Jodha Akbar 21st March 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 21st March 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 21st March 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
jodha says i didnt want to hurt you, jalal says i am accepting your resignatio, i said to you that ruks is better, he ask anyone want to stand against ruks so come forward toherwise i will make ruks harem owner agaian, ruks says i will not take this duty, i came to know to that i lost many things for harem, jodha will do this duty, jalal says sometime back all wanted to take this duty but now, he says its my request to you, ruks says i cant bear you requesting me, i am ready. jalal announces that harem is under ruks from now on. he leaves. maham says to ruks that jodha accepted her defeat, ruks says i said to you that i will get harem and jalal and see today i became greqat in jalal’s eyes.
ruks comes to jodha and says i think you are fed up of harem or you became afraid but dont worry i will not take revenge from you in any problem, she leaves.

Scene 2
jodha is going back, salima comes and says i am happy you accepted my suggestion and left harem, you are talented but this work is not for you, you have to do other works, jodha says you are right, this is not for me, i have to deal with other things, salima ask why you are tensed? jodha says just stressed out because of harem, salima thinks there is some other problem bothering jodha.

Scene 3
minister says to adham that jalal will happy knowing you defeated baaj bahadur in malwa, adham says thanks for your support, he says its joint effort so you tell jalal, he says we will do jashn tonight, adham thinks malwa was under me but now this minister is ordering me.
adham comes out and fumes that he was showing his supremacy over me but he is not aware of me, minister comes out, adham says lets go out for hunting, he says i have work, other man says give your one day to adham, he says okay, adham thinks i will do hunting but not of animal.

Scene 4
jalal is listening gazal and recalls jodha meeting man secretly, he thinks why i am thinking about her lie, jodha comes there and says i want to to talk to you, he says i started drowning in music but anyway, he ask all to go, he ask what you want to talk, jodha sits, he says i didnt ask you to sit, jodha gets up, he says i was joking, sit, jodha says something is wrong between us as you didnt ask me once why i left hare, what was the reason. jalal says whats the need, how will not tell truth, jodha says you asked me to take harem’s duty. jalal says i didnt, jodha says you insipred me to take this responsibility but now i think everything is right in harem. jalal says you left harem by lying, you are saying everything is right in harem, jodha ask what, he says leave it you only do what you think is right, he says i wish you had said truth to me, i would have understood.

Scene 5
adham is in jungle, he meets his soldier, adham says i need you to work, you have to show your talent, someone is ordering me, a common minister, i want you to silent him forever, he says tomorrow i will be with minister peer mohammad, you have to do your work, he says okay.
jalal is seeing knife, he cuts his finger, he says for what you are punishing me, i thought i got partner for life but ammi was right a king is left alone in end, the begum i thought be very close, whom i thought as my friend is hiding something from me. maham comes there, she says i will not ask you what are you thinking, i know you are thinking about that matter, did you ask jodha, this thing is eating you up, i am also saying jodha is pure, she cant do anything wrong, but as a husband you have to talk to her, jalal says i did, maham ask ehat did she say nothing, jalal says i doubted her before but was proved wrong everytime i dont want this time, maham says if she is not wrong then why is she hiding, i am worried that she is in some problem, maybe someone is threatening her, jalal says maybe he was sujamal, maham says why will she hide, jalal says maybe she thought i will take it as sin, i will be angry on her so she didnt tell me, maham says hiding betrayer is a sin and also that man said suja left agra, jalal says jodha cant be wrong, maham says i know this btu you have to know who is the man who meet her at night, if you dont ask her then it will become doubt in you mind which will sabotage your relation, as chief minister its my responsibility to guide you, decision will be yours, she thinks the spark of doubt has generated in jalal’s heart.

Scene 6
jalal comes to jodha’s room thinking she might be in her room tonight, moti says she is not here, jalal thinks i know where is she, he says dont tell her that i came here. he comes out and think why is she lying to me, i am worried for her, doesnt she trust me, today also she was out, maybe she went to meet him. he sees someone.

PRECAP- jalal says to someone in court that lie is biggest mistake, i cant give you punishment because you are already bearing it, as you lover is against you today, ruks says to jodha that i said to you that childhood friendship is great then this temporary love, now you are losing every thing.

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  1. My Homepage
    July 01, 08:59 Reply

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  2. Aaleeyah wc
    March 25, 11:40 Reply

    I want jalal to divorce jodha so that he will love her more through thinking about her everytime.

  3. Anna
    March 24, 09:31 Reply

    Whatever MU Maham wants to create to separate them let it be… Let Ja & Jo be separated for while then only the love, yearning will grow n start to miss each other. No regrets on the separation because according to the latest news they will meet up again in the jungle n will closer. That’s much needed n waited for. I like them to spent some time alone without the any issue of palace just the 2 of them just like the Badak & Kajiri. I relly liked those tracks. Hope much better one these time……….lets enjoy Ja n Jo time in the jungle track

    • sanvi
      March 24, 10:11

      Hope anna bcz im tired of this present track

    • Nanayaa
      March 24, 10:19

      Hi Anna, The Jungle??? Where will she stay? Maybe in the same Hut her brother was hiding in before all this misunderstanding. Am sure we shall all be happy at the end of this track.

    • Alina
      March 24, 10:23

      Right @Anna….agree with you!

      @Sanvi Di…please don’t be your a fan of this serial…
      Please support it and as @Anna said this is good afterwards
      All fans will like this track and will say it was good they
      Were separated like Benazir’s track when it was over we
      Never expected suc beautiful scenes but we got which was
      the best1 among all…so lets wait and watch this patiently
      All will go well at the end…

  4. Tia
    March 24, 02:39 Reply

    Ekta u rock coz in 100 episode jodha jalal goin amer and 200 episode also Agra to Amer. Awwwwwwwww.:D πŸ˜‰

  5. ananna
    March 23, 12:58 Reply

    Good night my lovely jodha akbar

    • Alina
      March 23, 13:33

      Good night dear…tkc

  6. gayathri
    March 23, 09:30 Reply

    hi everyone seems all comments it is
    more interesting than the current track of JA. πŸ™‚
    plz every one come on cool.
    this is the biggest success of JA
    is it right? πŸ™‚
    just enjoying their hardworks and team efforts.

    • Janas
      March 23, 10:06

      Yep Gayathri. They r more entertaining than the serial itself. Chill guys. Take it easy.

    • Alina
      March 23, 10:26

      Exactly all just pouncing on what is right and wrong
      Instead we should enjoy the current track!

  7. anu (jodha begum)
    March 23, 08:19 Reply

    alina is right. people need to stop all this.
    It’s a daily soap for gods sakes. jodha didn’t let jalal touch her in the first place because she HATED him
    I’m sure I would do the same if I was gonna get married to one of my worst enemy.
    yeah, fair enough when she stopped hating him and when jalal tried touching her on the 17th dec 2013’th episode; she pushed him away.
    I get it she shouldn’t have BUT, I still don’t blame her.
    she only ‘lost’ the feelings of ‘hate’ for him in her heart.
    but that doesn’t mean that if you don’t hate someone, you’ll let them touch or consummate with you. his her husband, I get it. but she ‘started’ to respect him and was not ready to share her body with him BECAUSE THAT WAS EXACTLY WHEN SHE LOST THE FEELINGS OF HATE FOR HIM.
    now, she loves him. she just needs to realize.
    next time when jalal tries to consummate with jodha, she would allow him.
    why? because now she is 101% ready to share her body with her husband and plus, salim (jahangir) has to be born anyway.
    I’m sick of people saying she doesn’t let her husband touch her when he has the right to, this that blah blah, guys please enough is enough
    before saying it, think of it; there may be small reasons behind it. and when you find the reasons, no need to post comments here saying them again.

    • kaju
      March 23, 08:46

      exactly r8
      main aise comments read kar kar ke bore hogayi hu

    • Nanayaa
      March 23, 09:30

      Hi Anu, I agree with you. A lot of us have become so emotional and forget it is just a daily soap. Though Jodha now loves Jalal and have not come to the full realization she will still have the element of fear at the back of her mind because that “Jalal don’t have a heart” is still there. It will clear up completely if they both have confess their love. We all remember the episode when she washed his feet and told him about Baxi he was happy and next angry and she commented on this to Mot. so there is an element of fear in Jo. Let’s be patient and see how the writers ends this track.

    • kaju
      March 23, 08:06


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