child back, ruks ask is this fine? jalal says yes, he takes agreement from her and goes from there. hamida says I hope that what you have written in this agreement, you should fulfill it, she leaves too, ruks says I promise that I wont give you chance to complain, this child will be of me only and jodha wont get this child even at time of her death.

PRECAP- jodha comes to maham and ask her to have food, maham throws plate on jodha’s face and says I don’t need this rajvanshi queen and neither I am indebt to her goodness.

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  1. Wang
    September 14, 19:41 Reply

    I have a small doubt… Jalal is an illeterate… In this episode, did they show some one else verifying the Farman written by Ruks?? because there are possibilities that they may finally end up saying that Ruks did not actually write what Jalal had asked her to write, she just betrayed him…

  2. Butterfly
    September 13, 10:31 Reply

    Even it surprised me Jodha’s emotionles towards her child ‘s given away to ruki she was more like as if she talkin about some business deal a not her own flash she was so calm n careless of what will may come in future she did not even bother to make some discussions with the salima or hamida so they can give some advise about issue in these track jalal was super

  3. mahann
    September 13, 08:08 Reply

    Jodhar can`t see the evil truth behind Ruks`s demand of sole custody of Jodhar`s child,even Jalal said ” you are not understanding matter”

    neither Jodhar or Jalal has a single rights on that child,very shocking step in front of the whole Mughal court.

  4. Gina
    September 13, 07:47 Reply

    What manner of woman is this, u asked ur fello woman to give u one of her babies, Allas personally if am jodah, i cannot do this, what it means is that one baby shall be fed with cow milk and the other with the real breast milk.Tell me, if this kids does not die as portrayed, which one of them do u think shall be more responsible? friends i need ur answer to this question.

  5. Pialy
    September 13, 05:29 Reply

    But in all this one thing sticks out: Jalal has lost all respect, affection or goodwill towards Ruq. As far as he is concerned she is now Enemy Number One and he can barely force himself to look at her. His face is wearing a permanent scowl whenever he deigns to glance in her direction – and every word she utters to him, or even to others around him, makes him sneer and smirk openly.

    She has reduced herself to an object of unbridled hate in his eyes, and as far as I am concerned the battle has already been lost for Ruq. If she thinks that by somehow now becoming the Marium Uz Zamani she can claim back lost ground with Jalal she is mistaken. In fact I do not know how he would even countenance having her sit by his side in future as his Marium Uz Zamani.

    She has won the battle, she feels – but we can see she is all set to lose the war. Jalal has made sure that she will have to fight every day to prove that she deserves to keep the child. How she believes she is on the way to victory, God only knows. She just has to take a good look at Jalal’s face, when he looks at her, to know deep hate, distrust, loathing and disdain when she sees it!

    There were two key parts to yesterday’s episode … the first part saw Ruq forcing Jalal to give her a farman exactly as she wanted. The second part saw Jalal mount a rearguard action. He extracted a farman from her by force that had everything he wanted. The strange thing was that in both farmans, Ruq was totally on the back foot.

  6. Pialy
    September 13, 04:27 Reply

    Jodha can speak to kanha even if she can’t show her pain to Jalal yet! It would be even better if she prays “Kanha let my baby have a good mother (which naturally lKanha will translate as Jodha and not Ruq

    Jodha can pray to Kanha for this and Jodha’s Kanha will make sure her baby only gets her as a mother since these souls are going to have a short time with their mother.

    So they will only get Jodha as mother and Jalal as father with loads of love.

    This is what should be shown.

    Ruk being successful in laying he hand on the baby would be horrible,

    she used innocent babies as pawns in her ugly game for power.

    Ruk wants to separate a mother and father from the baby and her sibling. Ruk should NEVER get the baby for a second also.

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