Jodha Akbar 18th August 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 18th August 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 18th August 2014 Written Episode

scene 1
jalal ask ruks how is atifa, jodha is stunned to listen this, jalal says I mean did his husband irritate her in my absence, ruks says everything is fine, just go and take rest, jalal nods and says to hamida that I will meet you later, he goes from there.

atifa is in tears, jalal comes there, she is happy to see him, jalal sits beside her and says why are sitting like this? she says dasies told me that you only love jodha and will not come back to me, I thought tha after this kidnapping incident, you wont come back to me, jalal says bandhies said anything to you and you accepted, atifa says I had to accept as I am a bandhi too who in indebted to you, I know I should be in limits but I know that I am nothing without you, If you would not come to me even than I would be waiting for you, I would be happy just by seeing your glimpse, you mean a lot to you, jalal says don’t think like this, you know you mean a lot to me, you are peace for me and I cant be away with you, I know jodha is important to me, she is my responsibility but she always hurt me, she always become problem for me, this time too she created problem for me and I get peace when I come to you, atifa rest her head on his shoulder, jalal says now don’t think that I will leave you, atifa says yes but still I am not yours, my husband has full rights on me, jalal says don’t care about that, I will anything to bring you closer to me, he hugs her, zakira comes there with juice and listens all this. jalal thinks something, zakira thinks that this atifa is clever, she is emotionally black mailing jalal and this is bad for jodha.
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Scene 2
jodha is in her room and recalls how jalal held her hand infront of all, zakira is there and thinks that should I tell about atifa to jodha? she then thinks that jodha is already tensed, I shouldn’t tell her. salima comes there and sees jodha lost in thoughts, salima says did I disturb you jodha, jodha says no and ask her to come, salima sits, jodha ask where is Rahim, salima says I didn’t bring him as I wanted to talk to you, is everything alright between you and jalal, jodha says I asked forgiveness from jalal but he didn’t answer me, you know what, khaibar gave his life just to save me and jalal saw that too but then.. and what ever happened, I am not only responsible for all this, jalal’s anger was also responsible, if he didn’t.. salima stops her and says that this time is not to discuss old matters, its time to remove space between you and jalal and you have to take 1st step, jodha says I tried many times but jalal always show me his back and why always I ask forgiveness, is this relation is from my side only, jalal only like the company of atifa, he doesn’t understand that she is of someone else, salima says that you have the power to bring jalal back to you and mistake is done by you by not obeying jalal’s order, if there was any other wife instead of you, he wouldn’t have forgiven her but for you he roamed around whole jungle and also announce in people to respect you this means he has some feelings for you and if he is going to atifa then you have to bring him back, he is alone and you have show him love and care and bring him back to you as this is in betterment of all otherwise antyhign can happen, zakira says sorry to interrupt but this atifa is very clever then her face, she makes me remind of benezir, she has some other plans, I feel, jodha thinks, salima says to jodha that only you have the power to bring jalal on track, jodha says you are right, jalal is my husband and I will go to any extent to get him back, salima says sooner you meet him, it will be good for you, she leaves. jodha thinks.

Scene 3
atifa’s husband is in dargah, jalal comes there too, atifa is there too, husband fumes seeing jalal, priest says that this is sacred month of Ramadan, I request all here to do good deeds in this month, jalal prays and leaves from there, husband points something to priest, priest goes to atifa and says that I want to talk to you, he takes atifa and her husband aside, he says to atifa that have you any idea why did I call you here? she says no, priest says that just by offering prayers, god will not become yours, if you go against Islamic rules and will not obey limits than your prayers are void, you will be considered as sinner and your prayers will not reach to god if you cheat your husband so now its on you to decide if you want harem or god’s blessing.

Scene 4
jalal comes in court and ask todarmal to distribute money on eid, maham says It will affect government, jalal ask what you suggest todar, todar says It will affect for sometime but we will have good economy afer some time and I suggest that instead of giving money, we should give food and grains to people as they need it more and it will stable their lives which is in betterment of government, also if we send grains to neighboring countries then our relation will become better and we will have spend less of defense, jalal says I like your intelligence, soldier comes there and says that atifa send message that she wants to meet you right now, all are shocked, sharifa ask should atifa be called here? jalal says no I will go and meet her.

jalal comes to atifa and shouts what is all this, how can you send message in court, I think my love has stopped your mind, don’t forget your limits otherwise.. atifa says make me away from you, throw me in your eyes because I cant choose between you and god, tonight my husband is coming to take me, I did a sin by loving some other person when I am married but I am not characterless, I wont be able to say no to my husband so you better throw me out or kill me so that I wont have to choose between you and him, jalal angrily leaves from there.

in court, adham says that harem matters are being discussed in court, now how will we do government, one dasi comes and interrupt us but jalal instead of forgiving her took her inside, this cant happen and even jalal doesn’t have right to do this, jalal comes there and looks at adham, jalal says I listened one complain that I disturbed court so let me tell you that I have the right to break any order, If king wants then he can make or break any rule, so today I am announcing something and you all have to accept it, I jalal Uddin Akbar announce that on eid day, I will marry atifa even if she doesn’t get divorce from her husband, this marriage will happen.

jodha is getting ready, moti says you took good step, you are going and will talk to him, jodha says I felt bad when jalal got angry on me but I cant let him go to any other women, salima gave me good advice, jalal is angry on me even then he came and saved me so I will go and will just talk to him to clear misunderstandings, moti says your grandmother used to say that person who ask forgiveness is great and person who forgives have big heart and this way all remain in peace, zakira comes there and says jalal announced his marriage with atifa, jodha cant believe her eyes. ruks gets to know it and comes out, jodha is also going , they meet each other, jodha says that your face is showing that.. ruks says how this can happen that I wont be special wife, no I born to be special wife, I will not let that happen, jalal loved you and you are becoming mother but even then I was special wife and now this is also snatching from me, jodah says this is problem, you always cared for your position, not about your husband, ruks says we cant control our husbands, we have just this position and we cant lose it, this is our respect, jodha ask what about love? ruks says you always talk about love, you said that you will give heart to jalal? you will change him? and now he is changed, he is not caring about anything, this happened because of you but I will stop jalal.

PRECAP- jalal says to jodha that I would accept anything of a wife who wouldn’t disrespected his husband infront of all but now I don’t have any reason to listen to you.

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  1. prince rai
    August 19, 03:38 Reply

    cv doing all dis to make some sections of raipur happy otherwise they Wont be able to run d show for a single day they r making a great great emperor doing all bull suit,they have done it with ruks already,jalal can marry any one nt in this case women needs to be divorced first,also since he is acting with aatifa hope he comes with a strong reason.also if is gootube Jo she needs to blame herself ,her actions,her interruptions are not to be forgiven easily,yesterday while taking to salima she told that y she always shows that she is arrogent and full of pride she still nt realise her mistake,if jalal can go to aamer and act like a better for for forgiveness even though being d emperor why ct she.actually right from begning one character has been strong and went on to be strong is Jo,its all due to above mention reason,cv have always shown as if Jo was d only good soul in agara which is totally absured .salima was 100% right she needs to talk,about jalal nt informing about his pretension to any one its fine doesnt want his plan to backfire,anyone can listen it.getting married to Jo doesnt mean that he cannot marry any one else,moreover this show no longer d part of history so lets just take d way its coming ,taking about salima is more wise and patient than jodha so no finger at her.

  2. Pialy
    August 19, 02:42 Reply

    Why Ruk reacted the way she did, cos Jalal announced he will marry Atifa on Eid and Ruk knows marrying a married woman is jinakari so Jalal will lose his takhta if he does this and so she will lose her BEK status. It remains only till he is Shehenshah, nothing to do with marriage with Atifa rather jinakari.

  3. Pialy
    August 19, 02:36 Reply

    yeah u r ryt tanni…already JA lost no 1 position in zee…

    now kumkum bhagya is channel leader…

    m sure JA’s trp will decrease during 2 weeks..

  4. Pialy
    August 19, 02:32 Reply

    Stupid zee what they said they will reveal the reason behind the nikah:

    what we got: jalal is really gonna marry that papita

    maha somwar n maha bakwaas

  5. tanni
    August 19, 02:26 Reply

    pialy: thank for d news dat witch atifa wil go in 11 days.. but in these 11 days, this show wil be out of top 11.. it pains me a lot to see JA losing trp, but what to do? if they show such disgusting things, what can fans do??

  6. tanni
    August 19, 02:19 Reply

    pialy: jalal never was attracted to benz.. he was just acting in front of jodha to make her jealous and make her realise her love for him.. bcoz she had pushed him and he was angry on her for that.. so he was faking attraction to benz.. as soon as jodha went away, jalal too went away from benz.. when jodha was not watching him, he always ran away from benz and opposed every attempt of benz to seduce him.. benz case was totally different.. it was never irritating.. but this atifa is just pushing viewers away from this show

    • Leela
      August 19, 04:51

      you r right.

  7. Pialy
    August 19, 02:10 Reply

    If all this plan of jalal thn its a very stupid plan no shrewdness in it…

    hope he doesn’t fall in his own plan n looks like a fool at the end…

    • tanni
      August 19, 02:22

      i agree.. and cvs r a fool if they think viewers will patiently wait for d end of this horrible atifa track.. how can cvs be so much stupid that they do not even realise that who wil watch this crap jalifa romance?? it cant be defended on any ground

  8. Pialy
    August 19, 02:07 Reply

    this is the worst executed track of JA .

    they think they r creating suspence

    but no they r just loosing their viewership with every passing episode.

  9. Pialy
    August 19, 02:01 Reply

    bad news

    papita track will end by month end..

    11 days..we will have to watch papita

  10. Pialy
    August 19, 01:57 Reply

    I feel Salima is also seeing only one side of the coin.

    She can go and talk to Jalal as well and tell him to

    not stretch things too far as it would be harmful to Jo’s health..

  11. Pialy
    August 19, 01:55 Reply

    jalal has really fallen for papita but she is fooling

    him..after t truth he will repent and cry buckets and buckets..

    lets b prepared for d worst

  12. Pialy
    August 19, 01:51 Reply

    After this even if Jodha forgive him, what is the guaranty that tomorrow some other woman won’t catch his fancy?

    Yesterday it was Benazir, today it’s Atifa, tomorrow it will be someone else. There is no shortage of women.

    In fact Ruk should be happy. She is the only women whom Jalal treated consistently.

    He never went mad for her, but he never disrespected her either.

    He might have treated Jodha like precious jewel, but he never disrespected or insulted anyone as he did to Jodha.

    If that is love, I will take friendship over it anyway…

  13. Pialy
    August 19, 01:35 Reply

    When Ruk was fake pregnant, Jalal was falling all over her and

    appointed Jodha as her special servant and now Jodha is

    really pregnant and risked her life to save his other wives

    and his family including his sorry ass and yet

    he is behaving like a lecher.

    Now it might be fake. But even it is,

    he knows that Jodha is carrying his babies and he waited a long time for those babies.

    Yet he is giving mental stress to Jodha to the point that she thought of committing suicide

    as if he does not care if she lives or dies.

  14. Pialy
    August 19, 01:29 Reply

    The day people start putting man and woman in equal footing, it won’t be as easy to forgive men’s cheating.

    Women are always quick to blame the other woman. But even if Atifa is wrong,

    it does not make Jalal right for giving mental stress to his pregnant wife.

  15. Pialy
    August 19, 01:27 Reply

    may be Jalal will find out that Atifa is the evil and Jodha

    being the understanding doormat forget her self-respect and

    dignity and forgive him for being a lecher and a fool.

    Really? Would Jalal forgive Jodha if the situation is reversed?

    He was very quick to blame her character when he thought Suja was her lover. Now his character is in question.

  16. twinkle
    August 18, 21:26 Reply

    Joddha was very sad when she heard abot the marriage
    But why would jalal marry atifa
    Has he gone totally insane
    Ccvs need some good lashes
    Overall good ep

  17. Selena
    August 18, 20:31 Reply

    This series is such a shame especially jalal can’t believe it

  18. Zainab
    August 18, 17:44 Reply

    Jalal is just like romeo type…. Am so sick and tired of jalifa’s track.

  19. M@hi
    August 18, 16:59 Reply

    Not sure if you observed it but writers of JA are excellent in the department of contradicting dialogues. When Ruks was about to get divorced she didn’t care about her position as much as her love for him (which CVs termed as friendship). Its evident that they use her conveniently for Jalal and Jodha.

    • twinkle
      August 18, 21:29

      I agree
      They did wrong with ruqaiya character
      And are doing the same with the others

    • TellywoodLover
      August 19, 00:17

      Thanks for pointing that out! yes you are right! its true! i wish they would make Ruks a nice person because i Love her no matter what but i feel others have a reason to dislike her and i wish that wasn’t the case.

  20. aks
    August 18, 16:04 Reply

    BEK is the right one
    fight for your rights
    who needs a husband like that
    i support you!

  21. tanya
    August 18, 15:36 Reply

    jalal to marry atifa
    couldn’t cvs come up with anything better?
    no one can replace jodha in jalal’s life

  22. bibially
    August 18, 15:15 Reply

    what d hell is wrong with this man god man are like dog

  23. Pialy
    August 18, 14:28 Reply

    i dont think there is any A B C plan by jalal

    he is totally brainless n acting like road side romeo…
    he is womanizer,dumb n characterless king…

    akbar title doesnt suit on jalal

    he is YUCK BAR

    • raisa
      August 18, 14:35

      Akber title is very perfect fr him…he is not only a good king but also a good husbend..ok..plz dont taljk about jalal like this…he is just pretending…after seeing todays episode i become sure that he is just pretendung..

  24. Pialy
    August 18, 14:25 Reply

    i hope ruk will stop papitan jalal’s marriage..

  25. arie
    August 18, 14:24 Reply

    WOW jalal i could never believe u can stoop so low just to marry atifa wat about if he loses his thrown joda will get it cuz she has the heir all i have to say is SHAME BE ON U ATIFA AN JALAL ruks will fight for her rights an i agree 100 percent

  26. Pialy
    August 18, 14:23 Reply


    agree with u..
    ruku only cares about her audha…dts y she cant become jalal’s wife..

    • M@hi
      August 18, 16:59

      Not sure if you observed it but writers of JA are excellent in the department of contradicting dialogues. When Ruks was about to get divorced she didn’t care about her position as much as her love for him (which CVs termed as friendship). Its evident that they use her conveniently for Jalal and Jodha.

  27. @ngel
    August 18, 14:23 Reply

    Cvvs really don’t like ruks…look what they have done, portraying her as super self centered…smh

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